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Darn kids idling on my lawn |
Devenger hasn’t commented or posted for over a week, and has been set idle, the silly fool. Quorum falls to 11. I’m not exactly sure what happens now there are a bunch of illegal values in the GNDT. Have fun! |
Devenger |
05/29/09 |
2 |
05/30/09 |
All over… and not a cliffhanger in sight |
So, we’re done here. That guy so confused he got renamed to something with numerals in apparently gets the final shots. (Though I sense it cost him a fair bit… heh. Heh. Heh.) Well, everyone but the hero and the femme fatale have been killed in various horrible and sometimes… |
Devenger |
05/14/09 |
1 |
05/14/09 |
Tuxedoh is idled |
Player count falls to 13. Quorum falls to 7. |
Devenger |
05/10/09 |
0 |
Story Post:
The Awkward Aftermath |
This is what it all comes down to. Many of you have written various scripting masterpieces. Now, we shall all look upon the Finale’s Scenes, and each of us shall select a Scene to recognise as the best, and shall declare their choice via the data tracker. And the person… |
Devenger |
05/08/09 |
21 |
05/14/09 |
Story Post:
Climax [Act 7]: Finale |
In his invulnerable car, Stewart follows the ninjas back to their, and Man’s, secret base. |
Devenger |
05/03/09 |
52 |
05/08/09 |
Story Post:
BONUS: Making Of documentary |
Get goin’. (As Act 6 is unfinished, your attempts must be made about Act 6’s Scenes, for now.) How do you envisage Hero being rick rolled? How awesome was the many buildings exploding as Hero makes a rapid escape? How tall is Tall Girl, and does her height explain her… |
Devenger |
04/24/09 |
15 |
05/03/09 |
Story Post:
[Act 5] Hallucination |
Noxious fumes have overwhelmed Stewart. Stumbling through surreality, he experiences many things… Target Body Count: 67204 |
Devenger |
04/09/09 |
45 |
04/18/09 |
Story Post:
BONUS: Gag reel |
I’m requesting some hilarious mistake mis-takes of any scene from any act you like, as per http://blognomic.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ruleset#Bonus_Features - please provide a wiki page section link to the scene you are rewriting for convenience’s sake. |
Devenger |
04/04/09 |
11 |
04/08/09 |
Story Post:
[Act 4] Depths |
Hero goes into steel grate opening, descends into darkness down ladder. Target Body Count: 120 |
Devenger |
03/28/09 |
29 |
04/04/09 |
Story Post:
[Act 3] Recovery? |
After fade to black: Hero regains consciousness, to find himself lying in a wrecked wasteland. Target Body Count: 40 |
Devenger |
03/22/09 |
39 |
03/28/09 |
Story Post:
[Act 2] Aftermath |
After opening credits roll: Unidentified character is watching a news report about the plane incident. Target Body Count: 60 |
Devenger |
03/18/09 |
78 |
03/25/09 |
Story Post:
[Act 1] Prologue |
Flashback: Man returns home to shocking discovery. Inevitably, gunfights ensue. Target Body Count: 100 though I expect a timeout. Current Body Count: 104 http://blognomic.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ruleset#Acts for instructions on adding a Scene, plus an example. I think it’s safe enough having the first Act now that people can only post a single… |
Devenger |
03/14/09 |
30 |
03/15/09 |
Ascension Address:
That bit in the corridor with the axes… let’s have that, but with samurai swords |
Welcome, my assorted board of complete brilliance. You’ce all been brought here by me because I think you have what it takes. You are the best of the best of the best, most of you having frontline battle experience under ... previous political systems making you even better candidates. But… |
Devenger |
03/13/09 |
9 |
03/14/09 |
Story Post:
Report: Truman Capote possesses more health than ammo! |
Truman Capote possesses more health than ammo, a clear sign of… I don’t know! Badness! Restrictions imposed on ... wound dressings?! ... must be taken into account. The General must be obeyed. Objectors to these points must be Reported for their errors. With regards, Pvt. Devenger Carraz-Akavar. Oh, how low… |
Devenger |
02/27/09 |
0 |
Story Post:
Report: Rodlen outcomments the General in his Orders! |
Rodlen has a number of comments in the General’s Orders post greater than the number of comments the General has, a clear sign of disloyalty in terms of an unwillingness to recognise authority’s standing. Restrictions imposed on speech must be taken into account. The General must be obeyed. Objectors to… |
