Story Post: [Opportunity] Quiz Me (13 comments) A quiz show is coming to your town and they need contestants who can show off th

A quiz show is coming to your town and they need contestants who can show off their smarts as well as entertain a live audience. Unfortunately, the lines to apply are really long, and it looks like not everyone is going to get a chance to audition before they close the doors for the day. Looks like you’re going to have to bribe some folks in line to jump ahead and get in to showcase your talents. Are you ready?

This Opportunity has a Savvy reward of 46 and a Fame reward of 45.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Pace of Play

So far this dynasty, some of the main mechanics (e.g. Vocating) generally encouraging doing nothing most of the time, taking actions as rarely as the timer allows (in this case, once a week). That means that nothing is happening most of the time.

I’m making this post to check whether or not players are OK with that sort of pace – everyone might be fine with it, but possibly it might have happened accidentally without anyone really wanting it, and I can’t tell without asking.

Story Post: [Deal] Hey JonathanDark, let’s bribe the education commissioner

Think about it: unlimited free pens.

This is a Bribe Someone Mildly Important deal. I propose a Stakes split of 22 to me, 18 to you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

I would like to be idled.

Proposal: Better Safe Than Sorry

Timed out, 1-1 with reduced quorum due to Custodian voting DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Mar 2025 16:05:53 UTC

Add a new rule named “Insurance” with the following text:

There is a publicly tracked Insurance which is a list of one or more Policies that defaults to an empty list. Each Policy has a Seeker, a Resource, and a Covered.

At any time while Misfortune is not being performed, a Seeker may add a Policy to Insurance by spending a positive amount of one of their Resources up to the amount of that Resource they have, then adding an entry to Insurance with their name, the name of the Resource that was spent in this action, and a Covered equal to the amount spent. A Seeker who adds a Policy to Insurance is said to own that Policy. A Seeker may not add a Policy for a given Resource if one already exists with their name and that Resource.

At any time while Misfortune is not being performed, a Seeker may increase the Covered amount of a Policy they own by spending a positive amount of the Resource associated with that Policy, up to the amount of that Resource they have, and adding that amount to that Policy.

In the rule “Insurance”, add a subrule named “Misfortune” with the following text:

As a Communal Weekly Action, any Seeker or the Custodian may perform the Misfortune action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Randomly select a Resource.
* Randomly select a Life Event from the list of possible Life Events.
* Roll 2DICEX, where X is the current Tension, and call the result of this roll the Damage.
* Subtract the Damage from the Covered of every Insurance Policy where that Policy’s Resource matches the Resource selected in the preceding steps, to a minimum of 0.
* Remove every Insurance Policy that has a Covered of 0.
* For every Seeker that does not own an Insurance Policy with a Resource that matches the Resource selected in the preceding steps, apply the Life Event selected in the preceding steps to that Seeker.

Consider the Misfortune action as having been performed at the time of the enactment of this Proposal, without having performed its steps.

How much are you willing to set aside to avoid a Life Event?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Proposal: Unproductive Adults?

Timed out and failed, 0-1 with a lowered quorum due to imperial DEF. Josh

Adminned at 21 Mar 2025 10:05:21 UTC

Replace the conditions under which a Seeker is in the Adult and Geriatric Life Stages with the following:

In the second and third weeks after performing Be Productive for the first time, a Seeker is in the Adult Life Stage.
In the fourth and all subsequent weeks after performing Be Productive for the first time, a Seeker is in the Geriatric Life Stage.

Remove all Jobs from Seekers, if any exist.

Whoops, forgot to update the other two Life Stages with the passage of Unproductive Infants

Call for Judgment: Storytime

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Mar 2025 20:58:13 UTC

Uphold the post Viral Video as a legal Opportunity.

When I posted that Opportunity, I forgot to make it a Story Post as required by the rules for Opportunities.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Proposal: More Tense

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2025 21:43:15 UTC

In the text “As a daily Communal Action, any Seeker or the Custodian can increase the Tension by 2.” in “Targets”, change “2” to “3”.

The Tension increase of 2 was balanced around a larger playerlist – with fewer Seekers there are fewer actions, so the pace at which the game scales should be a little higher to compensate.

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Only FOR votes prevent edits

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2025 21:41:02 UTC

Change the Building Blocks rule “Edit Window” to read as follows:

Recommended: An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Seeker has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) there are no valid FOR votes on it. This rule is superseded by the rule “Protected Edit Window”, if it exists.

Make the same change on the Building Blocks wiki page.

