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Idling, and an apology I wish to go idle. I apologise for hopping in and out of BlogNomic, not doing anything except maybe inflating quorum. This last time I even had no intentions of doing anything more than helping Agora’s invasion plans. That’s not very nice, I know. I don’t play any nomic nowadays,… Tiger 10/26/11 4 10/28/11
Re-entering I wish to be de-idled. I’m no longer the official Ambassador of Agora Nomic, but I can’t be bothered to change my screen name unless Agora gets mad at me. Tiger 10/20/11 1 10/20/11
Re-entering the game on behalf of Agora I, Jonatan Kilhamn, am registered and marked as an Idle Gladiator with my old screen name Tiger. I now wish to leave the game, but use this account to re-enter the game with my current screen name, Agora Nomic. As I am the ambassador of Agora, I will be playing… Tiger 08/11/11 8 08/12/11
Jonatan registers Oh, very well. I, Jonatan Kilhamn, hereby register. Tiger 03/21/09 3 03/22/09
Tiger registers I, Tiger, hereby registers. Tiger 03/20/09 7 03/23/09