BlogNomic Dice Roller

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To roll dice, post a comment which includes the term DICEX (where X is the number of faces on the die you wish to roll), or XDICEY to roll multiple dice and add their numbers together.

For a die with custom faces, enter it as a comma-separated list of faces inside curly braces, eg. {Fish,Fruit,Invertebrate,Rodent,Seed}

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Most recent 1000 comments (see more):

JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations5 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:18155 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations10 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:69510 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations17 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:38517 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Darknight,​GloopyGhost:GloopyGhost17 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations23 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:179223 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): GloopyGhost,​Naught:Naught23 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Characters29 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:172629 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Darknight,​GloopyGhost,​Naught:Darknight29 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:13041 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Characters1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​GloopyGhost,​Naught:Clucky1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:19721 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​Desertfrog,​GloopyGhost,​Nad:Darknight1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:4252 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​Desertfrog,​GloopyGhost,​Kevan,​Nad:GloopyGhost2 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2967:12152 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​ Darknight,​ GloopyGhost,​ Juniper,​ Kevan:Juniper2 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing Oxford 3000: DICE2967:18492 months ago
Kevan4st rests their Body,​Hand,​Body:Body2 months ago
KevanCrackdown: DICE12:122 months ago
KevanPolice presence + DICE3:22 months ago
4stTesting for boggle: DICE26:6 DICE26:19 DICE26:52 months ago
4sttesting (for boggle): 10DICE26:1512 months ago
4stNotoriety Check: DICE21:142 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:102 months ago
4stnotoriety check: DICE31:222 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:72 months ago
4stLoupe Price: DICE5:32 months ago
4stbuying another loupe: notoriety check (51-13): DICE38:222 months ago
KevanNotoriety check: DICE29:202 months ago
KevanCrackdown roll: DICE10:92 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:22 months ago
4ster,​ DICE40:34 (51-11)2 months ago
4stnotoriety check: DICE11:52 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:12 months ago
4stloupe cost increase: DICE5:12 months ago
4stbuying another loupe: notoriety is 10. DICE41:302 months ago
KevanCrackdown roll: DICE8:72 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:32 months ago
4stAlmost forgot Notoriety Check: notoriety is 8 = DICE43:402 months ago
4stbuying Loupe: DICE5:52 months ago
4stDICE4:12 months ago
4stselling candlestick2 months ago
KevanJuniper rests their {Foot}2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE38:182 months ago
KevanNew Haul: Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Glove and a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Body injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNull Crackdown roll: DICE5:42 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:22 months ago
CluckyDICE38:17 selling this candlestick2 months ago
KevanTrying again: DICE125:812 months ago
KevanBoardGameArena random tournament 0009: DICE126:1122 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE22:112 months ago
KevanBody,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Foot injury for the scout2 months ago
KevanPossible Scout injury: DICE3:12 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 2DICE5:7 Florins and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Glove,​ with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanCrackdown: DICE3:12 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:32 months ago
NadNavillusThat should have been the helm previously this is the cloak.
Notoriety Check: DICE22:7 (Selling a cloak)
2 months ago
NadNavillusNotoriety Check: DICE23:14 (Selling a cloak)2 months ago
NadNavillusNotoriety Check: DICE26:4 (Selling a ring)2 months ago
KevanJonathanDark Scout check: DICE3:22 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 2DICE5:6 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE14:62 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 4DICE5:14 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Helm with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE1:12 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 6DICE5:14 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Cloak + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Hand injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE3:32 months ago
Kevan... plus 6DICE5:20 Florins,​ and 4st this time injures their Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head while leaping for a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Cloak2 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 1DICE3:3 Florins ...2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE6:52 months ago
NadNavillusSorry,​ hit the back button on that last roll,​ please disregard.2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE10:5 Selling my Gem2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE37:26 Notoriety Check2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE10:4 Selling my Gem2 months ago
CluckyDICE44:9 Notoriety Check2 months ago
CluckyDICE10:3 selling my gem2 months ago
Kevan... plus 6DICE5:20 Florins,​ and 4st injures their Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Body while leaping for a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick2 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 1DICE3:2 Florins ...2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE9:72 months ago
JonathanDarkNotoriety Check: DICE42:192 months ago
JonathanDarkUnappraised Gem value: DICE10:42 months ago
Junipercrap,​ my notoriety check failed.2 months ago
JuniperDICE8:12 months ago
JuniperUnappraised Gem: DICE10:72 months ago
KevanHaul: DICE6:1 Florins + 6DICE5:16 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem + two Gems2 months ago
KevanNotoriety check: DICE19:132 months ago
JonathanDarkNotoriety check: DICE49:242 months ago
NadNavillusIgnore that last roll,​ it was incorrect:
Arms: DICE47:9
2 months ago
NadNavillusArms: DICE48:372 months ago
NadNavillusArms: DICE49:232 months ago
CluckyDICE50:502 months ago
Kevan... plus a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem,​ 6DICE5:17 Florins,​ DICE6:3 Florins and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Lockpick2 months ago
KevanNew Haul: DICE3:1 Florins...2 months ago
KevanPunting: DICE24:21 and Loupe DICE2:2,​ Lockpick DICE2:12 months ago
Kevan... plus 2DICE6:7 Florins and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Loupe,​ Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Lockpick,​ plus 4DICE5:12 Florins3 months ago
KevanCorrection,​ 2DICE3:5 Florins ...3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 3DICE3:5 Florins ...3 months ago
Kevan... plus a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Loupe,​ 2DICE5:5 Florins,​ 2DICE6:11 Florins,​ a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Lockpick and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 3DICE3:6 Florins ...3 months ago
KevanThe Haberdasher Haul is Punted: DICE13:3 Florins lost,​ DICE2:2 for Helm,​ DICE2:1 for Cloak,​ DICE2:2 for Gem.3 months ago
JuniperDICE28:10 rolling to sell gold ring3 months ago
Juniperaccidentally rerolled3 months ago
JuniperDICE5:5 rolling for Markup3 months ago
JuniperDICE5:23 months ago
JuniperDICE35:263 months ago
Kevan... plus 2DICE5:2 Florins,​ plus Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Helm,​ Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Cloak,​ Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 6DICE3:11 Florins ...3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 7DICE3:13 + 2DICE5:6 + 1 Florins,​ Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Lockpick3 months ago
KevanThe Fisherman Haul is Punted: DICE15:4 Florins removed,​ DICE2:2 for Gold Ring,​ DICE2:2 for Lockpick3 months ago
KevanBGA Random Tournament #008: DICE126:103 months ago
JuniperRolling for Notoriety
3 months ago
JuniperFinding value for unappraised gem
3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 6DICE3:12 + 2DICE5:2 + 1 Florins,​ plus Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Gold Ring and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Lockpick3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 6DICE3:13 + 4DICE5:15 + 1 Florins,​ plus Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Lockpick3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 7DICE3:14 + 2DICE5:7 + 1 Florins,​ plus Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Gold Ring and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Unappraised Gem3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 8DICE3:16 +1 and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Unappraised Gem3 months ago
KevanApplying Cash: 2DICE5:63 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 8DICE3:16 + 1,​ and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Candlestick3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 9DICE3:20 + DICE20:13,​ and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Unappraised Gem3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: DICE20:18 and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem:Lockpick3 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for March 8 2024 + 5: DICE5:55 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for March 5 2024 + 5: DICE5:45 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for March 2 2024 + 5: DICE5:45 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for February 28 2024 + 5: DICE5:25 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for February 24 2024 + 5: DICE5:45 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for February 21 2024: DICE2:25 months ago
JonathanDarkBuilding Wave for February 18 2024: DICE2:15 months ago
ZackSum of JonathanDark,​ Josh and Vovix's reputation = 3355 months ago
ZackDICE335:1185 months ago
JonathanDarkPhase of the Moon: Full,​ Waning,​ Waxing:Waxing6 months ago
JonathanDarkPhase of the Moon: Full,​ Waning,​ New:New6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Absorption6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Concentration6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Cloak of Shadows6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Cloak of Shadows6 months ago
JonathanDarkPhase of the Moon: Waxing,​ Waning,​ New:Waxing6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Drain6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Dimensional Blast6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Skeleton6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Concentration6 months ago
JonathanDarkPhase of the Moon: Full,​ Waning,​ New:Full6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Concentration6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Absorption6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Absorption6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Zombie6 months ago
JonathanDarkPhase of the Moon: Waxing,​ Full,​ Waning:Waxing6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Zombie6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Steal6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Dimension Door6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Steal6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Dimension Door6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Skeleton6 months ago
JonathanDarkNecromancer 1st card player: Clucky,​ Desertfrog:Desertfrog6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Concentration6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Cloak of Shadows6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door,​Zombie,​Absorption,​Concentration,​Dimensional Blast,​Steal:Cloak of Shadows6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain6 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Cloak of Shadows6 months ago
KevanBlogNomic Random BGA Tournament #0005: DICE129:847 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Cloak of Shadows7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 2nd person: Clucky,​ Desertfrog:Desertfrog7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 1st person: Clucky,​ Desertfrog,​ naught:naught7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Cloak of Shadows7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Cloak of Shadows7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 2nd person: Clucky,​ Josh:Josh7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 1st person: Clucky,​ Desertfrog,​ Josh:Desertfrog7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 3rd person: Clucky,​Desertfrog:Desertfrog7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 2nd person: Clucky,​Desertfrog,​Vovix:Vovix7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 1st person: Clucky,​Desertfrog,​naught,​Vovix:naught7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 1st person: Clucky,​Josh:Clucky7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 4: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Drain7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 3: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 2: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Dimension Door7 months ago
JonathanDarkHorde Card 1: Drain,​Skeleton,​Cloak of Shadows,​Dimension Door:Skeleton7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 2nd person: Clucky,​Josh:Josh7 months ago
JonathanDarkRandom request order 1st person: Clucky,​Desertfrog,​Josh:Desertfrog7 months ago
DesertfrogTreating as 67 months ago
7 months ago
7 months ago
DesertfrogAge for Corpse
7 months ago
DesertfrogTreating as 6 (Graveyard's effect)7 months ago
7 months ago
DesertfrogAge for Corpse
7 months ago
DesertfrogMalevolence DICE8:87 months ago
DesertfrogAge for Corpse
7 months ago
Cluckyhow many heirs would've I needed to surplant Jonathan in age?