I haven’t had much time for BlogNomic recently, and when checking proposals that might need my input, I missed that “Personal clocks” was still in edit window when I made a comment on it that contained a voting icon (the alternative would have been to delay voting until now – I didn’t visit BlogNomic in between). There’s no actual reason for AGAINST or unresolved-DEFERENTIAL votes to block editing – the primary reason to close the edit window is to stop people getting arbitrary text into the rules via editing a proposal that already has a number of FOR votes, and AGAINST and unresolved-DEFERENTIAL votes can’t be scammed that way. Meanwhile, allowing such votes to not close the window reduces the accidental damage that a hurried player can cause by mistake.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Proposal: Stonks

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2025 21:27:01 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “The Market”:

There exist three Stocks, each of which is associated with a non-Wealth Resource:
* Deep State Inc ($DSI for short) is associated with Influence;
* Celebrity Drivel News ($CDN for short) is associated with Fame;
* The Academic Research Cooperative ($ARC for short) is associated with Savvy.

Each Stock has a numeric Price, and every Seeker has a numeric amount of Shares in each Stock, both of which are publicly tracked.

As a Weekly Action, a Seeker may Trade. They do this by buying and/or selling any amount of their Shares in any amount of Stocks (with the value of each Share given by its Price and paid in Wealth). Wealth gained from selling Shares is not boosted by Aspiration.

Seekers with a Job of Investor may Trade as a Daily Action rather than a Weekly Action.

As a Communal Daily Action, any Seeker or the Custodian may Update Prices, which is the following atomic action:
* For every non-Wealth Resource:
** Calculate the percentage of non-Wealth Resources owned by all Seekers which are that Resource (a real number from 0 to 100).
** Divide the result of the previous step by 10.
** If the result of the previous step is less than 2, set it to 2.
** Set the Price of the Stock associated with that Resource to the result of the previous step, rounded to the nearest integer.

Why not do a little investment as a Wealth mechanic? The more of a non-Wealth Resource there is relative to the other Resources the more valuable the Stock for that Resource gets. My goal is to eventually have an obtaining mechanic for every resource (instead of just Influence, which is a little lopsided), maybe some others can help fill in Fame and Savvy

Proposal: Unproductive Infants

Reached quorum, 3-1 with reduced quorum due to Custodian voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2025 20:56:48 UTC

If the proposal “Personal clocks” was enacted, then this proposal has no effect.

In the rule Vocating, change the text “Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action” to read:

Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action (or the date upon which you assumed the Vocation chosen in this atomic action, whichever is most recent)

In the rule “Life Stages”, replace the conditions under which a Seeker is in the Infant and Juvenile Life Stages with the following:

If a Seeker has not performed Be Productive at any point in the Dynasty then that Seeker is in the Infant Life Stage.
For the first week after performing Be Productive for the first time, a Seeker is in the Juvenile Life Stage.


An alternative to Josh’s “Personal clocks” which doesn’t set everyone but himself and JD back four days. To address Josh’s concern about people without Hobbies getting extra productive time before becoming Geriatric, this sets the life clock ticking from the first time you’re productive instead of when you get a Vocation (which retroactively makes everyone Juvenile)

Proposal: Personal clocks

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Mar 2025 22:49:34 UTC

In the rule Vocating, change the text “Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action” to read:

Let X be the number of days between the start of the last day you performed this action (or the date upon which you assumed the Vocation chosen in this atomic action, whichever is most recent)

Revert any Be Productive actions taken between the posting and enactment of this proposal.

Standardising that you must hold the vocation for a set period before realising gains from it.

Story Post: [Opportunity] On Stage

You win a raffle at a concert for your favourite band, and before you know it you’re up on the stage with them! If you’re charismatic enough (and happened to spend enough money on looking presentable beforehand), you might just be able to win the audience’s hearts.

This Opportunity has a Fame Reward of 37

I can’t seem to find how to make a post sticky, could someone help me out there?

Friday, March 14, 2025

Proposal: New defaults dropping

Timed out and failed, 1-3. Josh

Adminned at 16 Mar 2025 22:43:54 UTC

In the rule Numbers and Variables, immediately before the string “or the list which is alphabetically earliest”, add:

false (if the range of possible outcomes is limited to “true” or “false”),

To the end of the same bullet point, add:

When an action is added to the ruleset that allows for the manipulation of a game variable based on set timescales, the first use of that action for each Seeker uses, by default, the time at which that action was added to the ruleset as the basis for assessing the most recent time at which that action was performed by that Seeker.

Proposal: Clean Up Your Life Event

Timed out and enacted, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 16 Mar 2025 22:42:17 UTC

In the rule “Life Events”, replace the description for RIF with the text “Remove that Seeker’s Job if they have one.”

In the same rule, replace the description for Obsolete with the text “Randomly select one of that Seeker’s Hobbies and remove it.”

In the same rule, replace “to one of their empty Vocations” with “as a Vocation”.

