Monday, March 03, 2025

Proposal: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Add a new rule named “Teams” as the first rule under “Dynastic Rules” and give it the following text:

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked Team which is empty by default. If a set of Meeples each have the same non-empty Team, where this comparison is case insensitive, those Meeples are said to be on that Team and are considered to be on the same Team. A Meeple with an empty Team is never considered to be on a Team.

When a Meeple sets their Team, they are said to Join that Team. As a Weekly Action, a Meeple can set their Team to any string of between 3 and 20 alphanumeric characters, where this string is considered flavor text, as long as all of the following criteria are true:
* That string does not contain the word “Winning” or the name of any Meeple.
* Setting that Meeple’s Team to that string would not result in more than 3 Meeples being on the same Team.
* That Meeple was not already on a Team with any other Meeple.

When a rule mentions the word “Team”, it applies to all Meeples on that Team. Any action that a Team can take or perform can be performed by any Meeple on that Team, and when a Meeple performs such an action, they are performing it on behalf of that Team. A rule that mentions the word “you” or “your” applies to the Team (and all of the Meeples on that Team) on whose behalf the action is being performed or the rule is being applied.

In the rule “Teams”, add a subrule named “Placeholder Variables” with the following text:

The variables defined in this rule cannot be affected by any dynastic rule other than this rule and cannot affect any action taken if that action is defined any dynastic rule other than this one.

Each Meeple has three Tokens: a Small Token, a Medium Token and a Big Token. Each Meeple’s Token has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked numeric amount of Energy, which defaults to three times the Rounds.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked Dice Type, which can be any type of Sicherman Dice, defaulting to Blue and White Dice.

Each Meeple’s Token has number of Kittens publicly tracked in The Island of Kittens that defaults to 1.

Merging is an atomic action performed by a Meeple who is on a Team and has the following steps:
* Optionally replace one or more of the values of that Team’s publicly tracked variables with the same-named values of that Meeple’s publicly tracked variables.
* Optionally replace one or more of that Team’s Token’s values by that Meeple’s Token’s values, as long as the type of Token whose variables are being replaced are also the same between that Meeple and that Team.
* Reset that Meeple’s publicly tracked variables and that Meeple’s Token’s publicly tracked variables to their default values.

Any Meeple on a Team may post a Story Post - Votable Matter whose title starts with “Merge Matter” and is known as a Merge Matter. This is a votable matter on which only votes from Meeples on the same Team as its author are counted. If a Merge Matter has FOR votes from every Meeple on the same team as its Author, it can be enacted by any Admin; if it has an AGAINST vote from any of those Meeples, it can be failed by any Admin. The author of an enacted Merge Matter may perform Merging if that author has not performed a Merging before in this dynasty.

In every dynastic rule except the rule “Teams” and the rule “Placeholder Variables”, replace the text “Meeples” with “Teams” and the text “Meeple” with “Team”.

In the rule “Winning”, replace “A Team has achieved victory” with “A Team is considered to be the Winning Team”.

In the same rule, add the following text:

When a Team becomes the Winning Team, no Meeple may take any dynastic actions except for actions mentioned in this rule.

Any Meeple on the Winning Team may post a Story Post - Votable Matter whose title starts with “Kingmaker” and is known as a Kingmaker. This is a votable matter on which only votes from Meeples on the same Team as its author are counted. If a Kingmaker has FOR votes from every Meeple on the same team as its Author, it can be enacted by any Admin; if it has an AGAINST vote from any of those Meeples, it can be failed by any Admin. The author of an enacted Kingmaker has achieved victory.

Meeples on the Winning Team are strongly encouraged to play a game amongst themselves on Board Game Arena, posting the link to that game as a non-official blog post, and select the winner of that game as the Meeple who should make the Kingmaker post.

This is more in line with the idea of a Team taking Turns rather than individual Meeples. A Team can transfer the variables of a Meeple on that Team to that Team’s variables, so that as Teams form up, they can take the best values of the members that have Joined, although this can only happen once per Meeple.


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

03-03-2025 16:36:52 UTC

I do have a question which is the Tiebreaker thing for teams


03-03-2025 16:39:50 UTC

Team names should be flavour text, otherwise I can make my Team name “Winning” and be “the Winning Team”! I don’t know if that was your intention, but it is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

Also, if I’m on a Team with another Meeple, it should probably be specified what happens if I change my team (either to another existing Team or an entirely new Team), or it the last member of a Team changes their Team away to something else. Maybe it should just be disallowed entirely to change your Team without a proposal once you’re on a Team, to prevent all these corner cases.

I like the concept here, though. I would prefer a BGA playoff between the winning Team members if there’s multiple but can see myself voting for this regardless


03-03-2025 16:46:58 UTC

The way your votable matters work is weird (it counts votes from everyone to determine the enacted/failed status, but then ignores that and looks for only the votes from the team members to determine whether it does anything or not). Additionally, as far as I can tell, it gives the admin discretion to either enact or fail it (because it allows the admin to “resolve” it – meaning enact or fail – but doesn’t specify the conditions under which it is passing or failing, and the core rules don’t either). Meanwhile, if anyone on the team votes AGAINST, it remains pending indefinitely because there’s no rule allowing it to be failed (custom votable matters don’t time out unless there’s a rule saying they time out).

Something like this might work: “Any Meeple on a Team may post a Story Post whose title starts with “Merge Matter”. This is a votable matter on which only votes from Meeples on the same team as its author are counted. If a Merge Matter has FOR votes from every Meeple on the same team as its Author, it can be enacted by any Admin; if it has an AGAINST vote from any of those Meeples, it can be failed by any Admin. The author of an enacted Merge Matter may perform Merging if that author has not performed a Merging before in this dynasty.”

JonathanDark: he/him

03-03-2025 18:20:27 UTC

I revised the Proposal based on the above feedback from both Habanero and ais523.

@Habanero: I kept the Kingmaker votable matter, but added text to “strongly encourage” BGA as the deciding factor among the Meeples on the Winning Team. That way, if those Meeples just want to shortcut to awarding the victory to a member they believe is the MVP, they aren’t strictly required to use BGA.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

03-03-2025 21:41:29 UTC



03-03-2025 23:55:01 UTC


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