Monday, February 17, 2025

Proposal: Vote, Meeples!

Append the following to “Delay Penalty”:

When a proposal is enacted or failed, if it had been open for voting for at least 48 hours at the time and was not withdrawn nor vetoed, the Sprint of each Meeple who neither voted nor commented on that Proposal is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

In the discussion about the recent proposal to avoid Meeples who were making only wiki edits time out, some Meeples expressed the opinion that it’s desirable to encourage/force Meeples to participate in the proposal side of the game, and some expressed the opinion that Meeples should be encouraged to vote in order to prevent accidental timeouts.

So here’s an encouragement to vote, or at least comment, on proposals. It only applies to proposals that time out, so that active Meeples aren’t disadvantaged by proposals that are enacted or failed quickly while they are asleep (you always get 48 hours to respond, under this wording). The penalty is the same as the penalty for being slow to take your turn, i.e. it exists but isn’t major.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Call for Judgment: A Little Too Mandatory

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:24:34 UTC

If the following text exists in the ruleset:

The Current Meeple may not take a particular Turn Action if they have already taken a Turn Action with a higher Phase since their turn last began, or if they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began.

then replace “they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began” with “there is a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase available to them” in that text.

Uphold all Turn Actions taken before the posting of this CfJ.

You can’t take Turn Actions if you haven’t yet taken Mandatory ones with a lower phase. This was meant to prevent people from skipping over Mandatory actions. While I was writing Despaghettifying, though, I realized that the current Mandatory Turn Actions in Rusting prevent any Phase 3+ Turn Actions from being performable, since in almost all cases the Rusting actions won’t have been taken since the turn last began. Unfortunately this means since Rusting was added any turns where people took Phase 3+ Turn Actions (mostly kitten-related ones) were illegal. Here’s an uphold-and-fix

Proposal: Despaghettifying

Reached quorum, 5-0 with Monarchple voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 18:29:13 UTC

Repeal the subrules “Turn Actions” and “Global Turn Actions” of the rule “Turns and Rounds”.
Repeal the subrules “Mixing Color Pallet” and “Rusting” of the rule “Squares”.

Remove the first, second, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second sentence of the sixth paragraph of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second and third sentences of the last paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second sentence of the last paragraph of the rule “Sicherman Dice”, the second sentence of the second paragraph of the rule “Gates”, and the third paragraph of the rule “Gates”.

Move the rule “Turns and Rounds” immediately below the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”.

Add a new dynastic rule immediately below “Turns and Rounds”, titled “The Turn”:

A Turn is an action which may be performed by the Current Meeple if they have not yet done so since they became the Current Meeple. A Turn comprises a number of Phases, which are lists of actions that are part of the Turn. When a Meeple takes a Turn, they selectively perform none, some, or all of the actions in each Phase, starting with the first Phase and continuing in order to the last Phase. Actions within a Phase may be taken in any order.

A Meeple may only continue to the next Phase in their Turn if they have no ‘’‘bolded’‘’ actions in their current Phase they can perform. If an action in a Phase is prefixed by the name of an Island in parentheses, it may only be performed by a Meeple with at least one Token on that Island, and if it is applied to a Token may only be applied to Tokens on that Island. Unless otherwise stated, an action in a Phase may only be performed once per Turn.