Devenger |
02/26/09 |
0 |
Story Post:
Report: Wakukee outcomments the General in his Orders! |
Wakukee has a number of comments in the General’s Orders post greater than the number of comments the General has, a clear sign of disloyalty in terms of an unwillingness to recognise authority’s standing. Restrictions imposed on speech must be taken into account. The General must be obeyed. Objectors to… |
Devenger |
02/25/09 |
1 |
02/25/09 |
Story Post:
Report: Hix is unarmed! |
Hix is without a weapon, a clear sign of disloyalty in terms of an unwillingness to fight. Wars must be fought. Enemy Combatants must be killed. Objectors to these points must be Reported for their errors. With regards, Pvt. Devenger Carraz-Akavar. |
Devenger |
02/24/09 |
2 |
02/25/09 |
Story Post:
Report: Darth Cliche continues his Disloyalty! |
This time, he’s taken it too far… there’s little else to say but, Darth should be restrained to a wall until we invent some form of mind-alteration ray. See: http://blognomic.com/archive/losing_loyalty/ With regards, Pvt. Devenger Carraz-Akavar. |
Devenger |
02/18/09 |
3 |
02/18/09 |
Story Post:
Report: Darth Cliche has expressed False Doubts! |
I quote the SCOUNDREL of a Soldier ‘Darth Cliche’, and do not wish this to be seen as my opinion, as it is CLEARLY MISINFORMED: “Does the Enemy even” .... I kid you not, he said this… “Exist?” I do not know what has led this poor Soldier to make… |
Devenger |
02/17/09 |
4 |
02/17/09 |
Story Post:
Devenger, unidling like an army of ninjas |
I’ve unidled, like an army of ninjas. What does an army of ninjas look like when unidling? I don’t know - but I’m sure it’s awesome! Player count is now 18, Quorum remains 9. (As far as my interpretation of the rules go, I can unidle myself without even telling… |
Devenger |
02/06/09 |
5 |
02/07/09 |
Get Me Out of this Damn Closet |
Unidle me. Not sure how much I’ll play this dynasty because there’s so many complex rules I missed the proposing of… we’ll see. Simple is sweet, lads. |
Devenger |
07/18/08 |
4 |
07/20/08 |
Story Post:
Contain The G-Man: no offering Hobson’s choices for you! |
That awful suit-wearing innocent-escaping-scientist-irritating actually unnamed character has been messing around with hapless player-controlled heroes for too long. So guys, let’s contain this probably alien lifeform (remembering that more Energy will be required for a decent chance of success since the last containment)! If you don’t get the reference, look… |
Devenger |
06/26/08 |
6 |
06/27/08 |
Story Post:
Contain the Metadynastic Entity |
It’s obviously a threat to something or other, so something has to be done immediately! |
Devenger |
06/07/08 |
7 |
06/08/08 |
Story Post:
Training Gunnery: Because Computers Won’t Always Cut It |
Today we are running a holographic debate on the pros and cons of disabling the computerized automatic targeting systems that assist a Gunner in hitting targets, in favour of firing in a way more unpredictable to the opposing pilot and therefore potentially more effective at hitting agile spacecraft. The knowledge… |
Devenger |
06/06/08 |
5 |
06/07/08 |
Spacecraft Equipment: Clarification |
Let’s get this straight. It might help if you read my proposal, actually READ it, before you vote on it. I wrote “Remove all weapons and armor from the DDA Mothership. Afterwards, add a Heavy Rocket Array and Layered Titanium Hull to the DDA Mothership.” Somehow, you managed to infer… |
Devenger |
06/03/08 |
1 |
06/03/08 |
Let’s discuss spacecraft |
I’m hoping this is the kind of sci-fi where everybody can own or at least be on a spacecraft/part of a spacecraft’s crew for a considerable part of the game, because being landlocked makes for uninteresting options. I’m not quite versed enough in Nomic to propose a rule introducing spacecraft… |
Devenger |
05/22/08 |
5 |
05/22/08 |
‘Whoops’ - Activated the Doomsday Device |
Had my first go at tinkering with the device today, and I think I shouldn’t have… (Tinker with Doomsday Device: DICE97:25) There are 26 existing entries describing the device, therefore under Rule 2.10.1 the Device has been activated. ‘Whoops’ indeed, eh? I’m not sure whether I should have posted this… |
Devenger |
05/20/08 |
3 |
05/25/08 |
Count me in |
I’d like to join the game. |
Devenger |
05/19/08 |
2 |
05/20/08 |