Title |
Excerpt |
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Total Comments |
Recent Comment |
I would like to be idled |
Sorry folks—I’m travelling and can’t keep up with the game. Hopefully back soon. |
Excalabur |
06/21/14 |
1 |
06/21/14 |
Excalabur? I’m back! |
I unidle. Knights 8 -> Quorum 5. We’ll see how long I stick around—-I’ve just moved internationally and have some time before I start work. I forget how to add myself to the GNDT, though. I have been idle for years, which I’ll take as an excuse. Can someone add… |
Excalabur |
05/20/14 |
3 |
05/21/14 |
Idle me, please |
I’ll just hold up the queue otherwise. |
Excalabur |
02/28/10 |
2 |
02/28/10 |
Unidle |
I request to be unidled the next time a DoV passes. |
Excalabur |
01/13/10 |
0 |
Unidling |
May an admin please unidle me? |
Excalabur |
11/30/09 |
2 |
11/30/09 |
Voting icons |
Will very briefly be broken while I replace them. |
Excalabur |
11/06/09 |
6 |
11/07/09 |
Idle me, svp |
I have hit the wall of caring this week, for some reason. I had a cool proposal or two all ready, waiting on another prop to enact, and then… couldn’t be bothered actually proposing it. That means it’s time to step away for a bit. I’ll try to get that… |
Excalabur |
10/28/09 |
3 |
10/28/09 |
Election |
The first election under the new rules. This election closes at the start of the 22nd of October. |
Excalabur |
10/20/09 |
34 |
10/22/09 |
I nominate everyone else |
I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Oze I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Qwazukee I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Rodlen I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Rune Master Xan I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Shem I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, spikebrennan I nominate, as leader of Blognomic,… |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate Oranjer |
I nominate, as leader of Blognomic, Oranjer |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate Darth Cliche |
I nominate Darth Cliche to be the leader of Blognomic. |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
1 |
10/18/09 |
I nominate Bucky |
I nominate Bucky to be the leader of Blognomic |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate Arthexis |
I nominate Arthexis to be the leader of blognomic. |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate Darknight |
I nominate Darknight to be the leader of blognomic. |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate ais523 |
I nominate ais523 to be the Leader of Blognomic |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate JeffSheets |
I nominate JeffSheets to be the Leader of Blognomic. |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
I nominate Kevan |
I nominate Kevan as the new leader of Blognomic. He has my vote. |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
0 |
Two potential new templates |
Now I remember why this template was a bunch of work: EE’s library on their site is actually quite small. We’d have to hack on either of these a bit to make them fit. As an alternative, going through our current templates and cleaning up may be just easier. Here’s… |
Excalabur |
10/18/09 |
8 |
10/18/09 |
Queries and Notices |
I changed the Veto icon to the arrow, reversed. It looks better on the row of icons, at least. I also, while looking at the sidebar, moved it to the other side for a change of pace. If anyone seriously objects, it can go back. Kevan mentioned that he’d like… |
Excalabur |
10/15/09 |
24 |
10/15/09 |
Administration |
Could admins please record the final vote total on proposals. You have to count them up anyway, and it’s approximately required (or was interpreted as such for a long time), and it’s handy to find out just how much people like or dislike a given proposal. |
Excalabur |
10/08/09 |
5 |
10/11/09 |
Unidle me |
I request to be unidled. |
Excalabur |
10/07/09 |
1 |
10/07/09 |
Expression Engine Upgrade |
The blog will go down at approximately 1PM AEST Saturday (3AM GMT, 11PM EST Friday) for a backend upgrade. Hopefully this will take less than an hour, at which point everything should work again. No predictions as to if that actually happens. |