3DICE20:25 3DICE20:42 3DICE20:28 3DICE20:15 3DICE20:36 3DICE20:31 3DICE20:18 3DICE20:34 3DICE20:35 3DICE20:31
7 months ago
Cluckytrying again 3DICE20:28 Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Fortuitous7 months ago
CluckyHale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Fortuitous7 months ago
Clucky3DICE20:27 naming a successor7 months ago
CluckyJonathanDark missed some:

Claim 1: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy,​Wealthy,​Networked,​Popular,​Warlord,​Religious,​Diverse Resources,​Close Relative:Patriarchy

Claim 2: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy,​Wealthy,​Networked,​Popular,​Warlord,​Religious,​Diverse Resources,​Close Relative:Positive Reputation
7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 2nd New Business Strength: DICE5:27 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 2nd New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Prestigious Estate7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 2nd New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Denegrate7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 1st New Business Strength: DICE5:27 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 1st New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Patriarchy7 months ago
JonathanDark1st New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Denegrate7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 4th Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Popular7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 3rd Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Wildly Unpopular7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 2nd Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Wildly Popular7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall December 22 2023 1st Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Unpopular7 months ago
JonathanDarkPrestige for second estate: DICE5:17 months ago
CluckyDICE5:27 months ago
DesertfrogPrestige for estate
7 months ago
lendunistusprestige of Easternvillagefordshire
7 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 6th Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Neutral8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 5th Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Neutral8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 4th Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Wildly Popular8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 3rd Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Popular8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 2nd Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Popular8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 1st Existing Business Status: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Wildly Popular8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 2nd New Business Strength: DICE5:58 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 2nd New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Eldest8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 2nd New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Denegrate8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 1st New Business Strength: DICE10:98 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 1st New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Endorse8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 18 2023 1st New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Prestigious Estate8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 2nd New Business Strength: DICE10:18 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 2nd New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Partnership8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 2nd New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Endorse8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 1st New Business Heir: Clucky,​Desertfrog,​Forest,​JonathanDark,​Kevan,​lendunistus,​SingularByte:Kevan8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 1st New Business Claim: Eldest,​Positive Reputation,​Prestigious Estate,​Partnership,​Faithful,​Patriarchy:Patriarchy8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 1st New Business type: Endorse,​Denegrate,​Disown:Disown8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 2nd Existing Business: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Neutral8 months ago
JonathanDarkTyngwall Dec 17 2023 1st Existing Business: Wildly Unpopular,​Unpopular,​Somewhat Unpopular,​Neutral,​Somewhat Popular,​Popular,​Wildly Popular:Wildly Popular8 months ago
KevanA Feminine Forename: DICE98:578 months ago
JonathanDarkMasculine forename: DICE195:1498 months ago
lendunistuspicking a masculine forename
8 months ago
CluckyDICE195:408 months ago
CluckyDICE7:58 months ago
ForestNew Palatinate: Scorched Earth
DICE7:5 (+3)
8 months ago
ForestDICE98:52 : new feminine Forename8 months ago
I also generate an additional virtue/flaw:
8 months ago
ForestNominating Successor
Age: 3DICE20:38 (+10)
8 months ago
ForestFem Forename
8 months ago
ForestPalatinate: Incredletoniousville
8 months ago
lendunistusPrestige of Westertownfordshire
8 months ago
DesertfrogEstate DICE7:68 months ago
DesertfrogDICE98:328 months ago
JoshA feminine name DICE98:848 months ago
JoshNew Palatinate DICE7:78 months ago
JonathanDarkMy estate: DICE7:58 months ago
KevanSurveying my estate: DICE7:28 months ago
SingularByteDICE7:3 for estate8 months ago
8 months ago
DesertfrogDICE10:7 DICE5:38 months ago
JonathanDarkSecond Aspect: Hale,​Astute,​Comely,​Menacing,​Charismatic,​Courageous,​ Resilient,​Pious,​Fortuitous:Astute
Flaw: Rank,​Impoverished,​Knavish,​Naive,​Reckless:Rank
8 months ago
8 months ago
SingularByteDICE10:2 DICE5:58 months ago
JoshClucky Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Astute
Desertfrog Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Hale
Forest Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Ambitious
JonathanDark Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Ambitious
Josh Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Fortuitous
Kevan Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Ambitious
lendunistus Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Hale
redtara Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Astute
SingularByte Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Ambitious
Snisbo Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Courageous
Zack Hale,​ Astute,​ Comely,​ Menacing,​ Ambitious,​ Charismatic,​ Courageous,​ Resilient,​ Pious,​ Fortuitous:Astute
8 months ago
Joshoops8 months ago
JoshInitial Features values

Clucky {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Desertfrog {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Forest {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
JonathanDark {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Josh {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Kevan {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
lendunistus {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
redtara {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
SingularByte {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Snisbo {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
Zack {Hale;Astute;Comely;Menacing;Ambitious;Charismatic;Courageous;Resilient;Pious;Fortuitous}
8 months ago
JoshSnisbo DICE20:12
Zack DICE20:14
8 months ago
JoshReputation initial values

Clucky DICE20:18
Desertfrog DICE20:4
Forest DICE20:18
JonathanDark DICE20:13
Josh DICE20:8
Kevan DICE20:14
lendunistus DICE20:12
redtara DICE20:5
SingularByte DICE20:9
8 months ago
JoshRedtara age 3DICE20:348 months ago
JoshDesertfrog Age: 3DICE20:338 months ago
KevanRolling for the ages: Bucky 3DICE20:37 (+10),​ Clucky 3DICE20:29 (+10),​ Forest 3DICE20:29 (+10),​ JonathanDark 3DICE20:40 (+10),​ Josh 3DICE20:31 (+10),​ Kevan 3DICE20:20 (+10),​ lendunistus 3DICE20:20 (+10),​ SingularByte 3DICE20:42 (+10),​ Snisbo 3DICE20:29 (+10),​ Zack 3DICE20:14 (+10)8 months ago
Clucky Greed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn,​ Meditate:Defrock8 months ago
CluckyDICE6:18 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn,​ Meditate:Greed8 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Totem:Elephant8 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Totem:Censer8 months ago
CluckyDICE6:68 months ago
SnisboDICE2:28 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn,​ Meditate:Doom Cloud8 months ago
CluckyDICE6:18 months ago
Cluckycouple of gathers: DICE3:3 DICE3:38 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn,​ Meditate:Synergy8 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Orb8 months ago
CluckyDICE6:58 months ago
9 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn:Snipe9 months ago
Cluckyno gewgaw =(9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:19 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade,​ Burn:Snipe9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Elephant9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:59 months ago
CluckyDICE3:19 months ago
KevanNew BGA Random tournament: DICE132:1019 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade:Greed9 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Glam,​ Upgrade9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Volcano
Orb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Orb
9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:69 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust,​ Defrock,​ Disarm,​ Trim,​ Harden,​ Burn:Gather9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Prism9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:59 months ago
CluckyGather DICE3:19 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust:Gift9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Orb9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:29 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust:Snipe9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Orb9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:39 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Gust:Siphon9 months ago

Orb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Orb

Orb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Candelabra
9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:69 months ago
CluckyDICE3:3 DICE3:29 months ago
CluckyGreed,​ Gather,​ Gift,​ Misdirection,​ Siphon,​ Doom Cloud,​ Snipe,​ Synergy,​ Spotlight,​ Unify,​ Magical Armor,​ Expose,​ Fizzle,​ Gust:Gift9 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Volcano9 months ago
CluckyDICE6:49 months ago
CluckyOrb,​ Volcano,​ Elephant,​ Candelabra,​ Censer,​ Prism:Volcano9 months ago
CluckyGEWGAW DICE6:39 months ago
CluckyRaven,​ Kevan:Kevan9 months ago
CluckyDICE3:2 DICE3:29 months ago
Cluckycoupla gathers: DICE3:3 DICE3:19 months ago
CluckyBonsai Volcano,​ Pewter Elephant:Pewter Elephant9 months ago
CluckyVovix,​ Snisbo,​ Zack:Zack9 months ago
CluckySiphon Target: Raven1207,​ Kevan:Kevan9 months ago
CluckyGATHER1 DICE3:2 GATHER2 DICE3:39 months ago
CluckySnisbo,​Vovix:Snisbo9 months ago
CluckySnisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:Zack9 months ago
CluckyKevan,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:Kevan9 months ago
CluckyBrendan,​Kevan,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:Brendan9 months ago
CluckyBrendan,​Kevan,​lendunistus,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:lendunistus9 months ago
CluckyBrendan,​Josh,​Kevan,​lendunistus,​Raven1207,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:Josh9 months ago
Clucky{Brendan,​Josh*,​Kevan*,​lendunistus,​Raven1207,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack}9 months ago
Clucky{Brendan,​ Josh*,​ Kevan*,​ lendunistus,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack}9 months ago
CluckyBrendan,​Josh,​Kevan,​lendunistus,​Raven1207,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:Raven12079 months ago
CluckyBrendan,​JonathanDark,​Josh,​Kevan,​lendunistus,​Raven1207,​Snisbo,​Vovix,​Zack:JonathanDark9 months ago
Cluckywhy isn't this working lol9 months ago
CluckyDICE{Brendan,​ JonathanDark*,​ Josh*,​ Kevan*,​ lendunistus,​ Raven1207,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack}9 months ago
CluckySpot 1: {Brendan,​ JonathanDark*,​ Josh*,​ Kevan*,​ lendunistus,​ Raven1207,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack}9 months ago
CluckyRaven,​ Vovix,​ Lendun,​ Kevan,​ JonathanDark:Kevan9 months ago
CluckyGATHER1: DICE3:1 GATHER2: DICE3:39 months ago
CluckySpot 3: JonathanDark,​ Kevan:Kevan9 months ago
CluckySpot 6: JonathanDark,​ Kevan,​ Zack:Zack9 months ago
CluckySpot 3: JonathanDark,​ Kevan,​ lendunistus,​ Zack:lendunistus9 months ago
CluckySpot 4: JonathanDark,​ Kevan,​ lendunistus,​ Vovix,​ Zack:Vovix9 months ago
CluckySpot 3: JonathanDark,​ Kevan,​ lendunistus,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack:Snisbo9 months ago
CluckySpot 2: JonathanDark,​ Josh,​ Kevan,​ lendunistus,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack:Josh9 months ago
CluckySpot 1: JonathanDark,​ Josh,​ Kevan,​ lendunistus,​ Raven1207,​ Snisbo,​ Vovix,​ Zack:Raven12079 months ago
KevanWizards of the Grimoire is known by players: DICE127:12610 months ago
KevanKulami is still in beta,​ rerolling: DICE127:12210 months ago
KevanBlogNomic Random Tournament #0003: DICE127:5910 months ago
LuluOh Dice Roller,​ how I missed you... DICE1024:63911 months ago
JoshWho won Penny Press Josh,​Kevan:Josh11 months ago
lendunistusuh oh
Amount: DICE3:3 (minus one)
Downside #1: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Ingenuity
Downside #2: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus4energy
11 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #30
Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:random
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Ingenuity
11 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #29
Amount: DICE3:1 (minus one)
Downside #1: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Defences
Downside #2: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Ingenuity
11 months ago
JonathanDarkDilemma 30 Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Defences11 months ago
lemonGathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Ingenuity11 months ago
lemonsending out my Scavenging Parties and gaining:
11 months ago
Rafterminus5People,​minus1Food,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Food11 months ago
RafterOnne random downside: minus5People,​minus1Food,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy11 months ago
RafterHi that last one was me Rafter lol,​ I misread fields11 months ago
Dilemma 29DICE3:2 (minus one)11 months ago
JoshDilemma 30
Iclaseer plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus4Energy
Gathering: Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Defences
11 months ago
JoshOne random downside minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Ingenuity11 months ago
JoshDilemma #29 DICE3:2 (minus one)11 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #26
Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:minus1Defences
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Ingenuity
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
11 months ago
JonathanDarkDilemma #26 Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Defences11 months ago
lemonsending out my Scavenging Parties and gaining:
11 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #25
Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:minus1Foodorpeople
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
11 months ago
JoshGathering on Dilemma 26: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Food
Iclaseer: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Food
11 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #24
Gathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus1Ingenuity
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus5People
11 months ago
JoshCorrecting my dilemma #21 consequence roll: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:minus1Defences11 months ago
lendunistuscorrect #21 consequence roll this time
11 months ago
JoshDilemma 24:
Iclaseer plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Defences
Consequence plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​random:plus4Energy
11 months ago
KevanSecond Random Tournament roll: DICE129:3011 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #21
Consequence: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:plus1Defences
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Ingenuity
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Defences
11 months ago
First downside: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Foodorpeople
Second downside: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Defences
11 months ago
JonathanDarkDilemma 20 downside amount: 0,​1,​2:211 months ago
lendunistusDilemma #20
Amount: 0,​1,​2:0
First downside: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus5People
Second downside: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Defences
11 months ago
JoshDilemma 21: Shrine plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Ingenuity
Outcome plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus4energy
11 months ago
lendunistusdoing some preliminary rolls here
amount: 0,​1,​2:1
downside #1: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus5People
downside #2: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus5People
11 months ago
11 months ago
lemonno whammies,​ no whammies! 0,​1,​2:211 months ago
lemonwuh oh.
11 months ago
lemonthe consequences... 0,​1,​2:211 months ago
Outcome 1: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Defences
Outcome 2: minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:minus1Foodorpeople
11 months ago
JoshRandom outcomes 0,​1,​2:211 months ago
lendunistusGathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:plus1Defences
Iclaseer #1: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus1Food
Iclaseer #2: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus4Energy
11 months ago
JonathanDarkCommunity Food Bank lets me re-roll Food loss once plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​0to2Downsides:plus1Food11 months ago
JonathanDarkGathering plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy,​0to2Downsides:minus1Foodorpeople11 months ago
lendunistusGathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:plus4Energy
Iclaseer: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus4Energy
11 months ago
JoshGoverning plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus4energy:plus1Ingenuity11 months ago
JoshShrine of Iclaseer plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus4Energy:plus4Energy11 months ago
KevanTrying that again: DICE215:14911 months ago
KevanInaugural BGA random game tournament: DICE801:67211 months ago
12 months ago
lendunistusGathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus1Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood12 months ago
JoshGathering plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus1Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood:plus1Defences12 months ago
lemongathering: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus1Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood:plus1Energy12 months ago
JonathanDarkGathering plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​plus1Energy,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood:minus1Foodorpeople12 months ago
JoshGathering plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​Govern,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood:plus1Food12 months ago
Gathering consequence
12 months ago
Joshoh that doesn't properly distinguish between the different minus 1 foods,​ so have to do it again: plus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​Govern,​minus5People,​minus1Foodorpeople,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Foodorextrafood:plus5People12 months ago
Joshplus5People,​plus1Food,​plus1Defences,​plus1Ingenuity,​Govern,​minus5People,​minus1Food,​minus1Defences,​minus1Ingenuity,​minus1Food:minus1Ingenuity12 months ago
Josh{+5People,​+1Food,​+1Defences,​+1Ingenuity,​Govern,​-5People,​-1Food,​-1Defences,​-1Ingenuity,​-1Food}12 months ago
Joshhm12 months ago
JoshGathering {+5 People,​+1 Food,​+1 Defences,​+1 Ingenuity,​Govern,​-5 People,​ -1 Food,​-1 Defences,​-1 Ingenuity,​-1 Food}12 months ago
lendunistus1-13: lendunistus
14-20: Kevan