The complete definition of a Turn follows:
* Phase 1:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens occupying a purple Square, increase its Kittens by 1, and set the colour of that Square to white.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens on the Island of Kittens Gate and set its Position to 90.
* Phase 2:
** ‘’‘This action may be applied once to each Token you control per Turn. Roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type, specifying a Token you control in the Dice Roller comment and optionally an amount of Sprint to spend, up to your current Sprint. That Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers plus the amount of Sprint spent (if any) as indicated by that comment, and your Sprint is reduced by the amount spent (if any) as indicated by that comment.’‘’
** ‘’‘Choose one of your Tokens occupying a yellow, orange, or silver Square and change that Square’s colour to orange, silver, or black respectively.’‘’
** (Kahuna) Up to once per Token you control on Kahuna per Turn, do one of the following two things (which are not part of the actions list for this Phase):
*** If your Hand has 4 or fewer numbers, roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to your Hand.
*** Set your Hand to an empty list.
* Phase 3:
** (The Island of Kittens) ‘’‘If your most recently moved Token occupies a green Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to correspond to the green square of the Island of Kittens with the next-higher number among green Squares, or to 0 if there is no such Square.’‘’
** (The Island of Kittens) If your most recently moved Token occupies a turquoise Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to match the Position of a different Token you control, as long as the destination Position is 300 or lower.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control and transfer some of its Kittens to another Token you control that occupies the same Square.
** (The Island of Kittens) Spend 1 Kitten from a Token you control to set the colour of three white Squares on The Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.
* Phase 4:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control (the “cattacker”) and another Token with fewer Kittens which occupies the same square (the “victim”). The cattacker loses 1 Kitten, and the victim’s Position is set to 0.
** Either choose an adjacent red Square and yellow Square and turn them both orange, choose an adjacent yellow Square and turquoise Square and turn them both green, or choose an adjacent turquoise Square and red Square and turn them both purple.
* Phase 5:
** (Kahuna) If your Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, set the Royal Hand to your Hand.
** If you have a Token on the Closed Gate of a Major Island, become the Royal of that Major Island and set the Positions of all Tokens you control on that Island to the Square with the lowest value on that Major Island.
** If the current Rounds is divisible by 3, set the Gate of a Major Island you are the Royal of to be Open or Closed. If you feel like it, you are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when you do so.
* Final Phase:
** End a Turn.

Append the following paragraph to the Kahuna Local Rules:

A Meeple is Worthy of the Kahuna Gate if they have ever set the Royal Hand to their Hand.

Having to constantly look in a million different places to find what you can do on your turn is a mess, and it seems to be making it harder for players to take their turns. This gets rid of Turn Actions and restructures the ruleset so that all the things you can do on your turn are in one convenient place, while hopefully leaving functionality mostly unaffected (though it does notably prevent you from passing your turn while doing nothing and force you to move all three of your Tokens). Inspired by Raven’s suggestion on Discord and Desertfrog’s proposal. Any corrections to wording would be appreciated, I had to reword pretty much every Turn Action so some mistakes are bound to have slipped through

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Proposal: So Many Rules…

Timed out, 2-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:16:39 UTC

Add the following new subrule to “Turns and Rounds”, titled “Turn Summary”:

The rest of this subrule is flavour text.

This subrule consists of a summary of the Turn Actions in each of the Major Islands. The numbers before actions denote their Phase. (Note that the two Phase 10 global actions described in “Gates” have been omitted for clarity.)

1. On a purple square, make it white and gain a kitten
1. Move from the gate to square 90

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

3. Move from green square to next green square (mandatory if possible)
3. Teleport from turquoise square to another of your tokens
3. Transfer kittens between tokens on the same square
3. Spend a kitten to make three squares purple

4. Attack another player’s token with less kittens on the same square
4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. Either roll dice and add the results to your hand, or set your hand to empty (may be performed for each token in Kahuna)
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

10. Become worthy if your hand’s rank is higher than the royal hand’s rank, updating the royal hand to match your hand

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

Within this subrule, make all instances of the word “mandatory” bold.

An attempt at clarifying things slightly.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Proposal: [Appendix] Unambiguous rejection

Timed out, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:12:19 UTC

In the definition of “Reject” in the Appendix rule “Keywords”, subrule “Other”, change

declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been unsuccessful


declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though the rejected attempt had been unsuccessful

In the definition of “Uphold” in the Appendix rule “Keywords”, subrule “Other”, change

declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been successful


declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though the upheld attempt had been successful

Last dynasty, we noticed that the definition of “reject” is a little ambiguous – it could be interpreted as either processing actions as though the rejected attempt were unsuccessful, or processing actions as though the processed action were unsuccessful. Obviously, the former meaning is the intended one, but it’s probably best to clarify that by tweaking the language. The same thing applies to the definition of “uphold”, so disambiguate that too..