Excalabur |
08/28/09 |
3 |
08/28/09 |
Rockstar! |
My shell/ftp access is fixed. New veto icon uploaded. Old one archived, at /images/vote/veto/seal.gif.qwaz EE upgrade will hopefully happen this upcoming weekend, late friday night NA time, if we can get the backups to work right. (I’m in the AEST time zone now, GMT +10, so I’ll be working saturday… |
Excalabur |
08/25/09 |
17 |
08/27/09 |
Three Queries |
1. It was mooted at some point that implementing automatic daily/weekly adjustments on the GNDT would be a good idea. Did that ever get done? 2. Why do vetoed proposals get adminned out of sequence? This has several negative effects, primarily that it rewards making proposals so bad they get… |
Excalabur |
08/25/09 |
6 |
08/26/09 |
An August solution |
Delete all dynastic rules from the ruleset. Declare the winner of the current dynasty to be 75th trombone, for his continual support of Blognomic; however, 75th trombone will not become the Phil, make an Ascension Address, nor start a new Dynasty. Start a new dynasty: The Augustinian Dynasty of Qwazukee… |
Excalabur |
08/23/09 |
8 |
08/23/09 |
I’m back. |
Would anyone object to me upgrading EE? Is it still the case that only Kevan, 75th trombone and I have FTP access? Does anyone remember me? |
Excalabur |
08/22/09 |
12 |
08/23/09 |
Hey you! |
Admins: First, if editing the templates, do so in a non-crufty-manner. We have a stylesheet for a reason. Use it. We have comments in the templates for a reason: don’t delete them. Second, if you’re going to leave a comment somewhere, bloody well sign the thing, and preferably date it.… |
Excalabur |
02/03/07 |
6 |
02/05/07 |
Look changes |
Doremi: If you want to fiddle with the colour scheme/graphics, just let me know and I’ll get it sorted for you: sending an e-mail via the panel should work, or a private message. You may want to propose some stuff to get the theme rolling. You other people: propose some… |
Excalabur |
02/03/07 |
0 |
Hey Coach |
Can we get the ‘upcoming event’s post back that the ruleset requires to exist? |
Excalabur |
01/31/07 |
3 |
02/01/07 |
Notice: Vandalism |
Those here for a brief period may have noticed some vandalism on the front page. This has been deleted, will be deleted, and any further vandalism will result in bannination.—Excalabur. (Wow, here 20 minutes and I’m already throwing my weight around) |
Excalabur |
01/29/07 |
1 |
01/29/07 |
Unidles |
I’m back. Can someone unidle me? Will finish reading the ruleset soon. Did you guys break anything important since I was here last. Also, does someone care to tell me why my Homeland from Chronos’ Dynasty is playing in the Olympics? |
Excalabur |
01/29/07 |
1 |
01/29/07 |
Idles |
I’m at a regatta until Sunday, and request to be idled until then. |
Excalabur |
07/12/06 |
0 |
Colour Scheming |
You may note wierdness with colours in the near future. It’s just hix playin’. Don’t mind. |
Excalabur |
07/04/06 |
0 |
Vow of Pacifism |
I take a vow of Pacifism. |
Excalabur |
06/27/06 |
0 |
NOTICE: weirdness over until midnight |
Greth’s script to autoupdate the GNDT is now implemented, assuming that I crontabbed it correctly. The revisions to Movement specified by Aha! attempt no. 2 have been executed. If wacky things happen at midnight(UTC) it’s my fault. |
Excalabur |
06/23/06 |
0 |
NOTICE: there may be weirdness in the GNDT shortly |
I’m testing Greth’s new script for updating the GNDT on a test GNDT, but if that works it’s getting installed on the real GNDT. This probably won’t affect you, but just letting you know. |
Excalabur |
06/23/06 |
0 |
The peace train |
I’m a gettin’ on the Pacifism train. I.e. I’m taking a vow of pacifism. |
Excalabur |
06/20/06 |
0 |
I resemble that remark |
So i was strolling around map C too, and did the same kinda stuff. My fitness increases by one because of an Encrypted Rule? |
Excalabur |
06/08/06 |
1 |
06/08/06 |
Vow of Pacifism |
An lo, for I have returned from a trip most bloody and foul—thus, to cleanse my soul, I take a Vow of Pacifism. |
Excalabur |
06/07/06 |
0 |
For so, the prodigal sword returns! |
And so a Knight Templar enters the monastery. I unidle. |
Excalabur |
06/07/06 |
2 |