12 months ago
KevanSalvaging Control: Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Cog12 months ago
lendunistussalvaging for a plate
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Paint
12 months ago
lemonCog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Cog12 months ago
lemonCoal DICE3:2
Housing DICE3:2
Valves DICE3:1
Cog DICE3:1
Filter DICE3:2
Paint DICE3:2
Panel DICE3:3
Pipe DICE3:1
Plate DICE3:2
Seal DICE3:3
Wheel DICE3:2
Wiring DICE3:1
12 months ago
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Cog
12 months ago
KevanBit of Salvage: Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Seal12 months ago
BuckyActivating the Construction Dispensary.
Panel,​ Paint,​ Plate:Paint
Panel,​ Paint,​ Plate:Paint
Panel,​ Paint,​ Plate:Panel
12 months ago
lemonCog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Plate1 year ago
lemonCoal DICE3:3
Housing DICE3:2
Valves DICE3:3
Cog DICE3:1
Filter DICE3:2
Paint DICE3:3
Panel DICE3:1
Pipe DICE3:1
Plate DICE3:1
Seal DICE3:2
Wheel DICE3:1
Wiring DICE3:2
1 year ago
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Panel
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Seal
1 year ago
Salvage for Wiring in Control
1 year ago
lendunistussalvaging for a plate
1 year ago
lendunistussalvaging for a plate
1 year ago
KevanSalvaging Cog,​Filter,​Paint,​Panel,​Pipe,​Plate,​Seal,​Wheel,​Wiring:Cog1 year ago
lemonB Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Wiring
J Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Cog
K Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Pipe
L Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Wheel
S Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Filter
1 year ago
JonathanDarkSalvage Cog,​Filter,​Paint,​Panel,​Pipe,​Plate,​Seal,​Wheel,​Wiring:Wiring1 year ago
lemonCoal DICE3:2
Housing DICE3:2
Valves DICE3:1
Cog DICE3:2
Filter DICE3:2
Paint DICE3:3
Panel DICE3:2
Pipe DICE3:1
Plate DICE3:3
Seal DICE3:1
Wheel DICE3:3
Wiring DICE3:3
1 year ago
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Filter
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Paint
1 year ago
lendunistussalvaging in Dwelling
1 year ago
KevanSalvaging a Wheel and damaging a Cog,​Filter,​Paint,​Panel,​Pipe,​Plate,​Seal,​Wheel,​Wiring:Filter1 year ago
lemonCoal DICE3:3
Housing DICE3:1
Valves DICE3:2
Cog DICE3:1
Filter DICE3:1
Paint DICE3:2
Panel DICE3:2
Pipe DICE3:1
Plate DICE3:2
Seal DICE3:1
Wheel DICE3:3
Wiring DICE3:3
1 year ago
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Seal
1 year ago
Salvaging in Motion
1 year ago
lendunistusAnother salvage
1 year ago
JonathanDarkSalvage Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel and Wiring:Pipe1 year ago
lemonCoal DICE3:2
Housing DICE3:1
Valves DICE3:1
Cog DICE3:1
Filter DICE3:3
Paint DICE3:2
Panel DICE3:2
Pipe DICE3:3
Plate DICE3:1
Seal DICE3:2
Wheel DICE3:3
Wiring DICE3:2
1 year ago
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Paint
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Seal
1 year ago
KevanSalvaging Control: Cog,​Filter,​Paint,​Panel,​Pipe,​Plate,​Seal,​Wheel,​Wiring:Wheel1 year ago
Salvaging Control during day 1
1 year ago
another salvage roll
1 year ago
lemonCoal DICE3:1
Housing DICE3:3
Valves DICE3:1
Cog DICE3:3
Filter DICE3:2
Paint DICE3:2
Panel DICE3:2
Pipe DICE3:3
Plate DICE3:1
Seal DICE3:2
Wheel DICE3:2
Wiring DICE3:2
1 year ago
lemonCog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Panel
Cog,​ Filter,​ Paint,​ Panel,​ Pipe,​ Plate,​ Seal,​ Wheel,​ Wiring:Panel
1 year ago
1 year ago

Picking Salvage component: 1 to 9,​ left to right
1 year ago
JoshBlockade DICE8:31 year ago
JoshDisruptive Action: Target 15 DICE20:91 year ago
JoshTwo Disruptive Actions:

lemon,​ target 9 DICE20:11
lemon,​ target 13 DICE20:15
1 year ago
JoshDICE20:11 year ago
JoshAstrology Reading: DICE20:10 Ascend,​Make an Activity Report,​Memetic Tunnelling,​Loose an Observation,​Mindjacking,​Change Anchor,​Astromantic Ritual,​Amend Trigger,​Descend,​Launch a Hunter/Seeker,​Extrasensory Assassination,​Sever Connection,​Cast Chaff,​Entangling,​Tasting the Quantum Soup,​No Mindjacker change,​Resonance Testing,​Echo,​Smuggle,​Increase Matterium1 year ago
Joshwhy no worky1 year ago
Josh1 year ago
Josh1 year ago
Josh1 year ago
Josh1 year ago
JoshTwo Disruptive actions.
Target 6: DICE20:20
Target 10: DICE20:1
1 year ago
rtif necessary,​ my actual roll DICE28:71 year ago
rtif necessary,​ my actual roll DICE27:181 year ago
rtOOPS misrolled DICE28:221 year ago
rtrandomly selecting victory citizen DICE27:221 year ago
BuckyCitizen List Bucky,​
1 year ago
rttest roll please ignore DICE21:81 year ago
JonathanDarkPicking second Underserved City for Emigration: Szolnok,​ Cornanberl,​ Ivangrad,​ Zanir:Szolnok1 year ago
JonathanDarkPicking first Underserved City for Emigration: Szolnok,​ Cornanberl,​ Nagelburg,​ Ivangrad,​ Zanir:Nagelburg1 year ago
JonathanDarkPicking second Underserved City for Emigration: Szolnok,​ Cornanberl,​ Ivangrad,​ Zanir:Szolnok1 year ago
JonathanDarkPicking first Underserved City for Emigration: Szolnok,​ Cornanberl,​ Nagelburg,​ Ivangrad,​ Zanir:Nagelburg1 year ago
JoshJosh,​TDS,​lendun,​pokes,​snisbo,​catter:snisbo1 year ago
JonathanDarkBallynamadan,​ Arkham:Arkham1 year ago
JonathanDarkAutomata,​ Ballynamadan,​ Arkham:Automata1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion3: BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Scamsville:Vitagrande1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion3: BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir:Zanir1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion3: Ivangrad,​ BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir:Ivangrad1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion2: Ivangrad,​ BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir:Nagelburg1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion2: Ivangrad,​ BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir,​ Cornanberl:Cornanberl1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion2: Ivangrad,​ Szolnok,​ BananaLand,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir,​ Cornanberl:Szolnok1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion1: Ivangrad,​ Szolnok,​ BananaLand,​ Arkham,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir,​ Cornanberl:Arkham1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion1: Ivangrad,​ Szolnok,​ BananaLand,​ Arkham,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Ballynamadan,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir,​ Cornanberl:Ballynamadan1 year ago
JonathanDarkKickstart - Assigning cities to UnnamedRegion1: Ivangrad,​ Szolnok,​ Automata,​ BananaLand,​ Arkham,​ Vitagrande,​ Nagelburg,​ Ballynamadan,​ Scamsville,​ Zanir,​ Cornanberl:Automata1 year ago
KevanCornanberl: A,​B:A1 year ago
KevanZanir: A,​B:B1 year ago
KevanScamsville: A,​B,​D:D1 year ago
KevanBallynamadan: A,​B,​C,​D:C1 year ago
KevanNagelburg: A,​B,​C,​D:D1 year ago
KevanVitagrande: A,​B,​C,​D:B1 year ago
KevanArkham: A,​B,​C,​D:C1 year ago
KevanBananaLand: A,​B,​C,​D:A1 year ago
KevanAutomata: A,​B,​C,​D:C1 year ago
KevanSzolnok: A,​B,​C,​D:D1 year ago
KevanFour Regions exist,​ which I'll nominally call A,​ B,​ C and D. Assigning Cities in turn at random,​ starting with Ivangrad: A,​B,​C,​D:A1 year ago
HabaneroDisasters: Earthquake,​ Saboteur:Earthquake Earthquake,​ Saboteur:Saboteur Earthquake,​ Saboteur:Earthquake1 year ago
HabaneroWeakening three more blocks: DICE12:11 DICE11:11 DICE10:11 year ago
HabaneroSelecting a non-Empty block to remove,​ in the same manner: DICE16:91 year ago
HabaneroSelecting three random non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks to Weaken (counting left to right,​ top to bottom,​ and skipping any Empty or Weakened Blocks): DICE16:3 DICE15:7 DICE14:41 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 37: DICE21:11 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 36: DICE21:11 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 35: DICE21:141 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 34: DICE21:51 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 33: DICE21:41 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 32: DICE21:131 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 31: DICE21:91 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 30: DICE21:81 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 29: DICE21:11 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 28: DICE21:121 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 27: DICE21:91 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 26: DICE21:121 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 25: DICE21:211 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 24: DICE21:31 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 23: DICE21:71 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 22: DICE21:191 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 21: DICE21:141 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 20: DICE21:121 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 19: DICE21:181 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 18: DICE21:181 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 17: DICE21:111 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 16: DICE21:21 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 15: DICE21:71 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 14: DICE21:131 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 13: DICE21:211 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 12: DICE21:151 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 11: DICE21:21 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 10: DICE21:21 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 9: DICE21:61 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 8: DICE21:111 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 7: DICE21:121 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 6: DICE21:61 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 5: DICE21:161 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 4: DICE21:21 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 3: DICE21:191 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 2: DICE21:171 year ago
JonathanDarkEh,​ I can't count. 21 Block Numbers. Starting over. Demolition Roll 1: DICE21:91 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 4: DICE28:111 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 3: DICE28:261 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 2: DICE28:71 year ago
JonathanDarkDemolition Roll 1: DICE28:61 year ago
Jjm3x3Building with 100 Focus: DICE225:291 year ago
Jjm3x3Building with 100 Focus: DICE 2251 year ago
JoshRerolling with 3 SCs DICE200:1621 year ago
JoshRerolling with 3 SCs DICE200:231 year ago
JoshBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE200:1661 year ago
JonathanDarkMiscounted gaps,​ rolling again. Building with 0 focus: DICE150:641 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding with 0 focus: DICE125:1151 year ago
JoshReroll for 6 SCs DICE125:1161 year ago
JoshReroll for 5 SCs DICE125:341 year ago
JoshReroll for 4 SCs DICE125:861 year ago
JoshReroll for 3 SCs DICE125:511 year ago
JoshBuilding with 0 focus DICE125:861 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE75:511 year ago
WatanukiTaigaBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE50:9,​ lol1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaBuilding with 0 Focus: ROLL501 year ago
BrendanBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE25:191 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 8 SCs: DICE325:2311 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 7 SCs: DICE325:3201 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 6 SCs: DICE325:2231 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 5 SCs: DICE325:311 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 4 SCs: DICE325:2241 year ago
JonathanDarkRerolling at a cost of 3 SCs: DICE325:1461 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding with 0 Focus (shakes fist at Josh): DICE325:2411 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 8 SCs DICE225:181 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 7 SCs DICE225:671 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 6 SCs DICE225:2001 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 5 SCs DICE225:1831 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 4 SCs DICE225:1931 year ago
JoshRerolling at a cost of 3 SCs DICE225:1981 year ago
JoshBuilding with 0 focus: DICE225:371 year ago
KevanBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE225:1701 year ago
BrendanSpending 4 SCs to reroll: DICE200:321 year ago
BrendanSpending 3 SCs to reroll: DICE200:1741 year ago
BrendanBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE200:1731 year ago
JoshSpending 4 safety checks to reroll DICE175:1471 year ago
JoshSpending 3 safety checks to reroll DICE175:821 year ago
JoshBuild with 0 focus DICE175:991 year ago
JonathanDarkBuild with 0 Focus: DICE125:961 year ago
KevanBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE75:231 year ago
JonathanDarkRefresh Threats: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Earthquake1 year ago
JonathanDarkRefresh Threats: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Saboteur1 year ago
JonathanDarkRefresh Threats: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Earthquake1 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 3rd Earthquake 3rd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE9:51 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 3rd Earthquake 2nd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE10:31 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 3rd Earthquake 1st Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE11:61 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 2nd Earthquake 3rd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE12:51 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 2nd Earthquake 2nd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE13:121 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 2nd Earthquake 1st Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE14:71 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 1st Earthquake 3rd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE15:141 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 1st Earthquake 2nd Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE16:121 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger 1st Earthquake 1st Block counting non-Empty non-Weakened Blocks from left-to-right,​ top-to-bottom. DICE17:111 year ago
chiiikabig fist boosh lendun,​ misty,​ josh,​ madison,​ dark,​ tds:lendun1 year ago
BrendanBuild with 0 Focus: DICE50:281 year ago
JonathanDarkBuild with 0 Focus: DICE50:31 year ago
WatanukiTaigaBuilding with 0 Focus: DICE25:71 year ago
Jjm3x3Building with 0 focus: DICE75:501 year ago
TaigaStability: DICE50:31 year ago
JoshCorrecting Stability roll DICE25:201 year ago
JoshBuilding: DICE75:481 year ago
BrendanSpending 3 Safety Checks to reroll: DICE425:911 year ago
BrendanBuilding: DICE425:4131 year ago
BrendanSelecting replacement disasters: Earthquake,​Saboteur:Earthquake Earthquake,​Saboteur:Earthquake Earthquake,​Saboteur:Earthquake1 year ago
BrendanDICE30:12 DICE30:301 year ago
BrendanTriggering: second Earthquake. Again,​ starting top left,​ moving right and then down. There are 30 total Blocks in the Building. DICE30:171 year ago
BrendanHmm,​ I didn't think about not being able to see WHICH of the set was selected. I'll switch to numeric block selection for the Saboteur,​ starting at the top left corner of the building,​ moving to the right and then down at the end of each row. There are 15 non-empty blocks in the Building. DICE15:41 year ago
BrendanTriggering. Starting with the first Earthquake:
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaBuilding with 375 Focus: DICE0:01 year ago
KevanBuilding with 350 Focus: DICE0:01 year ago
BrendanBuilding with 325 Focus: DICE0:01 year ago
jjm3x3Building with 300 Focus: DICE0:01 year ago
HabaneroBuilding with 225 Focus: DICE0:01 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding with 173 Focus: DICE77:721 year ago
KevanBuilding with 100 Focus: DICE150:781 year ago
Jjm3x3Building: DICE200:641 year ago
BrendanBuilding: DICE150:1391 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding: DICE100:811 year ago
KevanBuilding: DICE75:361 year ago
WatanukiTaigaSaboteur,​ Earthquake:Saboteur
Saboteur,​ Earthquake:Earthquake
Saboteur,​ Earthquake:Earthquake
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaAssign the numbers 1 through to [the number of non-_ blocks] to each of the non-_ blocks. Start from the top-left corner and move from left to right and then top to bottom.
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaFor clarification. In both the previous roll and the current roll,​ I assigned the numbers 1 through to [the number of unchosen blocks in total] to each block,​ starting from the top-left,​ moving left to right and top to bottom,​ skipping chosen blocks.
Earthquake 2.
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaI apologise for the wrong rolls. Earthquakes should affect _ Blocks as well. (Also there's 18 non-_ blocks anyways,​ I suck at counting) Therefore everything will be re-rolled correctly.
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaSelection 2. We now we ignore the already-selected block.
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaExecuting Earthquake 1. Selection 1. Assign the numbers 1 through to [the number of non-_ blocks] to each of the non-_ blocks. Start from the top-left corner and move from left to right and then top to bottom.
1 year ago
WatanukiTaigaDICE25:41 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE250:1461 year ago
BrendanWobble: DICE225:51 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE200:1171 year ago
Jjm3x3Wobble: DICE175:81 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE150:211 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE125:141 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE100:771 year ago
BrendanWobble: DICE50:491 year ago
KevanOr rather: DICE50:151 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE25:111 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE25:41 year ago
BrendanWobble: DICE71:101 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE400:2311 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE400:3041 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE375:1251 year ago
jjm3x3Wobble: DICE350:2261 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE325:2531 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE0:01 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE0:01 year ago