Proposal: Highway to Hellapagos

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:12:22 UTC

In subrule “Hellapagos Local Rules” change the current description to the following:

- Tokens that land on 366 immediately are moved to Space 0 on Spirit Island

- If a 6 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 9 instead. If a 9 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 6 instead.


And in the subrule “Spirit Island Local Rules”, change the current description to the following:

For purposes of the subrule “Global Turn Actions”, the Token that is on Space 0 on Spirit Island may move 1 additional space without spending a Sprint.

Attempt number 2 for Hellapagos

Proposal: Get Off My Square

Enacted popular, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:10:53 UTC

Reject Habanero’s attempt to colour square 12 green on February 14, 2025.

In the rule “Squares”, replace “there are no Meeples whose Tokens occupy that square” with “there are no Tokens occupying that square”.

Don’t mind me, just cohering the gamestate (and clarifying). After reading ais’ comment on the matter, I figured I might as well put it to rest

Proposal: Just Playing the Game

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:10:19 UTC

In the Building Blocks wiki page, add a rule named “Dynastically Active” with the following text:

A Meeple cannot be rendered idle by an Admin due to not posting an entry or comment in the past 168 hours if that Meeple has edited the gamestate tracking page within that timeframe.

An optional Building Block rule (not included in this dynasty, just added to the wiki page) for dynasties where the Emperor or the Players are ok with players being considered active as long as they are performing dynastic actions, even if they’re not proposing anything or voting on proposals.

Proposal: More helpful kittens

Timed out and failed, 2-3 with 2 unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:09:53 UTC

Add a new paragraph after the second paragraph of “The Island of Kittens Local Rules”:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose most recently moved Token’s Position corresponds to an orange square of the Island of Kittens may increase the Position of any of their Tokens by 6.

I think it would be interesting if all or almost all the colors on the Island of Kittens to do something, so here’s another possible effect.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Proposal: This Land is My Land

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:21:37 UTC

Replace the rule text of “Forbidden Island Local Rules” with the following text:

Each Token has a publicly tracked Land, which is a list of colors where each color is one of the possible random results for the Dice Roller’s COLOR command, as specified in “Random Generators”, except for White. Land defaults to an empty list. A color is Deeded to a Token if that color is in that Token’s Land. When a color is Deeded to a Token, the Meeple who owns that Token is a Landlord of that color. If all the Tokens of a Meeple have the same color Deeded to them, that Meeple is a Monopolist of that color.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked number named Gold which defaults to 500.

Colors have a Cost according to the table below:

{| class="wikitable"
! Color !! Cost
| Black || 5
| Silver || 10
| Orange || 20
| Yellow || 40
| Red || 50
| Green || 60
| Turquoise || 75
| Magenta || 90
| Purple || 100

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, the Current Meeple may remove a color from the Land of a Token they own, and if they do so, they may then add half the Cost of that color to their Gold.

As a Phase 4 Mandatory Turn Action, for each Token whose Position has changed in prior Phases this Turn, if that Token is in Forbidden Island, and the square that Token occupies is not White, the Meeple owning that Token may perform Real Estate, which is an atomic action where that Meeple is considered the Buyer, that Token is considered the Visitor, the color of the square that Token occupies is considered the Property Color, and the action has the following steps:
* If there is a Meeple other than the Buyer who is a Landlord of the Property Color, the Buyer must pay that that Landlord an amount of Gold equal to 20% of the Propery Color’s Cost, multiplied by the number of Tokens owned by that Landlord that are Deeded that Propery Color, then rounded up to the nearest integer. This amount is doubled if the Landlord is a Monopolist of the Property Color. If the Buyer does not have enough Gold to pay the full amount, they must pay as much as possible that would bring their Gold to 0, then set the Visitor’s Position to 199 and complete this atomic action, skipping any further steps.
* If the Property Color is not already Deeded to the Visitor, and no Meeple is a Monopolist of the Property Color, the Buyer may either skip the rest of this step or spend an amount of Gold equal to the Property Color’s Cost, and if they do spend that amount of Gold, they may then add the Property Color to the Visitor’s Land.