06/08/06 |
Wikification |
To admin: In the wiki, please don’t use “strong” tags. Use triple-quotes (’‘’), as it is much more readable. Similarly, double quotes (’‘) give italic, and five of ‘em give both. |
Excalabur |
05/13/06 |
0 |
Idles |
Please idle me, someone. I’ve just not been inspired the last few dynasties: i’ll stop being a deadweight. I’ll be back in a dynasty or two, when I’m ready for action again. |
Excalabur |
02/12/06 |
0 |
I be limpin’ back to the crew quarters…. after a duel with Hix |
Which I won. Shock, horror. I turns my back for 10 minutes and I’m a standin’ on the quarterdeck minus some limbs. Yarg! |
Excalabur |
02/02/06 |
0 |
I have determined my next move |
The Newest Crewmember seems to be too big for his britches. So I moves back aboard the Inquisitor, and inquire why that would be. He got a little sad, and tried to make some excuses, but you know that’s hardly piratical—I think he might be a spy from the Navy!… |
Excalabur |
01/25/06 |
1 |
01/25/06 |
Movin’ ashore for PLUNDER |
As Predisastered just beat up one of the crew, we better teach ‘im a lesson! Unfortunately, I inflict no lasting injuries upon him to remind him of his foolishness. Now to ponder my next move.. |
Excalabur |
01/25/06 |
0 |
Lootin’ the loot |
I hears people have been rummaging down in the holds. They better not have been rummaging in my stuff, or they’ll be plugging shot-holes with their ‘eads. In any event, I meanders down there, and who do I see? The pirate named after an insect. Ha! So I try bashing… |
Excalabur |
01/23/06 |
0 |
I be moving |
I moves to the maindeck. And WHO do i see there? Igthorn. he’s bin stanin’ there fore days, ‘e ‘as. Must be up to no good. So I gives him a good pounding, I does! Like I dropped him from the yard, he goes down like a sack of bricks.… |
Excalabur |
01/23/06 |
0 |
After that successfull bit o’ work… |
I be headin foreward to the crew’s quarters for a bit of a nap. Wake me when it’s my watch. |
Excalabur |
01/22/06 |
0 |
Duel the second! |
Comin’ down the ladder from the foredeck, I sees Chronos Phaenon standin’ there. Now I owes him a ‘favour’, so I gets out me fid, and I pokeses him with it. Well, apparently i poked him too hard, because he went down in a heap. I hadn’t even started fighting… |
Excalabur |
01/22/06 |
0 |
Headin’ to the Maindeck |
Having defeated two of my fellows in duels on the fo’c's’le, I be headin’ towards the stern. First stop: Maindeck. |
Excalabur |
01/22/06 |
0 |
Going to the head |
I’m a headin’ to the bow for some..business.. Location now the fo’c's’le |
Excalabur |
01/20/06 |
0 |
One minor nautical point |
Make that two: The crew’s quarters are /in/ the fo’c's’le Only whaling boats have a crow’s nest. It’d be good to be able to be in the rigging for both masts, else we aren’t going to be able to change our sails very well. Ok, so it was three points. |
Excalabur |
01/20/06 |
0 |
Stumbling to my hammock |
As I have been greviously wounded by Purplebeard’s swift actions, I stumble down the companionway to my hammock in the crew quarters and drink of the Devil Rum. |
Excalabur |
01/19/06 |
0 |
Duel the first! |
In a fit of boredom, and as the crew of this pirate ship seems to have no duties, I decide that having some purple hair to make a scarf out of would be most excellent. I therefore grab my fid, and clonk Purplebeard upside the head as he is standing… |
Excalabur |
01/19/06 |
3 |
01/19/06 |
Merry Christmas to all |
Well, those who celebrate it. In any event, Happy Holidays. For some of you, this is a bit late, for others, a bit early. But have fun anyhow. |
Excalabur |
12/24/05 |
1 |
12/28/05 |
New protagonists |
AgentHH, Danopato, and Notafraud have all appeared. Hopefully they don’t get eaten by a grue. Quorum rises to 10. On a related note, do any of the oldtimers know if I just ran the shortest dyansty ever? |
Excalabur |
12/14/05 |
12 |
12/15/05 |
Note to admins |
To whoever’s adminning things without writing who you are: add your name, or the administration is illegal. Thank you,—Excalabur. |
Excalabur |
12/10/05 |
0 |
Note: |
The sandbox now has a complete sentence, which reads: Proposals must alter Proposals. If this grinds things to a halt, I’ll delete, but be warned. |
