BlogNomic Dice Roller

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To roll dice, post a comment which includes the term DICEX (where X is the number of faces on the die you wish to roll), or XDICEY to roll multiple dice and add their numbers together.

For a die with custom faces, enter it as a comma-separated list of faces inside curly braces, eg. {Fish,Fruit,Invertebrate,Rodent,Seed}

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Most recent 100 comments (see more):

JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations5 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:18155 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations11 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:69511 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations18 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:38518 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Darknight,​GloopyGhost:GloopyGhost18 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Locations24 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:179224 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): GloopyGhost,​Naught:Naught24 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Characters30 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:172630 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Darknight,​GloopyGhost,​Naught:Darknight30 days ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:13041 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Category): Characters,​Locations:Characters1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​GloopyGhost,​Naught:Clucky1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:19721 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​Desertfrog,​GloopyGhost,​Nad:Darknight1 month ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2760:4252 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​Darknight,​Desertfrog,​GloopyGhost,​Kevan,​Nad:GloopyGhost2 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Common Word): DICE2967:12152 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing (Spark): Clucky,​ Darknight,​ GloopyGhost,​ Juniper,​ Kevan:Juniper2 months ago
JonathanDarkDrawing Oxford 3000: DICE2967:18492 months ago
Kevan4st rests their Body,​Hand,​Body:Body2 months ago
KevanCrackdown: DICE12:122 months ago
KevanPolice presence + DICE3:22 months ago
4stTesting for boggle: DICE26:6 DICE26:19 DICE26:52 months ago
4sttesting (for boggle): 10DICE26:1512 months ago
4stNotoriety Check: DICE21:142 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:102 months ago
4stnotoriety check: DICE31:222 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:72 months ago
4stLoupe Price: DICE5:32 months ago
4stbuying another loupe: notoriety check (51-13): DICE38:222 months ago
KevanNotoriety check: DICE29:202 months ago
KevanCrackdown roll: DICE10:92 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:22 months ago
4ster,​ DICE40:34 (51-11)2 months ago
4stnotoriety check: DICE11:52 months ago
4stselling a gem: DICE10:12 months ago
4stloupe cost increase: DICE5:12 months ago
4stbuying another loupe: notoriety is 10. DICE41:302 months ago
KevanCrackdown roll: DICE8:72 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:32 months ago
4stAlmost forgot Notoriety Check: notoriety is 8 = DICE43:402 months ago
4stbuying Loupe: DICE5:52 months ago
4stDICE4:12 months ago
4stselling candlestick2 months ago
KevanJuniper rests their {Foot}2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE38:182 months ago
KevanNew Haul: Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Glove and a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Body injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNull Crackdown roll: DICE5:42 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:22 months ago
CluckyDICE38:17 selling this candlestick2 months ago
KevanTrying again: DICE125:812 months ago
KevanBoardGameArena random tournament 0009: DICE126:1122 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE22:112 months ago
KevanBody,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Foot injury for the scout2 months ago
KevanPossible Scout injury: DICE3:12 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 2DICE5:7 Florins and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Glove,​ with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanCrackdown: DICE3:12 months ago
KevanPolice Presence: DICE3:32 months ago
NadNavillusThat should have been the helm previously this is the cloak.
Notoriety Check: DICE22:7 (Selling a cloak)
2 months ago
NadNavillusNotoriety Check: DICE23:14 (Selling a cloak)2 months ago
NadNavillusNotoriety Check: DICE26:4 (Selling a ring)2 months ago
KevanJonathanDark Scout check: DICE3:22 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 2DICE5:6 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE14:62 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 4DICE5:14 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Helm with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE1:12 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 6DICE5:14 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Cloak + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem with a Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Hand injury for 4st2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE3:32 months ago
Kevan... plus 6DICE5:20 Florins,​ and 4st this time injures their Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Head while leaping for a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Cloak2 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 1DICE3:3 Florins ...2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE6:52 months ago
NadNavillusSorry,​ hit the back button on that last roll,​ please disregard.2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE10:5 Selling my Gem2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE37:26 Notoriety Check2 months ago
NadNavillusDICE10:4 Selling my Gem2 months ago
CluckyDICE44:9 Notoriety Check2 months ago
CluckyDICE10:3 selling my gem2 months ago
Kevan... plus 6DICE5:20 Florins,​ and 4st injures their Body,​Foot,​Hand,​Head:Body while leaping for a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Candlestick2 months ago
KevanNew Haul: 1DICE3:2 Florins ...2 months ago
KevanNotoriety Check: DICE9:72 months ago
JonathanDarkNotoriety Check: DICE42:192 months ago
JonathanDarkUnappraised Gem value: DICE10:42 months ago
Junipercrap,​ my notoriety check failed.2 months ago
JuniperDICE8:12 months ago
JuniperUnappraised Gem: DICE10:72 months ago
KevanHaul: DICE6:1 Florins + 6DICE5:16 Florins + Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem + two Gems2 months ago
KevanNotoriety check: DICE19:132 months ago
JonathanDarkNotoriety check: DICE49:242 months ago
NadNavillusIgnore that last roll,​ it was incorrect:
Arms: DICE47:9
2 months ago
NadNavillusArms: DICE48:372 months ago
NadNavillusArms: DICE49:232 months ago
CluckyDICE50:502 months ago
Kevan... plus a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Unappraised Gem,​ 6DICE5:17 Florins,​ DICE6:3 Florins and a Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Lockpick3 months ago
KevanNew Haul: DICE3:1 Florins...3 months ago
KevanPunting: DICE24:21 and Loupe DICE2:2,​ Lockpick DICE2:13 months ago
Kevan... plus 2DICE6:7 Florins and Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Loupe,​ Lockpick,​Candlestick,​Gold Ring,​Unappraised Gem,​Cloak,​Glove,​Helm,​Loupe:Lockpick,​ plus 4DICE5:12 Florins3 months ago