BlogNomic Dice Roller

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Your name:

To roll dice, post a comment which includes the term DICEX (where X is the number of faces on the die you wish to roll), or XDICEY to roll multiple dice and add their numbers together.

For a die with custom faces, enter it as a comma-separated list of faces inside curly braces, eg. {Fish,Fruit,Invertebrate,Rodent,Seed}

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Most recent 10 comments (see more):

DesertfrogFRUIT:Kiwi12 minutes ago
DesertfrogFRUIT:Grape12 minutes ago
DesertfrogFRUIT:Lemon12 minutes ago
DesertfrogFRUIT:Kiwi13 minutes ago
DesertfrogFRUIT:Lemon13 minutes ago
Lukasrow 1: FRUIT:Grape FRUIT:Lemon FRUIT:Lemon FRUIT:Cherry FRUIT:Cherry2 days ago
Lukascol 2: FRUIT:Kiwi FRUIT:Cherry FRUIT:Grape
col 3: FRUIT:Kiwi FRUIT:Kiwi FRUIT:Lemon
col 4: FRUIT:Orange FRUIT:Orange FRUIT:Lemon
2 days ago
LukasStar,​ Bomb,​ LightningBolt,​ Snowflake:LightningBolt2 days ago
Lukascol 3: FRUIT:Tangelo FRUIT:Cherry FRUIT:Lemon
col 4: FRUIT:Lemon FRUIT:Lemon FRUIT:Lemon
col 5: FRUIT:Orange FRUIT:Orange FRUIT:Cherry
2 days ago
LukasSeeding: DICE10:5 DICE10:42 days ago