As a Phase 5 Turn Action, the Current Meeple may perform Loop Around on each Token they own that has a Position between 251 and 299 inclusive. Loop Around is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Change that Token’s Position to 201
* Add 50 to that Meeple’s Gold

A Meeple is Worthy of the Forbidden Island Gate if that Meeple’s Gold is higher than all other Meeples’ Gold and twice as high as the Gold of the Meeple with the second-highest Gold.

Monopoly-ish rules. It’s not exactly like that game, but close enough without being too complicated. I could have added tracking by square value rather than color, but I chose not to in order to allow Tokens to acquire Land easier.

I just put in some values that kinda made sense. Balancing tweaks are welcome.

Call for Judgment: Correctly end the turn

Unpopular, 0-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:18:59 UTC

Uphold Bera’s “End a Turn” action on 12 February 2025.

Bera performed the End of Turn action without performing the Mandatory Turn Action of moving a token. That was illegal, and it means that all further Turn Actions since then have also been illegal because we were mistaken about the Turn Order. I don’t, however, think it makes sense to revert the game a couple of days because nobody caught the illegal action at the time – let’s just uphold and move on.

Bera Rolls Snake Eyes

Bera has been idled due to lack of blog activity for the past 7 days. Quorum drops to 5.

Proposal: Live Kittens

Unpopular, 2-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:19:52 UTC

Append the following paragraph after the cattacking Turn Action in the Island of Kittens Local Rules:

As a Phase 4 Turn Action, a Meeple may change the colours of the squares in the Island of Kittens by interpreting the Island of Kittens as a 10x10 wraparound Conway’s Game of Life grid with the purple squares as live cells and the non-purple squares as dead cells, stepping forward one generation, and setting the colours of the squares corresponding to all dead cells that were born to purple and the colours of the squares corresponding to all live cells that died to white.

Per the discussion on Discord. I don’t expect this to pass because no one is actually gonna bother to do this and it’s completely unnecessary, but it is really funny

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Proposal: Losing Shine over time

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 00:04:20 UTC

In Rule “Squares”, add a subrule denoted as “Rusting” with the description:

If a Meeple’s Token lands on a Yellow space, they must change that Yellow Space to an Orange Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn action. Otherwise, if a Meeple’s Token lands on an Orange space, they must change that Orange Space to a Silver Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn action. Otherwise, if a Meeple’s Token lands on a Silver space, they must change that Silver Space to a Black Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn Action.

Proposal: Taping Up the Cracks

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:59:44 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, after the text “When a Token is in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule applies to that Token” add the text ” and the Meeple who owns that Token. A Turn Action defined in that island’s Local Rule may only be taken by a Token (or the Meeple who owns that Token) if that Token is in that island”.

In that same rule, replace the text “; otherwise, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token” with the text “When a Token is not in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token, and is considered flavour text for the Meeple who owns that Token if that Meeple owns no Tokens in that island. Turn Actions defined in an island’s Local Rule may not be applied to Tokens that are not in that island”.

In that same rule, after the text “Spirit Island is a 1 by 1 grid with the value of it’s space being 0.” add the text “When referring to any of the islands or grids in any dynastic rule, including this one, squares and spaces are synonymous terms.”

In the rule “Kahuna Local Rules”, replace “Royal Hand that defaults to an empty list” with ‘Royal Hand that defaults to “1,1,1,2,2,3”’. In that same rule, after the text “a Meeple may perform one of the following actions” add the text “for each Token in Kahuna owned by that Meeple”.