JonathanDarkResult was less than half of 200,​ so second Wobble: DICE200:411 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE200:611 year ago
Jjm3x3Wobble: DICE150:681 year ago
HabaneroWobble: DICE150:651 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE150:1171 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE150:1401 year ago
JonathanDarkWobble: DICE150:681 year ago
KevanAdding a random Threat: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Saboteur1 year ago
KevanWobble: DICE125:451 year ago
KevanMining: DICE2:21 year ago
HabaneroCalculating the Wobble for my Build action: DICE100:101 year ago
HabaneroMining for DICE2:1 Stone1 year ago
jjm3x3Mining: DICE2:11 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger threat item 3: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Saboteur1 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger threat item 2: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Earthquake1 year ago
JonathanDarkTrigger threat item 1: Saboteur,​Earthquake:Earthquake1 year ago
JonathanDarkBuilding: DICE75:201 year ago
KevanBuilding: DICE50:31 year ago
JoshBuilding DICE25:131 year ago
JoshMining: DICE2:11 year ago
KevanMining: DICE2:21 year ago
JonathanDarkMining DICE2:21 year ago
Jjm3x3Mining: DICE2:11 year ago
JoshMining DICE2:21 year ago
KevanMining: DICE2:11 year ago
Raven1207Mining: DICE2:21 year ago
HabaneroMining: DICE2:11 year ago
redtaraDICE2:11 year ago
JonathanDarkMining DICE2:21 year ago
jjm3x3DICE2:11 year ago
jjm3x3Dice21 year ago
BrendanMining: DICE2:21 year ago
diggy diggy hole 2
1 year ago
JoshMining DICE2:11 year ago
KevanMining: DICE2:21 year ago
redtaramining DICE2:21 year ago
jjm3x3DICE2:21 year ago
diggy diggy hole
1 year ago
BrendanMining - DICE2:11 year ago
SingularByteMining - DICE2:11 year ago
JonathanDarkMining - DICE2:21 year ago
TrapdoorspyderMining DICE2:21 year ago
JoshMining: DICE2:21 year ago
KevanMining: DICE2:11 year ago
MistyCARD:9 of Clubs FRUIT:Tangelo DICE10:2 8DICE10:38 item,​otheritem,​thirditem:thirditem example rolls1 year ago
MistyCARD:Queen of Diamonds FRUIT:Lemon DICE10:4 8DICE10:40 item,​otheritem,​thirditem:otheritem example rolls1 year ago
JonathanDarkFeature 3 for Stratum 2: Energized,​ High-Security,​ Warped,​ Database,​ Access Point:High-Security1 year ago
JonathanDarkFeature 2 for Stratum 2: Energized,​ High-Security,​ Warped,​ Database,​ Access Point:High-Security1 year ago
JonathanDarkFeature 1 for Stratum 2: Energized,​ High-Security,​ Warped,​ Database,​ Access Point:Energized1 year ago
JonathanDarkNumber of Features for Stratum 2: DICE4:31 year ago
KevanBrendan,​ Brendan,​ Brendan,​ Brendan,​ Brendan,​ Brendan,​ lendunistus,​ lendunistus,​ lendunistus,​ Kevan,​ JonathanDark:JonathanDark1 year ago
BrendanTrying that again since I think I formatted it wrong: Metal,​ Fabric,​ Fabric,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic,​ Sharp:Electronic1 year ago
BrendanEnding Search in the Makeshift Tent. Brendan: Metal,​ Fabric,​ Fabric,​ Fabric,​ Organic:Organic Electronic,​ Sharp}1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-6: Fabric
7-12: Bulky
13-18: Fabric
19: Organic
20-21: Electronic
22: Sharp
1 year ago
KevanCellar search: Kevan finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Metal,​ JonathanDark finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Fabric.1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-6: Metal
7-9: Bulky
10-15: Fabric
16: Organic
17-18: Electronic
19-20: Sharp
lendun: DICE20:19
SingularByte: DICE20:16
1 year ago
BrendanEnding Makeshift Tent search: Broken,​Broken,​Broken,​Metal,​Fabric,​Fabric,​ Organic,​Electronic,​Sharp,​Sharp:Sharp1 year ago
KevanCellar search: Kevan finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Broken,​ JonathanDark finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Fabric1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-6: Metal
7-8: Bulky
10-18: Fabric
19: Organic
20-21: Electronic
22-23: Sharp
lendun: DICE23:14
SingularByte: DICE23:22
1 year ago
BrendanEnding Makeshift Tent search: Broken,​Broken,​Broken,​Metal,​Fabric,​Fabric,​ Organic,​Electronic,​Sharp,​Sharp:Electronic1 year ago
KevanCellar search: JonathanDark finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Organic,​ Kevan finds Broken,​ Broken,​ Broken,​ Metal,​ Bulky,​ Fabric,​ Organic,​ Electronic:Fabric1 year ago
1-3: Broken
4-7: Metal
8-9: Bulky
10-15: Fabric
16: Organic
17-18: Electronic
1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-7: Metal
8-9: Bulky
10-15: Fabric
16: Organic
17-18: Electronic
1 year ago
JoshBrendan Broken,​Broken,​Broken,​Metal,​Fabric,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Electronic
Josh Broken,​Broken,​Broken,​Metal,​Fabric,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Fabric
1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-6: Metal
7-8: Bulky
9-14: Fabric
15: Organic
16-18: Electronic
1 year ago
lendunistus1-3: Broken
4-6: Metal
7-8: Bulky
9-14: Fabric
15: Organic
16-18: Electronic
1 year ago
BrendanJonathanDark's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Bulky
Brendan's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Metal
Trapdoorspyder's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Metal
lendunistus's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic,​Electronic:Broken
1 year ago
JonathanDarkBrendan's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Metal1 year ago
JonathanDarklendunistus' item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Organic1 year ago
JonathanDarkJonathanDark's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Broken1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for Trapdoorspyder's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Broken1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for lendunistus' item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Broken1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for JonathanDark's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Organic1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for TrapdoorSpyder's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Organic1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for Kevan's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Metal1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for JonathanDark's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric,​Organic:Broken1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for Kevan's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric:Bulky1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for JonathanDark's item: Broken,​Metal,​Bulky,​Fabric:Metal1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for Trapdoorspyder's item: Nothing,​Thermos,​Thick Jacket,​Branches,​Cudgel:Cudgel1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for lendunistus' item: Nothing,​Thermos,​Thick Jacket,​Branches,​Cudgel:Cudgel1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for Josh's item: Nothing,​Thermos,​Thick Jacket,​Branches,​Cudgel:Cudgel1 year ago
JonathanDarkRolling for JonathanDark's item: Nothing,​Thermos,​Thick Jacket,​Branches,​Cudgel:Branches1 year ago
HabaneroRolling for Chiiika's item: Nothing,​ Thermos,​ Thick Jacket,​ Branches,​ Cudgel:Cudgel1 year ago
HabaneroRolling for Josh's item: Nothing,​ Thermos,​ Thick Jacket,​ Branches,​ Cudgel:Nothing1 year ago
TDSPoR 2: 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​,​ 9,​ 10,​ 11:91 year ago
TDSPoR 1:3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 11:81 year ago
ChiiikaRoll a dice; determine do I keep the mantle (1 is haba; 2 is me): DICE2:11 year ago
HabaneroDisassembling library for Jute: DICE2:2 and Brick: DICE2:21 year ago
Chiiikado I get my library disassembled brick: DICE2:21 year ago
TDSPoR 2: 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 9,​ 10,​ 11:51 year ago
TDSPoR 1: 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 11:81 year ago
HabaneroDeconstructing my Farm for Rye (please have mercy on my soul oh RNG gods): DICE2:22 years ago
HabaneroDeconstructing my Farm for Jute: DICE2:22 years ago
ChiiikaDeconstructing Mill (1 Rye): DICE2:12 years ago
ChiiikaDeconstructing Mill (1 Brick): DICE2:22 years ago
Chiiikamisroll - DICE2:22 years ago
ChiiikaDeconstructing Mill (1 Wood): DICE1:12 years ago
TDSPoR 2:3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:102 years ago
TDSProduction of Resources 1: 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:62 years ago
TDSPoR 2:2,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:22 years ago
TDSPoR 1: 2,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:52 years ago
TDSPoR 2: 2,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 9,​ 11:92 years ago
TDSPoR 1: 2,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:102 years ago
TDSRoll 2,​ ignoring dupes: 2,​ 4,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:42 years ago
TDSProduction of Resources Roll 1: 2,​ 3,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11:32 years ago
TDSPoR Die 2,​ ignoring duplicate results: 2,​ 3,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 9,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11,​ 11:112 years ago
TDSProduction of Resources Die 1: 2,​ 3,​ 3,​ 4,​ 4,​ 4,​ 5,​ 5,​ 5,​ 6,​ 6,​ 6,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 7,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 8,​ 9,​ 9,​ 10,​ 10,​ 10,​ 11,​ 11:82 years ago
TDSRolling Visitor.
2 years ago
TDSIgnoring a duplicate result.
2 years ago
TDSProduction of Resources.
2 years ago
TDSRolling for Visitor: 2DICE6:62 years ago
TDSRolling for Production of Resources:
2 years ago
TDSVisitor Arrival: 2DICE6:72 years ago
TDSRolling for the first production of resources.
2 years ago
ChiiikaDICE6:2 + DICE6:4 + DICE6:52 years ago
Chiiika3DICE6:102 years ago
JonathanDarkquirck grabs a Flashlight: DICE6:42 years ago
KevanBucky's Flashlight: DICE6:2
Darknight's Tome: DICE6:1
Habanero's Flashlight: DICE6:1
Josh's Foot: DICE6:2
Kevan's Flashlight: DICE6:3
2 years ago
BuckyAnderson Cooper Ball Toss 10DICE3:182 years ago
BuckyJohnathanDark T stamp: Shaquille O'Neal,​ Jackie Chan,​ Sophia Vergara,​ Anderson Cooper:Anderson Cooper2 years ago
KevanLucrezia attempts to leave the Maze: DICE2:12 years ago
BuckyArena Dome DICE4:12 years ago
BuckyShaquille O'Neal Ball Toss 10DICE3:272 years ago
BuckyTom Hand Ball Toss 10DICE3:192 years ago
KevanCornelius rushes the Ferris Wheel: DICE4:12 years ago
KevanKatelyn rushes the Ferris Wheel: DICE3:12 years ago
KevanLucrezia now attempts to leave: DICE2:12 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti searches the Maze: DICE2:12 years ago
BuckyArena Dome DICE4:12 years ago
BuckyKatelyn Dubose Ball Toss 10DICE3:192 years ago
BuckyCornelius Overbold Ball Toss 10DICE3:222 years ago
KevanNigel Cartlesham rushes the Arena Dome: DICE2:22 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti tries to leave the Maze: DICE2:12 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti searches the Maze: DICE3:22 years ago
BuckyGrandpa Fuller searches the Maze: DICE6:62 years ago
BuckyJackie Chan Ball Toss 10DICE3:252 years ago
BuckyShaquille O'Neal Ball Toss 10DICE3:162 years ago
BuckySophia Vergara Ball Toss 10DICE3:222 years ago
KevanNigel Cartlesham rushes the Ball Toss: DICE4:12 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti searches the Maze: DICE4:42 years ago
BuckyBall Toss Katelyn Dubose 10DICE3:212 years ago
BuckyBall Toss Nigel Cartlesham correction: 10DICE2:132 years ago
BuckyBall Toss Cornelius Overbold 10DICE3:222 years ago
BuckyBall Toss Nigel Cartlesham 10DICE3:252 years ago
BuckyBall Toss Nigel Cartlesham2 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti searches the Maze: DICE5:42 years ago
BuckyT Stamp Jonny Sims,​Martin Blacktree,​Tom Hand,​James Sash:Martin Blacktree2 years ago
BuckyTom Hand Ball Toss 10DICE3:172 years ago
BuckyKatelyn Dubose Ball Toss 10DICE3:172 years ago
BuckyCornelius ball toss 10DICE3:202 years ago
TrapdoorspyderRushing James Sash to the Ferris Wheel: DICE4:22 years ago
TrapdoorspyderRushing Martin Blacktree into the Robot Race: DICE3:3
Rushing Tom Hand into the Ferris Wheel: DICE3:1
2 years ago
JoshRushing the maze DICE2:12 years ago
KevanEnacting T Minus One: Stamp goes to Katelyn Dubose,​ Cornelius Overbold,​ Nigel Cartlesham,​ Lucrezia Giolitti:Nigel Cartlesham2 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti searches the Maze: DICE6:22 years ago
TrapdoorspyderTom Hand tries to get out of the maze: DICE2:22 years ago
BuckyCornelius Overbold Ball Toss 10DICE3:152 years ago
BuckyAnderson Cooper Ball Toss 10DICE3:262 years ago
KevanOverbold rushes the Ball Toss queue for another go: DICE2:12 years ago
JoshRushing the Maze DICE2:12 years ago
JonathanDarkSophia Vergara rushes the Bathroom Line DICE2:12 years ago
BuckyAnderson Cooper Ball Toss 10DICE3:192 years ago
BuckyCornelius Overbold Ball Toss 10DICE3:202 years ago
KevanOverbold rushes the Ball Toss queue: DICE2:22 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold attempts to leave the maze: DICE2:22 years ago
JonathanDarkSophia Vergara rushes the Robot Race DICE2:22 years ago
JonathanDarkAnderson Cooper attempts to leave the Maze DICE2:12 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold searches the Maze: DICE2:12 years ago
TrapdoorspyderMartin Blacktree attempts to leave: DICE2:2
Tom Hand searches: DICE4:1
2 years ago
KevanNigel Cartlesham rushes the bathroom line: DICE4:32 years ago
JonathanDarkAnderson Cooper searched the Maze again. DICE3:12 years ago
BuckyWrong size. DICE3:12 years ago
BuckyRushing the Bathroom Line DICE2:12 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold continues to search the Maze: DICE3:22 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti rushes the Ferris Wheel: DICE3:32 years ago
KevanKatelyn Dubose rushes the Ferris Wheel: DICE2:12 years ago
TrapdoorspyderBlacktree attempts to leave the Maze while Tom Hand searches.
2 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold searches the Maze again: DICE4:32 years ago
JonathanDarkAnderson Cooper searching the Maze DICE4:42 years ago
KevanLucrezia Giolitti rushes the Ferris Wheel: DICE3:22 years ago
TrapdoorspyderTom Hand: DICE6:4
Martin Blacktree: DICE6:1
2 years ago
Trapdoorspyder2Dice62 years ago
TrapdoorspyderRetrying the last one: 2DICEX2 years ago
TrapdoorspyderMartin Blacktree and then Tom Hand search the maze: 2DICEX2 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold searches the Maze: DICE5:42 years ago
JonathanDarkAnderson Cooper searching the Maze DICE5:32 years ago
KevanCornelius Overbold searches the Maze: DICE6:62 years ago
JonathanDarkAnderson Cooper searching the Maze DICE6:32 years ago
KevanRushing the Maze queue: DICE2:12 years ago
BuckyPool Entry Bucky,​ Bucky:Bucky2 years ago
BuckyPool entry {Bucky}2 years ago
CalhegasMoraisDICE7:42 years ago
BuckyChop DICE3:32 years ago
BuckyBlobba loyalty check Lord,​ Power,​ Family,​ Friend:Power2 years ago
BuckyWuh loyalty check Lord,​ Power,​ Family,​ Friend:Friend2 years ago
ThundershrikeLaboring Immigration x27:





2 years ago
ThundershrikeLaboring,​ exploitation station (for real):
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Iron Ore
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Coal
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Iron Ore
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Stone
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Coal
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Iron Ore
Stone,​Coal,​Iron Ore:Coal
2 years ago
ThundershrikeLaboring,​ concentration station:
DICE10:6 DICE10:3 DICE10:10 DICE10:1 DICE10:10 DICE10:8 DICE10:9
DICE10:6 DICE10:1 DICE10:2 DICE10:3 DICE10:8 DICE10:6 DICE10:6

Laboring,​ exploitation station:
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
{Stone (uncut),​Coal,​Iron Ore}
2 years ago
BuckyLaboring Immigration Station x10
2 years ago
BuckyTest roll
2 years ago
BuckyLabouring concentration station
DICE10:8 DICE10:1 DICE10:1 DICE10:2 DICE10:3
2 years ago
BuckyLaboring. Concentration Station:
DICE10:2 DICE10:5 DICE10:9
DICE10:2 DICE10:10 DICE10:10
DICE10:5 DICE10:8 DICE10:4
DICE10:4 DICE10:9 DICE10:4
DICE10:3 DICE10:7 DICE10:10
2 years ago
Joshpt 2 Announcement #29: 1-10 Darknight,​ 11-12 SingularByte DICE12:62 years ago
JoshAnnouncement #29: 1-10 Darknight,​ 11-20 Habanero,​ 21-22 SingularByte DICE22:182 years ago
JoshBout 28 pt 1: 1-11 Habanero,​ 12-16 Supernova DICE16:62 years ago
JoshBout 28 pt 1: 1-11 Habanero,​ 12-19 Raven1207,​ 20-24 Supernova DICE24:132 years ago
JoshBout 25 pt 2: 1-5 Brendan,​ 6-9 lendunistus DICE9:12 years ago
JoshBout 25 pt 1: 1-5 Brendan,​ 6-9 lendunistus,​ 10-18 Maldor DICE18:132 years ago
JoshBout 22 pt 2: 1-6 chiiika,​ 7-10 lendunistus,​ 11-16 Raven1207 DICE16:22 years ago
JoshBout 22 pt 1: 1-5 Brendan,​ 6-12 chiiika,​ 13-16 lendunistus,​ 17-22 Raven1207 DICE22:22 years ago
JoshBout 22; Annoy-o-Tron has the highest Bout Count so is benched until Snisbo catches up2 years ago
Joshvs 1-4 lendun,​ 5-7 Supernova DICE7:62 years ago
JoshBout 21: 1-4 lendun,​ 5-7 Supernova,​ 8-9 Trapdoorspyder DICE9:92 years ago
JoshSo Bout 19 is necessarily Jumble vs Trap2 years ago
JoshBout 18 pt 2: 1-3 Jumble,​ 4-7 lendun,​ 8-9 Trapdoorspyder DICE9:62 years ago
JoshBout 18 pt 1: 1-3 Jumble,​ 4-7 lendun,​ 8-10 Supernova,​ 11-12 Trapdoorspyder DICE12:82 years ago
JoshDICE6:42 years ago
JoshBout 17 pt 1: chiika 1-5,​ Singularbyte 62 years ago
JoshBout 16 pt 2: chiika 1-5,​ darknight 6-9,​ Singularbyte 10 DICE10:62 years ago
JoshBout 16 pt 1: Brendan 1-5,​ chiiika 6-10,​ Darknight 11-14,​ Singularbyte 15 DICE15:42 years ago
JoshBout 15 pt 1: 1-3 Supernova,​ 4 Trapdoorspyder DICE4:42 years ago
JoshBout 14 pt 2: 1-2 Jumble,​ 3-5 Supernova,​ 6 Trapdoorspyder DICE6:12 years ago
JoshBout 14 pt 1: 1-2 Jumble,​ 3 SingularByte,​ 4-6 Supernova,​ 7 Trapdoorspyder DICE7:32 years ago
JoshBout 13 pt 2: 1-2 Jumble,​ 3-6 Raven,​ 7 SingularByte,​ 8-10 Supernova,​ 11 Trapdoorspyder DICE11:62 years ago
JoshBout 13 pt 1: 1-2 Jumble,​ 3-5 lendunistus,​ 6-9 Raven,​ 10 SingularByte,​ 11-13 Supernova,​ 14 Trapdoorspyder DICE14:52 years ago
JoshBout 12 part 2: Singular 1-2 Supernova 3-4 DICE4:22 years ago
JoshBout 12: Darknight 1-4,​ Singular 5-6,​ Supernova 7-8 DICE8:12 years ago
JoshBout 11 part 2 SingularByte 1-2,​ Supernova 3 DICE3:22 years ago
JoshBout #10: Darknight 1-4,​ SingularByte 5-6,​ Supernova 7 DICE7:42 years ago
JoshBout 10,​ Contender #2: 1-3 lendun,​ 4-5 SingularByte DICE5:12 years ago
JoshBout 10,​ Contender #1: 1-4 chiiika,​ 5-7 lendun,​ 8-9 SingularByte DICE9:32 years ago
JoshBout 9,​ Contender #2: 1-4 chiiika,​ 5-7 lendun,​ 8-9 SingularByte,​ 10 Trapdoorspyder DICE10:102 years ago
JoshBout 9,​ Contender #1: 1-4 chiiika,​ 5-7 lendun,​ 8-11 raven,​ 12-13 SingularByte,​ 14 Trapdoorspyder DICE14:112 years ago
JoshPlayer 2: 1 Jumble,​ 3 Supernova,​ 3 trapdoorspyder DICE3:32 years ago
JoshPlayer one: 1 Jumble,​ 2 Supernova,​ 3-4 thundershrike,​ 5 trapdoorspyder DICE5:42 years ago
JoshStart player 1 SingularByte 2 Trapdoorspyder DICE2:12 years ago
JoshSecond: 1 Jumble,​ 2-3 Trapdoorspyder DICE3:32 years ago
JoshFirst contender: 1 Jumble,​ 2-3 SingularByte,​ 4-5 Trapdoorspyder DICE5:32 years ago
JoshStart player SupernovaStarbright (1) or thundershrike (2) DICE2:22 years ago
JoshDICE2:12 years ago
JoshStart player Jumble (1) or TDS (2)2 years ago
Josh1-2 is thundershrike,​ 3-4 is trapdoorspyder DICE4:42 years ago
JoshBout participant number1: 1 is Jumble,​ 2-3 is thundershrike,​4-5 is trapdoorspyder DICE5:12 years ago
JoshDICE2:12 years ago
JoshLeftmost player,​ Jumble on 1,​ lendun on 22 years ago
JoshLeftmost player,​ Snisbo on 1,​ SB on 2 DICE2:22 years ago
JoshWho goes first,​ Brendan (1) or Kevan (2) DICE2:12 years ago
Josh1 Jumble,​ 2 SingularByte,​ 3 SupernovaStarbright
Remainder in the same order
2 years ago
JoshOh,​ I have to randomly select them,​ so: 1 for Kevan,​ 2 for Brendan DICE2:2 and then the remainder DICE1:12 years ago
Josh1-7 Josh; 8-9 Kevan; 10 Trap DICE10:32 years ago
JumbleScavenge action @ Haunted Woods DICE7:22 years ago
SupernovaStarbrightDICE5:42 years ago
SupernovaStarbright3DICE15:322 years ago
SupernovaStarbrightDICE5:12 years ago
SupernovaStarbright3DICE15:172 years ago
SupernovaStarbrightDICE4:3 DICE24:10 DICE12:82 years ago
MadisonSilverhelp i'm trapped in a DICE37:5 factory2 years ago
MadisonSilverthe world stage something something DICE999:142 years ago
MadisonSilverroll test ignore please DICE87:552 years ago
MadisonSilvertest roll please ignore DICE9:92 years ago
Raven1207Test 3DICE4:9 2DICE3:62 years ago
Raven1207DICE5:32 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:102 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:292 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:332 years ago
Raven1207DICE5:42 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:192 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:242 years ago
Raven1207DICE5:32 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:252 years ago
Raven1207DICE5:22 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:342 years ago
Raven1207DICE5:12 years ago
Raven1207Dice52 years ago
Raven12073DICE15:252 years ago
SingularByteRolling as a non-action for non-binding purposes.
Roll 1,​ DICE96:54
Roll 2,​ DICE72:52
Roll 3,​ DICE96:82
2 years ago
JumbleDICE7:6 Haunted Woods roll2 years ago
LinkVanyaliTest rolling the dice roller syntax: DICE7:62 years ago
SingularByteRolling for Haunted Woods: DICE7:22 years ago
lendunistus1-2: lendunistus
3-4: SupernovaStarbright
5: Josh

