Search Results

Title Excerpt Author Date Total Comments Recent Comment
No variables, yet again Delete the third sentence of Rule The Machine. Rewrite the entry beginning with Effect in the list in Subrule Parts to read:  Effect: A description of changes to the States of other Parts.  Rewrite the entry beginning with Size in the list in Subrule Parts to read:  *Size: The number… Axeling 05/07/07 9 05/08/07
A Layoff In any merger there are some bound to be lost in the shuffle. Gobleteer is one such poor soul. Quorum is now 5. Axeling 05/02/07 0
Passing the Mantle It looks like Amnistar has an idea that e’d like to try, so I’ll save mine for a future dynasty. Expect an ascension address this evening. Axeling 04/29/07 0
Request for Victory Request for Victory for Axeling. Axeling 04/28/07 4 04/29/07
Hunting (very rough) Trying to get some use out of the variables. Comments welcome. If it looks like we can get something workable, I’ll make it a proposal. Add a new Rule titled “Feeding” with the following text: Once per week, a Lifeform may make a Feeding attempt. To do so, e rolls… Axeling 04/02/07 4 04/03/07
New User Hey everyone. A friend sent me this link and I’d be interested in joining, if possible. Thanks. Axeling 02/11/07 0