In the rule “Mixing Color Pallet”, replace “may turn may turn Spaces Green” with “may turn those Spaces Green”.

Set the Royal Hand of the island named Kahuna to “1,1,1,2,2,3”.

Fixing some issues brought up in prior comments:

* Unifying the terminology of “squares” and “spaces”
* Making sure the Local Rules of an island apply to Tokens and their owners
* Setting the default Royal Hand in Kahuna to a mid-range Rank to add a reasonable bar to become Worthy in that island
* Tying the action to add to a Hand with the number of Tokens owned in Kahuna. I don’t think this is too overpowered, but if someone disagrees, we can change it later

Proposal: Welcome to Hell-apagos

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:59:12 UTC

In subrule “Hellapagos Local Rules”, change the current description to the following:

Each Token has a “Rank” in respect to what type of Token they are. Small tokens are Rank 1, Medium Tokens are Rank 2, and Big Tokens are Rank 3. If a Meeple’s Token lands on the same space as another Meeple’s Token and the 2 pieces are of different Ranks, then one of the following happens depending on which Tokens they are:

* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 1 and the other is Rank 2, the Rank 1 Token moves back 1 space.
* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 2 and the other is Rank 3, the Rank 2 Token moves back 1 space.
* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 3 and the other is Rank 1, the Rank 3 Token moves back 1 space.

If this subrule causes different Rank Tokens to share the same space on the Hellapagos Island, then this subrule repeats until there is not space in Hellapagos Island that are different Ranks.

Let the Chaos Begin

Proposal: The Clock is Ticking

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:54:24 UTC

In the rule “Turns and Rounds”, after the text “a publicly tracked number named Rounds, defaulting to 0.” add the following text:

Each Meeple also has a publicly-tracked number named Sprint, defaulting to 6.

and in the same rule, add the following as the second-to-last step of the atomic action Generate Turns:

* Set each Meeple’s Sprint to its default value.

In the rule “Global Turn Actions”, replace the text “As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.” with the following text:

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment and optionally an amount of Sprint to spend, up to that Meeple’s current Sprint, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers plus the amount of Sprint spent (if any) as indicated by that comment, and that Meeple’s Sprint is reduced by the amount spent (if any) as indicated by that comment.

In the rule “Turns and Rounds”, add a subrule named “Delay Penalty” with the following text:

As an action known as Delay Penalty, any Meeple may subtract 1 from the Current Meeple’s Sprint (to a minimum of 0), but only if all of the following are true:
* It has been at least 24 hours since the most recent Generate Turns was performed.
* It has been at least 24 hours since the Current Meeple became the Current Meeple.
* It has been at least 24 hours since the most recent Delay Penalty action was performed, or it has never been performed in this dynasty.

This does a few things:

* Movement goes a little farther (optionally)
* Meeples who take too long to take their turns get penalized, but not so much that a real-life issue causes that much problem
* The penalty only kicks in if other Meeples are paying attention, which keeps other Meeples engaged in the game if its not their Turn
* A Meeple won’t be penalized right away if they were the last person to be the Current Meeple and then suddenly the first person to become the Current Meeple after Generate Turns.

Proposal: Move *all* the tokens!

Reached quorum, 7-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:53:08 UTC

In “Global Turn Actions”, after

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.

(but in the same paragraph), add

If the Rounds is 2 or higher, a Meeple may perform this action up to three times (rather than once) between moments at which their turn began, but cannot choose a Token that has already been chosen for that action since their turn last began.

Another idea for speeding things up: you can move all your tokens, not just one of them. (With this wording, only the last moved token triggers the special effect of the square.) This is delayed until round 2 to avoid disadvantaging Meeples who have moved already.

Proposal: This is turn based… right?

Unpopular, 2-3 with 2 DEFs and Monarchple voting AGAINST. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:52:43 UTC

In the rule “Squares”, change the words “As a daily action, a Meeple can set the color of a white square” to “As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple can set the color of a white square”.