Excalabur |
12/05/05 |
8 |
12/06/05 |
Run wild, run free |
I heartily encourage people to start coming up with suitably crazy rules for this dynasty, as well as dealing with the Hiatus fixes that were discussed. Possible additions: Creation of the ‘body’ of the crazy protagonist Ways to influence the way things work GNDT stuff Ways to reward creative craziness.… |
Excalabur |
12/04/05 |
0 |
Ascension Address:
Ascension Address |
All… all I wanted to do was design the perfect game. But the voices.. they wouldn’t be quiet and let me think. Why? Why must you constantly temper with my game? Why must you intrude into my carefully organised life? Why must you hurt me so? Could I strike a… |
Excalabur |
12/04/05 |
2 |
12/04/05 |
New dynasty |
I’ll post an ascention address tomorrow, when I get all my thoughts in line. Until then, I’ll be fiddling with colour schema and graphics and so on, and coming up with that all-important first proposal. In the upcoming dynasty, I encourage the following: 1) Rules that contradict each other 2)… |
Excalabur |
12/03/05 |
10 |
12/03/05 |
Hiatus |
The CfJ cannot be adminned until 08:38PM on the 3rd of December, unless it reaches quourm FOR. As such, we are in hiatus until tomorrow afternoon. And yes, we need to fix the CfJ/Hiatus rule, after this is over. |
Excalabur |
12/02/05 |
0 |
Malevolent Doom |
A feeling of Doom rises over the gods, as they realise a new rival for power has arisen. Hix is among us. Fear. Oh, and quourm is 6. |
Excalabur |
11/02/05 |
2 |
11/03/05 |
Mind Control: Smith at Smith Homeland |
My 3 take over 3 of smith’s people at smith homeland, of his 144. Cost: 3 petroleum, 1 metal. |
Excalabur |
10/20/05 |
1 |
10/20/05 |
Market Position #031 |
The Hegemonist will Accept Buy Orders whose H$ XX value is equal to or greater than: * H$ 162 per unit of Grain * H$ 110 per unit of Metal * H$ 257 per unit of Petroleum * H$ 702 per unit of Natural Beauty The Hegemonist will Accept Sell… |
Excalabur |
10/19/05 |
5 |
10/20/05 |
I now have the magic spreadsheet |
So we will be returning to Chronos Phaenon approvedTM economic values. That is all. |
Excalabur |
10/19/05 |
4 |
10/20/05 |
This has /got/ to go. |
Repeal rule (Breeding). I encourage people to come up with something better, but this this has GOT to go. (And I wrote it, I know. Didn’t seem like so much work when someone else did it.) |
Excalabur |
10/18/05 |
0 |
Market Position #030 |
The Hegemonist will Accept Buy Orders whose H$ XX value is equal to or greater than: * H$ 182 per unit of Grain * H$ 296 per unit of Metal * H$ 320 per unit of Petroleum * H$ 628 per unit of Natural Beauty The Hegemonist will Accept Sell… |
Excalabur |
10/18/05 |
0 |
Repel: Smith at Excalabur Homeland |
27 metal sends Smith Lunaetic’s way. |
Excalabur |
10/18/05 |
0 |
Er. Notes on the new régime |
1. Chronos has not sent me the algorithm he was using for the economy. Plus, I don’t have his resources, so the economy will be somewhat shaken up for the next few days 2. I don’t have that much time. . . I doubt I will be able to both… |
Excalabur |
10/18/05 |
3 |
10/19/05 |
Question |
It might be worth CfJing this, but hey. Proposal: The Hegemonist is out of Service will make me the Hegemonist. However, it’s still not ‘my’ Dynasty, so would I be eligable to Win? Thoughts? |
Excalabur |
10/17/05 |
3 |
10/17/05 |
Assault: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
My 58 kill all 48 of chronos’ people, who strike back. cost: 20 metal. I shudder to think how much this invasion has cost me. |
Excalabur |
10/14/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
One. More. Time. My 50 people take control of 8 of chronos’ 56. Cost: 18 metal. That is all. |
Excalabur |
10/13/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
Again. my 43 take 7 of his 63, at a cost of 15 metal. I sense diminishing returns. That is all. |
Excalabur |
10/13/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
my 34 guys steal 9 of chronos’ 72 at a cost of 12 metal. |
Excalabur |
10/11/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
my 28 people steal 10 of his 82 into my camp. That is all. |
Excalabur |
10/11/05 |
1 |