In the same rule, replace “in any Vocation” with “as a Vocation”.

I’m still working on a way to use Life Events, but meanwhile I’d like to fix it up so that it doesn’t use the awkward language of Vocations as containers.

[Opportunity] Viral Video

You’ve heard about viral videos and people becoming influencers, but you never imagined yourself being one of those people, until today. An Opportunity has presented itself to you to pay some highly talented internet video producers to make the next viral video, starring you. Do you take them up on it?

This Opportunity has an Influence Reward of 15 and a Fame reward of 27.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Proposal: Mainstream Media

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Mar 2025 14:09:38 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “News”:

The News is a publicly tracked list of Stories, defaulting to the empty list. Every Story has a Seeker who created it, a date and time that it will expire, and a thing that that Story is Slandering, all of which are publicly tracked.

At any time, a Seeker may spend 20 Influence, tripled for every time they have performed this action before this dynasty, to create a Story Slandering a Resource of their choice and add it to the News (or extend the expiration date of a Story they created slandering a Resource by 48 hours).

At any time, a Seeker may spend 5 Fame, doubled for every time they have performed this action before this dynasty, to create a Story Slandering a Vocation of their choice and add it to the News (or extend the expiration date of a Story they created slandering a Vocation by 48 hours).

When created, Stories expire 48 hours after their creation. If a Story in the News is past its expiration date, any Seeker or the Custodian may remove it from the News, and it no longer has any effect.

If there is a Story in the News Slandering a Resource, then any time a Seeker would gain an amount of that Resource they instead do not (regardless of Aspiration).

Stories in the News Slandering a Resource have no effect on and may be ignored by Seekers with more Savvy than the Influence of the Story’s creator. Stories in the News Slandering a Vocation have no effect on and may be ignored by Seekers with more Savvy than the Fame of the Story’s creator.

Change the first bullet point of the “Be Productive” action to the following:

* Choose a Vocation you have which there is no Story in the News Slandering (this Vocation is considered the Activity for the rest of this action).

Give every Seeker 20 Savvy.

What’re resources if there’s nothing to spend them on? This lets you report stories in the News, but just like real life they are always negative. Also just like real life, if you’re clever you ignore the News. This is a starting point, it’s intentionally left broad so people can add other things to Slander (maybe other Seekers, to force a Life Event upon them?)

Proposal: No Free Lunch

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Mar 2025 14:08:06 UTC

Replace the text of steps 2 and 3 of the “Closing the Opportunity” action with the following:

# For each Seeker other than the Purchaser, increase the Wealth of that Seeker by that Seeker’s Bid (and this increase is not affected by Aspiration).
# Increase the Purchaser’s Wealth by the difference between the highest and second-highest Bids (not affected by Aspiration, and if the difference is greater than the Tension increase by the Tension instead).

Preventing Aspiration from multiplying the Bid refund. Also reducing the cap on the refund to the Tension instead of three times the Tension to make the optimal strategy slightly less boring (not a perfect solution, but it’s something)

Proposal: Early Enrollment

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Mar 2025 14:07:35 UTC

In the rule “Vocating”, add a subrule named “Jump Start” with the following text:

Each Seeker has a number called “Reserve” that defaults to 0 and a “Reservation” which is a Hobby that defaults to no Hobby.

As a Daily Action, a Seeker who is in the Infant or Juvenile Life Stages may perform Jump Start. Jump Start is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Spend an amount of your Wealth greater than 0, up to your current Wealth, and add that amount to your Reserve.
* Set your Reservation to any Hobby that you do not already have as a Vocation.

For a given Hobby, if there is a Seeker who has that Hobby as their Reservation and a Reserve that is higher than any other Seeker who also has that Hobby as their Reservation, that Seeker is considered the Starter for that Hobby. Additionally, if there is a Seeker who is the only Seeker with that Hobby as their Reservation, that Seeker is considered the Starter for that Hobby.

A Seeker may not add a Hobby as a Vocation if there is another Seeker who is the Starter for that Hobby. A Seeker who is the Starter for a Hobby may not add that Hobby as a Vocation if they have performed Jump Start less than 48 hours ago.

Whenever a Seeker adds a Hobby as a Vocation, their Reserve (not boosted by Aspiration) is added back to their Wealth if they were not the Starter for that Hobby, and their Reserve and Reservation are set to their default values regardless of whether they were the Starter for that Hobby or not.

If there are no active Seekers in the Infant or Juvenile Life Stages, any Seeker or the Custodian may repeal this rule.

The current optimal play is to wait a full week, up to the last minute, to choose your Hobbies and snag something no one else has before they do, then immediately perform Be Productive to get the maximum value out of it. I’d rather the dynasty not be dull for the next 7 days, followed by an immediate timing rush.