Not even totally sure how I feel about this; but I think it would make some sense to have *all* actions be tied to your turn. What’s the point of setting a turn order if some actions bypass it anyway?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Illegal Gambling

Now that “Horse of a Different Color” has been enacted, the valid Types of Sicherman Dice have changed, and everyone’s Types are currently illegal. It’s not clear to me that we can simply set everyone’s Types to the default value (I don’t see such a rule), but the new enactment provides a way to change your dice Type during your turn, so it shouldn’t be a game blocker.

Proposal: Token Rollcall

Timed out, 3-2 with Monarchple voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 17:40:05 UTC

Add a new paragraph to “The Island of Kittens Local Rules”, immediately after the existing paragraph that starts with “As a Phase 3 Turn Action”:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose most recently moved Token’s Position corresponds to a turquoise square of the Island of Kittens may change that Token’s Position to match the Position of a different Token owned by that Meeple, as long as that Position is 300 or lower.

A game balance point: currently it takes an average of 59 rounds to get from square 1 to square 400 with just a single token without the help of Local Rules – 177 with all three. We’re unlikely to want to play out that many rounds, which implies that most Local Rules should be helpful rather than hindering. So here’s a way to use one token to help another – I encourage other Meeples to also look for things that might help the dynasty to end in a reasonable length of time.

Proposal: Color Pallet

Reached quorum, 5-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 00:28:02 UTC

If “Laws of the Lands” fails, this proposal does nothing.


In rule “Squares”, add a subrule denoted as “Mixing Color Pallet” with the following description:

As a phase 4 turn Action, if 2 adjacent spaces are of a color other than White, and neither was the last space changed from due the rule “Square” action, then the Current Meeple may do one of following actions:

* If there is an adjacent Red Space and Yellow Space, may turn those Spaces Orange.

* If there is an adjacent Yellow Space and Turquoise Space, may turn may turn Spaces Green.

* If there is an adjacent Turquoise Space and Red Space, may turn those Spaces Purple.

Another crack at making colors interesting

Monday, February 10, 2025

Proposal: Laws of the Lands

Timed out, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 21:03:39 UTC

In rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, add

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule, unless that subrule does not contain any island’s name.

to the end of last paragraph of the description

And remove

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule.


also, at the end of the description of subrule “The Networks”, add

Only spaces with position numbers that are contiguous integers are considered adjacent for all Dynastic Rules.

At the end of the description.

Proposal: You Shall Not Pass

Timed out, 3-1 with Monarchple DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 19:59:03 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Gates”:

Each Major Island has a Gate. Gates are the Positions numbered 100, 200, and 300, and 399. Gates may be Open or Closed, defaulting to Closed; this is publicly tracked. A Token may not pass a Gate unless that Gate is Open; if a Token’s Position would be set from a value less than or equal to a Closed Gate to a value higher than a Closed Gate, it is instead set to that Closed Gate. Gates may be referred to by the Major Island they are in (e.g. the Island of Kittens Gate).

If a Meeple has one or more of their Tokens on a Closed Gate and that Meeple is Worthy of that Gate, then they may treat that Gate as if it were Open. They may also choose to, as a Phase 10 Turn Action, become the Royal of the Major Island that Gate is on and set the Positions of all their Tokens who are on that Major Island to the square with the lowest value on that Major Island.

As a Phase 10 Turn Action, the Royal of a Major Island may set the Gate of that Major Island to be Open or Closed, if the current Rounds is divisible by 3. If they feel like it, they are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when they do so.

If the Proposal “Herding Cats” passed, append the following paragraph to the Local Rule of the Island of Kittens:

A Meeple is Worthy of the Island of Kittens Gate if their Tokens that are on the Gate have at least 4 combined Kittens. As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Token may set its own position to 90 if it is on the Island of Kittens Gate.

If the Proposal “Know When to Hold Em” passed, then in the Local Rule of Kahuna replace the sentence that begins “If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand” with:

If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, then as a Phase 10 Turn Action that Meeple may set the Royal Hand to their Hand. If a Meeple has ever performed this action, they are Worthy of the Kahuna Gate.

