Proposal: Snakes (and Ladders) on a Plane
If the proposal “Actual Strategy” did not pass, then this proposal has no effect.
In the rule “The Turn”, append the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 2”:
* [3] If a Token you control is on a turquoise square, and there are no other restrictions on changing that Token’s Position, you may increase that Token’s Position by 20 if the resulting Position would be in a square that exists.
* [0] ‘’‘For each Token that you control that is on a magenta square, if there are no other restrictions on changing that Token’s Position, you must decrease that Token’s Position by 20, to a minimum of 0.’‘’
In the same rule, append the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 3”:
* [5] You may change the color of a white square or a magenta square to turquoise as long as there are no Tokens occupying that square and there are no other restrictions on changing the color of that square.
* [2] You may change the color of a white square or a turquoise square to magenta as long as there are no Tokens occupying that square and there are no other restrictions on changing the color of that square.
Set the color of the squares at values 100, 200, 300, and 399 to White.
In the rule “Gates”, append the following as a new paragraph:
A square that is a Gate may not have its color changed.
Fast travel, either across an island or between two islands. The energy costs might need balancing.
Also found an issue with changing the color of a Gate. Since those squares are part of becoming a Royal, the colors shouldn’t be changed such that it becomes impossible to keep a Token on that square. Rather than adding exceptions to every rule that concerned moving Tokens on particular colors, I found it more straight-forward to simply limit the color of Gates to White so that they don’t do anything other than allowing a Meeple to become a Royal.