10/11/05 |
Invade: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
my 28 people invade and overthrow Chronos’ 82 folks at Tekneek homeland. |
Excalabur |
10/10/05 |
3 |
10/12/05 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
My 18 forces control 10 of his 91 forces, at a cost of 90 petroleum and 6 metal. That is all. |
Excalabur |
10/09/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Chronos Phaenon at Tekneek Homeland |
I was hoping to complete this invasion before Tekeneek went idle.. ah well. 9 more people to me. |
Excalabur |
10/08/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Tekneek at Tekneek Homeland |
I take over sqrt(76)+1 = 10 of tekneek’s people. |
Excalabur |
10/07/05 |
2 |
10/08/05 |
Forming an alliance: Overdog Free Trade Association (OFTA) |
Jamuraa and Purplebeard are invited, as they were the first time around. |
Excalabur |
10/04/05 |
2 |
10/05/05 |
Hostile Takeover of Death’s Valley |
A much more stylish name than ‘Your Mother’ |
Excalabur |
10/04/05 |
0 |
Hostile Takeover of Shangri-La |
The incongruity of these territory names is… incongruous. |
Excalabur |
09/30/05 |
0 |
Quick Reference Page |
I just created the Quick Reference Page. If everyone could check their own entries and make sure I didn’t screw up, I’d appreciate it. |
Excalabur |
09/30/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Smith at Shangri-La |
I get sqrt(3)+1 = 3 of Smith’s people at Shangri-La |
Excalabur |
09/28/05 |
0 |
Mind Control: Smith at Area 51 |
I’ll have my sqrt(5)+1 = 4 guys back, please. |
Excalabur |
09/26/05 |
0 |
Let me make an offer |
I will accept any BUY orders made for my grain at the average of the Hegemonist’s BUY and SELL prices, so long as this does not take me below 5 grain. This is a standing offer until such time as I post otherwise. That is all, Your Friendly Neighbour, Excalabur |
Excalabur |
09/26/05 |
0 |
Hostile Takeover of Area 51 |
I moved 8 (6) robots from Devil’s Hole to Area 51, giving me more thatn 1/4 native pop., and Take Over. |
Excalabur |
09/26/05 |
0 |
Pillage: Smith at Devil’s Hole |
I take one of Smith’s Metal, and he then has 0 grain. I take control of Devil’s Hole. On a side note, i think Chronos calculated by Food consuption wrong in the most recent consumption… note that i’m now country full a Robots. I still have enough Petroleum to pull… |
Excalabur |
09/24/05 |
2 |
09/25/05 |
Hostile Takeover of Scotland |
Take 2! I just moved a whole gaggle of my population at great expense. Sigh. |
Excalabur |
09/23/05 |
1 |
09/26/05 |
_____________________________________________ |
Any Hostile takeovers below this line are null and void. That is all. |
Excalabur |
09/23/05 |
0 |
Call for…. thinking |
Question: what happens if my population type changes while i’m constructing a building? |
Excalabur |
09/18/05 |
2 |
09/19/05 |
De-idling |
I’m ba-ack. But i have no idea how much money i should have. Anybody? Quorum is 4 |
Excalabur |
09/03/05 |
6 |
09/04/05 |
Idle |
Can someone mark me as idle? I’ve been caught up in moving stuff for the last week, and have no idea what’s going on anymore. I’ll unidle after i’ve had a chance to read the ruleset. |
Excalabur |
08/29/05 |
0 |
Excalabur is claiming the throne! |
rodney’s reign is thus short-lived |
Excalabur |
08/23/05 |
2 |
08/23/05 |
Moving players |
I’ve added all the players who are registered here that were active at blogspot to the active players list. (I.E. Paladin, Cayvie and Josh) Those of you who are not yet registered here, please register, and we’ll get you in the sidebar lickety split. (That’s TrumanCapote and Brendan) Quorum is… |
Excalabur |
08/22/05 |
2 |
08/22/05 |
Where did it go? |
Let’s see if this works? |
Excalabur |
08/20/05 |
0 |
Excalabur is claiming the throne! |
And thus endeth Gazebo_Dude’s reign. |
Excalabur |
08/20/05 |
0 |
Or Not |
KnightKing voted when i wasn’t looking… So i’ll unidle him again. Quorum is 7 again. Or not. KnightKing was testing some code, not actually voting, so he’s Idle and quorum is 6, and this never happened. |
Excalabur |
08/19/05 |
3 |
08/20/05 |
Jumping for the hands! |
one more time! I even left a window for someone else to try. |
Excalabur |
08/18/05 |
0 |