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Proposal: Consistency In the description of the Turn Action Seed, within the text Randomly select a cell by rolling a DICE10 DICE10 and using the first value for the column and second value for the row swap “column” and “row”. Lukas 09/16/24 4 09/16/24
Story Post: The Beast Still Doesn’t Move I guess it likes being next to that obelisk. No one is Affected by the Bellow. Lukas 09/08/24 0
Story Post: The Beast Doesn’t Move Another bellow, from the same location. The Fishing Contestants are unperturbed, having now grown used to these eerie but impotent rumblings. And why shouldn’t they be? After all, no one ever seems to be Affected. Lukas 09/06/24 6 09/06/24
Story Post: The Beast Moves Deep below the surface, an enormous shadow rushes past Clucky toward JonathanDark and Lukas, before veering away to Bellow at the obelisk in the middle of the bay. All are mercifully unAffected—for now. Lukas 09/02/24 0
Story Post: Another bellow Before anyone has a chance to move, another bellow rings out across the bay. No one is Affected. Lukas 08/24/24 1 08/26/24
Story Post: A distant rumble Just before dawn, a deep rumble echoes throughout the bay. The reverberations create an eerie resonance in the obelisk near Fishing Contestant Desertfrog, almost as if the black stone is humming. Nearby, Fishing Contestant Clucky squints at another obelisk in the distance; is that—no, it’s just a trick of the… Lukas 08/22/24 0
Reverting Desertfrog’s recent actions Desertfrog, I’ve reverted your edits on the wiki per the following sentence in the rule Disturbances: “If the current time is after the Next Disturbance, any Fishing Contestant or the Elder Judge may take the Sight Disturbances action, and it is the only dynastic action which Fishing Contestants may take.”… Lukas 08/18/24 1 08/18/24
Lured in I’m angling to become a Fishing Contestant, if an Admin could hook me up :) Lukas 07/27/24 2 07/27/24