2 years ago
KevanFurther Water in The Palace,​ The Odeon,​ The Agora,​ The Hill,​ The Gates,​ The Fields,​ The Docks:The Palace and then The Palace,​ The Odeon,​ The Agora,​ The Hill,​ The Gates,​ The Fields,​ The Docks:The Agora.2 years ago
KevanWater in The Palace,​ The Odeon,​ The Agora,​ The Hill,​ The Gates,​ The Fields,​ The Docks:The Hill2 years ago
KevanWater rises in The Palace,​ The Odeon,​ The Agora,​ The Hill,​ The Gates,​ The Fields,​ The Docks:The Hill2 years ago
KevanFire at the Odeon destroys: House,​ First Temple,​ Second Temple,​ Embassy:Embassy2 years ago
KevanFields: Troy,​ Alexandria:Alexandria2 years ago
KevanGates: Mycenae,​ Troy,​ Alexandria:Mycenae2 years ago
KevanHill: Mycenae,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Heliopolis2 years ago
KevanAgora: Mycenae,​ Crete,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Crete2 years ago
KevanOdeon: Mycenae,​ Sardinia,​ Crete,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Sardinia2 years ago
Kevan(Rerolling,​ shouldn't have started with the Palace as it doesn't get an Embassy.)2 years ago
KevanGates: Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Alexandria2 years ago
KevanHill: Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Troy2 years ago
KevanAgora: Crete,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Crete2 years ago
KevanOdeon: Sardinia,​ Crete,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Sardinia2 years ago
KevanEmbassy in the Palace District is Mycenae,​ Sardinia,​ Crete,​ Troy,​ Alexandria,​ Heliopolis:Mycenae2 years ago
KevanDarknight,​MadisonSilver:MadisonSilver2 years ago
KevanWrong roll there: Darknight,​Josh,​MadisonSilver:Josh2 years ago
KevanDarknight,​Josh,​MadisonSilver,​wdtefv:Darknight2 years ago
KevanDarknight,​Josh,​MadisonSilver,​Trigon:Trigon2 years ago
KevanDarknight,​Josh,​MadisonSilver,​Trigon,​wdtefv:wdtefv2 years ago
KevanDarknight,​Josh,​Jumble,​MadisonSilver,​Trigon,​wdtefv:Jumble2 years ago
KevanFirst in the Queue: Darknight,​Gozherd,​Josh,​Jumble,​MadisonSilver,​Trigon,​wdtefv:Gozherd2 years ago
SingularByte109's Victory Style Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Scam2 years ago
SingularByte109's Theme: The Super Secret Club Dynasty,​ The Videogame Programming Dynasty,​ The MMO Dynasty,​ The Forbidden Dynasty,​ The Underworld Dynasty,​ The Industrial Revolution Dynasty:The Industrial Revolution Dynasty2 years ago
SingularByte109's Emperor Kevan,​ Josh,​ Cuddlebeam,​ None,​ Coregency,​ Brendan:None2 years ago
SingularByte108's Victory Style Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Pooling2 years ago
SingularByte108's theme: The Alchemy Dynasty,​ The Witchfinder Dynasty,​ The Deep-Sea Creature Dynasty,​ The Reformation Dynasty,​ The Prophecy Dynasty,​ The Heretic Dynasty:The Witchfinder Dynasty2 years ago
SingularByte108's Emperor: Kevan,​ None,​ Brendan,​ Cuddlebeam,​ Tantusar,​ PokeMast3r:Cuddlebeam2 years ago
Brendan107's victory style: Scam,​ Conventional,​ Pooling:Scam2 years ago
Brendan107's theme: The Blood Dynasty,​ The American War Dynasty,​ The Shining Dynasty,​ The Armageddon Dynasty,​ The Theorum Dynasty,​ The Explorers Dynasty,​ The Revolution Dynasty,​ The Demented Dynasty,​ The SCP Foundation Dynasty,​ The Parallel Universe Syndicate Dynasty,​ The Christmas Dynasty,​ The Despotism Dynasty,​ The Mimesis Dynasty,​ The Griefwalker Dynasty,​ The Social Media Dynasty,​ The Umbrella Corporation Dynasty,​ The Bardo Legacy Dynasty,​ The Blognomicon Dynasty,​ The Fury Dynasty,​ The Brachistocrats Dynasty,​ The Abducted Dynasty,​ The Holy War Dynasty,​ The Ice Demon Dynasty,​ The Soviet Union Dynasty,​ The Choreographic Dynasty,​ The SCP Foundation Coregency,​ The Dwarves Dynasty,​ The Rumble Dynasty,​ The Free Market Dynasty,​ The Fairy-Tale Dynasty:The Fury Dynasty2 years ago
Brendan107's emperor: Clucky,​ Josh,​ Kevan,​ Josh,​ Clucky,​ Josh,​ Coregency,​ Clucky,​ Cuddlebeam,​ Kevan,​ None,​ Kevan,​ Naught,​ RaichuKFM,​ Bazikas,​ Deaths,​ Joski,​ Kevan,​ card,​ Kevan,​ Matt,​ lemonfanta,​ Matty77,​ Matt,​ Naught,​ Kevan,​ Brendon,​ Jumble,​ David,​ Jumble,​ Eevilz,​ Spoaky,​ pokes,​ None,​ Coregency,​ Jumble,​ Kevan,​ Gonk,​ Amleto,​ Amleto,​ kyan2131,​ Kevan,​ Zack,​ Zack,​ Jumble,​ IpstenuX,​ Rurik,​ Bazikas,​ Shadowplay,​ Kevan,​ Kevan,​ RaichuKFM,​ Jingle,​ Zack,​ Matty77,​ None,​ Jumble,​ Hanger:Hanger2 years ago
Kevan101=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Scam
102=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Scam
103=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Conventional
104=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Pooling
105=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Pooling
106=Conventional,​ Scam,​ Pooling:Pooling
2 years ago
BrendanBig fan of passionsnack,​ personally. C-,​AoBcat,​AveryXimenes,​Alen,​And_One,​Cody_Blackwell,​E_liagH_,​G_n3_4ch,​Happy_moon,​Hamsterscored3d,​Humbotter,​Kazuki,​Moobot,​myx,​passionsnack,​phillyd,​Rene,​Yakirawa,​Natalya.K,​Qorej,​Springbank,​test-case,​tttboss,​valenejewels,​Velen,​Wolfgang,​x_the_geek,​amnesiagames,​Ablamarie,​Bodan,​Buttoncase,​cfeischick,​Cristiano,​Dalton,​Digital_Artist,​dj-zzx,​Edocj,​Eeyyas,​Fell-Wurm,​jacek-pawlikowicz,​Kasp3r:Qorej2 years ago
BrendanParallel 103 seems to have involved a lot of transliterated players. Whoson,​zhixun,​MightyHanma,​BaBa2,​SharkzJZT,​AryaRock,​Gaoqing,​KuangYing,​ShuaiYao,​Dubchen,​ColgateM,​Chaleo,​gxrj,​zzzz3,​fickin,​sosogxianjin,​Yuyang,​Sundeep,​xhxnxlxnx,​ChuXiaBian,​XUaL,​Kittay,​Janniv,​EluShXC,​kaichao,​kennyluck1203,​CIMGMOON,​Fzs,​deqieyv,​Zen,​Osobiscous,​SunYutian,​XiaoFa,​zhangtianlong,​Favor2,​zhangwei1999,​LotusFeet,​HJ08,​HJC,​jjjjjjjjjjjjjj:ShuaiYao2 years ago
BrendanTranslating the player list from Prime 103 to Parallel 103.
Bucky: DICE10:7
Clucky: DICE10:6
Cpt_Koen: DICE10:5
GreyWithAnE: DICE10:4
Moonroof: DICE10:6
Murphy: DICE10:10
Quirck: DICE10:9
Scshunt: DICE10:7
Spice: DICE10:5
Southpointingchariot: DICE10:5
Vovix: DICE10:6
2 years ago
BrendanNow THIS looks like a list of player names! Gods,​TheMegaZeus,​Willikids,​RedBanana,​Julia,​Blowfish,​EuphoriaApollo,​JokerTiberius,​Lilac,​Chimera,​AurumXOXO,​TheChocolator,​Giant,​EvilMoss,​TheBigBadD,​Shiro,​Romero,​Oblivion:EvilMoss2 years ago
Brendanoyuno,​RaichuCinder,​RaichuMew,​,​Lenny,​Misty,​Kid,​Onix,​Turtwig,​Oddish,​Pidove,​Tangela,​Turtwig,​Gothitelle,​Groudon,​Torterra,​Uxie,​Ambipom,​Happiny,​Tauros,​,​Cameron,​Sarah,​Ty,​Sasha,​Alison,​Jude,​Lorna,​Carolyn,​Vikki,​Sophie,​Louisa,​Kate,​Emily,​Sam,​Emily,​Beverley,​Julian,​Jasmine,​Grace,​Caitlin,​Beth,​Sophie,​Eunice,​Joel,​Kristin,​Ruth,​Diana,​Alexandra,​Grace,​Sinead,​Nina,​Chelsea,​Lillie,​Sarah:Emily2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
BrendanWell,​ adding a second player to Parallel 101 certainly seems like a shorter list. Fellure,​The Rite,​Mutilation Movies:Mutilation Movies2 years ago
BrendanCars,​Bathurst,​Rear spoiler,​Battle chassis,​Magnesium Bumpers,​Cloth and leather interior,​See also,​List of Mercedes-Benz vehicles,​References,​External links,​Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Sports Activity Vehicle official product page,​Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Sports Activity Vehicle product page,​C63 AMG,​CategoryAll-wheel-drive vehicles,​CategoryCars introduced in 2006,​CategorySport compact cars,​Category2010s cars:See also2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
Brendan2 years ago
JumbleTheme,​ attempt 2: The Reformation Dynasty,​
The Hunted Dynasty,​
The Data Broker Dynasty,​
The Hardmode Dynasty,​
The New Dynasty,​
The Wizards Dynasty,​
The Animal Rescue Dynasty,​
The Clockwork Dynasty,​
The Fake News Dynasty,​
The Rhythm Club Dynasty,​
The Glitch Dynasty,​
The Alien Survivor Dynasty,​
The Stonehenge Dynasty,​
The Cyst Dynasty,​
The Blueprint Dynasty,​
The Military Dynasty,​
The Iron Front Dynasty,​
The Monster Buster Dynasty,​
The God-Emperor Dynasty,​
The New-Builders Dynasty,​
The School of Combat Dynasty,​
The Death Club Dynasty,​
The Car Dynasty,​
The Apocalypse Dynasty,​
The Box Dynasty,​
The Iron Soldier Dynasty,​
The King of Paris Dynasty,​
The Overworld Dynasty,​
The Switcheroo Dynasty,​
The Faction Dynasty,​
The Black Chamber Dynasty:The New Dynasty
2 years ago
Jumble(Yeah,​ no.)2 years ago
JumbleTheme: The Chaos Dynasty,​
The Cold War Dynasty,​
The Old Player Dynasty,​
The Secret Society Dynasty,​
The Mutation Dynasty,​
The King Dynasty,​
The Island Dynasty,​
The Christmas Dynasty,​
The J-Card Dynasty,​
The Proud Dynasty,​
The Cheating Dynasty,​
The First Dynasty,​
The Undertaker Dynasty,​
The Twins Dynasty,​
The Unify Dynasty,​
The Mole-Sedition Dynasty,​
The Sealing Engine Dynasty,​
The Doomsday Time Lord Dynasty,​
The Intelligencer Dynasty,​
The Trap Dynasty,​
The Underwear Dynasty,​
The Cosmic Alloy Dynasty,​
The Collectors Dynasty,​
The Time Warp Dynasty,​
The NAPD Dynasty,​
The Warp Runner Dynasty,​
The Resurrection Dynasty,​
The Fossil Dynasty,​
The Murder Mission Dynasty,​
The Sims Dynasty:The Mole-Sedition Dynasty
2 years ago
JumbleRe-rolling,​ because I left the last line in: Kevan,​
The Duke of Waltham,​
2 years ago
JumbleEmperor: Kevan,​
The Duke of Waltham,​
2 years ago
Jumble2 years ago
MadisonSilverSelecting a Dynasty Theme: The Data Dynasty,​
The Uplift Engine Dynasty,​
The Dynasty that Tries to Reform Everything,​
The Contradiction Dynasty,​
The Mad Scientists Dynasty,​
The Silly Species Dynasty,​
The Favorite Epilogue Dynasty,​
The Anomalous Incident Dynasty,​
The High School Problem Dynasty,​
The Psychopaths Dynasty,​
The Conceptual Proposal Dynasty,​
The Medieval Period Dynasty,​
The Changed King Dynasty,​
The Earthquake Dynasty,​
The Dead-Eyed Robots Dynasty,​
The Steampunk Dynasty,​
The Reality Programming Dynasty,​
The Diceless System Dynasty,​
The Dark Age of Science Dynasty,​
The Forgotten Dynasty,​
The Chessboard Society Dynasty,​
The Royal Society of Scientific Investigation Dynasty:The Forgotten Dynasty
2 years ago
MadisonSilverSelecting a Dynasty Theme: The Data Dynasty,​
The Uplift Engine Dynasty,​
The Dynasty that Tries to Reform Everything,​
The Contradiction Dynasty,​
The Mad Scientists Dynasty,​
The Silly Species Dynasty,​
The Favorite Epilogue Dynasty,​
The Anomalous Incident Dynasty,​
The High School Problem Dynasty,​
The Psychopaths Dynasty,​
The Conceptual Proposal Dynasty,​
The Medieval Period Dynasty,​
The Changed King Dynasty,​
The Earthquake Dynasty,​
The Dead-Eyed Robots Dynasty,​
The Steampunk Dynasty,​
The Reality Programming Dynasty,​
The Diceless System Dynasty,​
The Dark Age of Science Dynasty,​
The Forgotten Dynasty,​
The Chessboard Society Dynasty,​
The Royal Society of Scientific Investigation Dynasty:The Diceless System Dynasty
2 years ago
MadisonSilverSelecting an Emperor properly this time: Tobin,​
Mr. M,​
2 years ago
MadisonSilverSelecting an Emperor (the Paralleliser put all the output on one line,​ so I have to select from an empty list): {}2 years ago
TyGuy6The Hate Dynasty,​ The Metadata Dynasty,​ The Elysium Dynasty,​ The Superhero Dynasty,​ The New Batch Dynasty,​ The Taxi~Wheelchair Dynasty,​ The Voting Day Dynasty,​ The City Dynasty,​ The Towering Inferno Dynasty,​ The Grindfest Dynasty,​ The Healbot Dynasty,​ The Rebel Dynasty,​ The Freak Dynasty,​ The Prisoner's War Dynasty,​ The War of the Hat Dynasty,​ The Cult of Kilt Dynasty,​ The Evil Deth Dynasty,​ The Griefing Dynasty,​ The Demiurge Dynasty,​ The Life Control Dynasty,​ The Icarus Dynasty,​ The Machine Player Dynasty,​ The Horror Chasm Dynasty,​ The Worlds Within Dynasty,​ The Challenger Dynasty,​ The Medieval Dynasty,​ The Lord High Console~Console Dynasty,​ The Frenemy Dynasty:The Towering Inferno Dynasty2 years ago
TyGuy62 years ago
TyGuy6Oops,​ no,​ that was the original list.2 years ago
TyGuy6The Factory Machine Dynasty,​ The Manul Dynasty,​ The Pie Dynasty,​ The Nomic School Dynasty,​ The Newspaper Dynasty,​ The Heist Dynasty,​ The Doomsday Cult Dynasty,​ The Parliamentary Dynasty,​ The Interstellar Fleet Dynasty,​ The Noble Families Dynasty,​ The Principia Blognomica Dynasty,​ The Style Guessing Metadynasty,​ The Magical Apprentice Dynasty,​ The Government Shutdown Dynasty,​ The Despot Dynasty,​ The Marooned Dynasty,​ The Alien NPC Dynasty,​ The Chemistry Dynasty,​ The Chivalric Dynasty,​ The Assassin Dynasty,​ The Flea Market Dynasty,​ The Soccer Dynasty,​ The Jupiter Shuttle Dynasty,​ The Android Dynasty,​ The Seasonal Dynasty,​ The Restaurant Dynasty,​ The Shapeshifter Dynasty,​ The Kaiju Court Dynasty,​ The Mad Max Dynasty,​ The Lab Rat Dynasty,​ The Cyberpunk Dynasty,​ The Prisoner's Dilemma Dynasty,​ The Papal Dynasty,​ The Tarot Dynasty,​ The Committee Dynasty,​ The Imaginary Friends Dynasty,​ The Orc Horde Dynasty,​ The Orc Warrior Dynasty,​ The Theme Park Dynasty,​ The Real-World Photography Dynasty,​ The True Ruleset Dynasty,​ The Buried Treasure Dynasty,​ The Gerrymandering Dynasty,​ The Last Dynasty,​ The Plague Dynasty,​ The Deep-Sea Creature Dynasty,​ The Bloggsball Dynasty,​ The Mountains of Madness Dynasty,​ The Pact Magic Dynasty,​ The Missile Crisis Dynasty,​ The Katamari Dynasty,​ The Halloween Dynasty,​ The Tesseract Dynasty,​ The Failed Experiment Dynasty,​ The Supply Crate Dynasty,​ The Alice in Wonderland Coregency,​ The Moby-Dick Dynasty,​ The Wizard Cities Dynasty,​ The Immortal Dynasty,​ The Evolution Dynasty,​ The Tron Programming Dynasty,​ The Activism Dynasty,​ The Court of Blognomic Dynasty,​ The Detective Dynasty,​ The Untamed Wilds Dynasty,​ The Tech Project Dynasty,​ The Moonbase Dynasty,​ The Monster Maker Dynasty,​ The Battleship Dynasty,​ The Castaway Dynasty,​ The Climate Change Dynasty,​ The Boss Fight Dynasty,​ The Enneagram Dynasty,​ The SCP Dynasty,​ The Parallel Universe Dynasty,​ The Versailles Dynasty,​ The Animal Crossing Dynasty,​ The Amnesiac Dynasty,​ The Surwheelism Dynasty,​ The Unexplored Planet Dynasty,​ The Great Flood Dynasty,​ The Mosaic Dynasty,​ The Mech Dynasty,​ The Treaty Dynasty,​ The Venetian Election Dynasty,​ The Card Game Dynasty,​ The AI Dynasty,​ The Art Broker Dynasty,​ The Vampire Dynasty,​ The Box Factory Dynasty,​ The Veto Dynasty,​ The Censorship Dynasty,​ The Elevator Dynasty,​ The Real Estate Dynasty,​ The Wrestling Metadynasty,​ The Dark One Dynasty,​ The Road Trip Dynasty,​ The Box Company Dynasty,​ The Tic-Tac-Toe Dynasty:The Box Company Dynasty2 years ago
The Blue Bead,​
The Piano,​
The Piano,​
The Blue Bead,​
The Piano,​
2 years ago
BrendanWhat a surprise. Picking a theme: The Voter Panel Dynasty ,​
The Duelist Dynasty ,​
The New Wave Dynasty ,​
The Suggestion Theory Dynasty,​
The Endless Expansion Dynasty,​
The War Games Dynasty ,​
The Nuclear Family Dynasty,​
The Fledgling Dynasty ,​
The Mythological Hero Dynasty,​
The Handicap Dynasty ,​
The International Date Line Dynasty,​
The Quantum AI Dynasty ,​
The Smash Brothers Dynasty ,​
The Video Game Franchise Dynasty,​
The Eternal Universe Dynasty,​
The Exiles Dynasty ,​
The Internet Party Dynasty,​
The Music Video Dynasty ,​
The Role-Playing Gamer Dynasty,​
The Glitch Dynasty ,​
The Leverage Dynasty ,​
The Star Wars Dynasty,​
The Asteroid Dynasty ,​
The Frictional Force Dynasty ,​
The Vornheim Dynasty :The International Date Line Dynasty
2 years ago
BrendanPicking a leader with commas this time: Zack ,​
Farsight ,​
pokes ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
Roastie ,​
Cuddlebeam ,​
Clucky ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
Warp ,​
Cuddlebeam ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
The Duke of Waltham ,​
Kevan ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
Kevan ,​
Kevan ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
Josh ,​
Josh ,​
Josh ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
RaichuKFM ,​
2 years ago
BrendanPicking a leader: {Zack
The Duke of Waltham
2 years ago
CluckyPicking a theme