A final challenge to get through on each island before you’re allowed to pass. If you want, you can instead become the Royal, which gives you control over the gate at the cost of your progress (but if you choose to keep the gate closed, someone might usurp your throne, while keeping it open keeps your subjects happy and your crown secure).

Proposal: Herding Cats

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 19:16:13 UTC

Insert the following paragraph after the paragraph that starts with “Each Meeple has three Tokens” in “The Isle of BoardGamia”:

When the rules say that a Token may perform an action, then this means that a Meeple may apply that action to a Token they control.

Append the following paragraphs to the Local Rule of The Island of Kittens:

Each Token has a publicly tracked number of Kittens following it, which defaults to 1. A Small Token may have a maximum of 1 Kitten following it, a Medium Token a maximum of 2, and a Big Token a maximum of 4; a Token or Meeple may not take any action which would set a Token’s Kittens beyond its maximum.

As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Token that occupies a purple square may gain 1 Kitten and set the colour of that square to white.
As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Token may transfer some Kittens to another Token controlled by the same Meeple that occupies the same square.
As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Token may spend 1 Kitten to set the colour of three white squares on the Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.

As a Phase 4 Turn Action, a Token (the “cattacker”) may incite its Kittens to attack another Token (the “victim”) with fewer Kittens that occupies the same square. The cattacker loses 1 Kitten, and the victim’s Position is set to 0.

I’ve noticed there is a lack of kittens on the Island of Kittens. Allow me to remedy this

Local Rules Might Be Broken

I think the way that the rule text in “Isles of BoardGamia” might be broken with regard to Tokens. With the recent change from a Meeple’s Position to Token’s Position, the rule text suggests that the Local Rule text applies to the Token rather than the Meeple owning that Token. It’s not clear to me that this will make sense for Local Rules, especially when it comes to variables defined in Local Rules.

I don’t have any slots to fix this, but I thought I’d bring it to everyone’s attention. If no one else fixes it, I’ll either get around to it when I get a slot free, or shove it into my “Know When To Hold Em” proposal if the edit window is still open and no one objects to having some non-related changes in that proposal.

Proposal: Know When To Hold Em

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 16:59:01 UTC

Replace the text of the rule “Kahuna Local Rules” with the following text:

Each Meeple has a publicly-tracked Hand that is a list of up to 6 numbers, defaulting to an empty list. There is a publicly-tracked Royal Hand that defaults to an empty list.

As a Phase 2 Turn Action, a Meeple may perform one of the following actions if they meet the criteria for that action:
* If that Meeple has a Hand with 4 or less numbers, they may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to their Hand.
* If that Meeple has non-empty Hand, they may set their Hand to an empty list.

A Meeple’s Hand has a Rank determined by the pattern of numbers in that Meeple’s Hand. A Hand’s Rank is Unranked if that Hand has less than 6 numbers in it; an Unranked Hand has the same Rank as any other Unranked Hand. If it is not Unranked, a Hand’s Rank is the first criteria that it meets from the list below, starting at the top of the list in order from highest Rank to lowest Rank as follows:
* 6 of the same number
* 5 of the same number and any other number
* 6 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers
* 4 of the same number and 2 of the same other number
* 5 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any other number
* 4 of the same number and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any other number
* 4 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any 2 other numbers
* 2 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number and any 3 other numbers
* 2 of the same number and any 4 other numbers
* Any combination of numbers not already described above

When comparing two Hands, if neither are Unranked and both have the same Rank, the Hand whose sum of its numbers is higher is considered to have the higher Rank of those two Hands. If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, that Meeple may set the Royal of Kahuna to their name and set the Royal Hand to their Hand.

Some pseudo card playing mechanics, trying to get the best “poker” hand. I figure if Island of Kittens is snakes-and-ladders, the next step up is to have Kahuna be the card-playing island.