The Cultist Dynasty,​
The Rammelspratt Dynasty,​
The Taxi Program Dynasty,​
The Deconstruction Dynasty,​
The Earthquake Dynasty,​
The Reality TV Dynasty,​
The Mad Arab Dynasty,​
The Pratchett Dynasty,​
The Video Game Crash Dynasty,​
The Mithraism Dynasty,​
The Fortress Madness Dynasty,​
The Martial Arts Dynasty,​
The Bollywood Dynasty,​
The Ketchup Dynasty,​
The Mystery and Horror Dynasty,​
The Prisoner's Dilemma Dynasty,​
The Tawdry Dynasty,​
The Humanimal Dynasty,​
The Mind Simulator Dynasty,​
The Big Brother Dynasty,​
The Airstripe Dynasty,​
The Cosmofate Dynasty,​
The Battle Test Dynasty,​
The Autistic Dynasty,​
The X-Men Dynasty,​
The Broken Dynasty,​
The Unexplained Dynasty:The Deconstruction Dynasty
2 years ago
CluckyPicking a leader:

The D3ath,​
2 years ago
KevanBehind them,​ a few objects are visible: The Trolley Metadynasty,​The Street Fight Dynasty,​The One-Year-Only Dynasty,​The Outdated RPG Coregency,​The Living-Shelter Dynasty,​The Efficient Apparition Dynasty,​The Serial Killer Dynasty,​The Superabsorbent Polymer Dynasty,​The Artistic Dynasty,​The Time Traveling Robot Dynasty,​The Sci-Fi Game Engine Dynasty,​The Pirate Corporation Dynasty,​The House of Representatives Dynasty,​The Y2K Coregency,​The Red Orchestra Coregency,​The Cryptography Engine Dynasty,​The Moon Base,​The CTO Coregency,​The Doctor Nemesis,​The Red Notebook Coregency,​The Transhumanist Blog,​The Metal Blade,​The Underwater Tomb Coregency,​The Blue Leather Notebook,​The Secret Key,​The Metal Blade and Quills of Rust Coregency,​The Hollow Word,​The Metal Blade and Quills of Rust Coregency,​The Metal Blade,​The Hollow Word,​The Hollow Word,​The Hollow Word:The Hollow Word2 years ago
KevanA face appears at the portal: Nefir,​Josh,​Kevan,​Viv,​derrick,​Clucky,​derrick,​card,​derrick,​None,​derrick,​Coregency,​Clucky,​Bucky,​Josh,​Kevan,​Josh,​Clucky,​Josh,​brender,​Kevan,​Yadi,​Clucky,​Myke,​danmah,​hastar,​Kevan,​Cornerz,​DannyV,​Josh,​Kevan,​brender,​Nonasthewho,​Nefir,​Myke,​DannyV,​Nefir,​Kevan,​None,​Josh,​Larrytheturtle,​Brendan,​Josh,​none,​Coregency,​None,​Larrytheturtle,​Larrytheturtle,​Viv,​Rancor,​clacky,​Kevan,​Redblue,​Ayesdeeef,​Redblue,​Larrytheturtle,​Josh,​RaichuKFM,​Sparklez,​Josh:Kevan2 years ago
BrendanRolling a die for no particular reason. DICE100:222 years ago
BrendanCreating a Building with occupancy... DICE3:32 years ago
Cluckycompleting Facility 2. Using player names sorted from alphabetically first to alphabetically last (So ATMunn is selected on 1-5,​ Brendan on 6-21,​ etc...) DICE125:582 years ago
SupernovaStarbrightSo that's a 22,​796,​710,​4442 years ago
SupernovaStarbright1DICE4:2 10DICE10:54 D4 is first digit,​ D10s are the next 10 digits in order. 10 becomes 0 if rolled.2 years ago
SupernovaStarbright!DICE5200:4975 1DICE1000000:2094482 years ago
SupernovaStarbrightOh whoops,​ that's way wrong2 years ago
SupernovaStarbright1DICE1000000:4363282 years ago
SupernovaStarbright1DICE1000000:1386542 years ago
ZackIf this box has a defect Alan will malfunction 1DICE697419:4692912 years ago
ZackAlan sells the size 10 antimatter box 1DICE3:32 years ago
ZackRolling a new material for Alan 1DICE1000000:6974192 years ago
SupernovaStarbright1DICE36431:10061 Research2 years ago