Call for Judgment: Consensus Gamestate
Reached a Quorum of FOR votes, without any AGAINST.—Chronos Phaenon
Adminned at 23 Oct 2011 05:05:38 UTC
Several purported CfJs were malformed due to failure to describe what issue they were attempting to resolve. Also, it has been argued that some registrations may have not occurred correctly. Finally, there are a few people who suspect that the Faux Pas scam may have lingering effects. Any of these could potentially lead to a gamestate recalculation of unknown extent. Massive gamestate recalculations are, in general, a Bad Thing. This CfJ is intended as a ratification, with the primary purpose of reducing ambiguity regarding the current game state.
Set the ruleset to the version that was on the wiki at 00:01 22 Oct 2011. (That’s the latest version, so this shouldn’t change the rules from what we’ve generally believed them to be.)
Amend rule 1.7 (Calls for Judgement) by deleting the sentence “The post shall go on to describe the issue, and measures that shall be taken to resolve it.” (This is intended to avoid future confusion about what is and isn’t a CfJ. If people want that sentence in there, it can easily be proposaled back in; in the short term, this is the easiest way to avoid further muddling the game state.)
Change the section of the first paragraph of Rule 1.2 that reads
announcing their arrival
to instead read
making clear their wish to be an Artist
(This is intended to improve the clarity of the wording, and not to substantially change the game mechanics.)
If the wiki page “The Faux Pas” exists, then blank it. (This is intended as a just-in-case measure to clear out any remaining ambiguity regarding the Faux Pas scam.)
Fail all currently-pending CfJs and Proposals. (This is the easiest way to make unambiguous whether various CfJs and Proposals exist.)
(The rest of this CfJ is intended to ratify the player lists and such to be what we thought they were; if the arrival bug doesn’t exist, then it probably has no effect. One somewhat unfortunate side effect is that anyone who idles, deidles, registers, or deregisters in between the posting of this CfJ and its enactment will have that change reverted, and will need to re-whatever themselves afterward. However, this probably won’t happen, and even if it does it’s only somewhat inconvenient, and it’s probably unavoidable as a side effect of ratification.)
Set the non-Idle Artists to:
Agora Nomic, Amnistar, ais523, Blorg, Brendan, Bucky, Clucky, comex, coppro, Chronos Phaenon, CWW, Darknight, Darth Cliche, digibomber, Doctor29, dupdog, eelpout, Ely, Elias IX, flurie, Hix, Ienpw III, Josh, Kevan, lass, lazerchik, Libby, monqy, Murphy, Ornithopter, Pavitra, Phantom Hoover, pikhq, Prince Anduril, Qwazukee, rebelyellow, Roujo, Rodney, Seventy-Fifth Trombone, Schrodinger’s Cat, Sgeo, Shadowclaw, southpointingchariot, Soviet Brendon, Spitemaster, Tavros Nitram, Winner, Wooble, Yally, zuff
Set the Admins to:
Amnistar, Brendan, Bucky, Clucky, coppro, Chronos Phaenon, Darknight, Darth Cliche, Elias IX, Hix, Ienpw III, Josh, Kevan, Ornithopter, Qwazukee, Rodney, Seventy-Fifth Trombone, Shadowclaw, 90000, aaronwinborn, alethiophile, Angry Grasshopper, arthexis, Axeling, Cayvie, Chivalrybean, Devenger, epylar, Excalabur, Gobleteer, Greth, Jack, jay, lilomar, Oze, Plorkyeran, Purplebeard, Rodlen, Saki, Saurik, Seebo, SingularByte, smith, Thelonious, Thrawn, Truman Capote, Wakukee, Yoda, Zeofar, Axiallus, Bluebottle, Damanor, Dunam, est, Keitalia, Satyr Eyes, Simon, Topher, Wittgenstein
Set the Idle Artists to:
404NOTFOUND, 90000, aaronwinborn, Aemos, aeromark98, AgentHH, aguydude, ajhager, Alcazar, Alecto, Aleron, alethiophile, Allispaul, Altharis, Alzhaid, Ambisinister, Ambi Valent, Andy, Angry Grasshopper, anna, Anonyman, Antaeus, Apathetic Lizardman, Aquafraternally Yours, Aquila, aran, Armayus, Ar-Pharazon, arthexis, Axeling, Axmann BabylonJasmine, Badgerigar, Bahro, banana, Banjabanyan, bateleur, Beane, Bento, Blacky, Bluecloud, Bobbikk, BobTHJ, Brainslug, Brownie, captpir8, Cascadia, Cavaliere Pugrins, Cayvie, ChinDoGu, Chivalrybean, Ciaran, Clarinet, Cloj63, Coldspell, Combustable, Coolchris, Corlindale, Cosmologicon, Crumb, danopato , Da Vinci, David Mega, Darkside, Dazz, dbdougla, delta, Denis Brandao, dev, Devenger, DiEvAl, dogfish, Doodle, Doremi, Dr. Melon, Dr Zed, Dreson, Duke, Dustin, Edometheus, Eljefe, Enderbean, epylar, Escher, Euler, evilclown, EvilToaster, Excalabur, Falkuon, Fidelio, firefaux, FiSH, Florw, Freezerbird, FuzzyLogic, Galdyn, Galtori, garrinok, Gawain, Gazanga, Gazebo Dude, Geoff, geographyrules, Gill_Smoke, glopso, Gnauga, Gobleteer, gr4nf, Gramira, Greth, Grey, Greytyphoon, Gwydion, h2g2guy, Hello Sailor, hellzapoppin, Hockeyruler, Hyronious, Iammars, Icarus, Igthorn, imreading, Influenza, iqforu, Iron Man, Ironwrench, Isolde, Jacek_FH, Jack, Jamuraa, jay, Jeid, JelloGoesWiggle, Jesus, jmrdex, Jockawo, Joe, joe371, JoeFish, JoshuaGross, Jumblin McGrumblin, Jupiter, Kaddar, Kalhaan, Kau, Keba, keecz, Kels, Kelvin, Kneuronak, Lambert, Leurez, Lex10, lilomar, Lithophagist, Loen, Logan, lordcooper, Lugosh, Lunaetic, LykeX, macgeorge, MacMed, Madalyn, Masked Jedi, Maximus, Mescad, mideg, mistarr oconnell, Moonwryn, Mosby, Mossfire, muiro, Narya, Nausved, Neil, Nic, Night, Noah, NoOneImportant, NonnoNaz, Notafraud, nowhereful, OddRon, Oni Tainlyn, Oracular rufio, Oranjer, ovangle, Oze, Paladin, Pangolin, parsley, patio11, peacefulwarrior, Personman, Plorkyeran, Poe, predisastered, Princerepulsive, Psychotipath, Pteriforever65536, Purplebeard, Put, Qapmoc, Quazie, qwertyu63, Ralff, Rhontos, Richard, Rodlen, Rotwang, Royce, Rune Master Xan, Saakara, Saki, Salamander , Sanguine Teddy, Saurik, Scaramouche, ScrumHalf, Seebo, Seeking, SeerPenguin, SethOcean, Sgt. Zed, shallowminded, Sheelawolf, Shem, SingularByte, sixsidepentagon, smith, Snowballinhell7001, Soyweiser, Sparrow, SPBM, spikebrennan, Stormshade, Subrincinator, Syl, Sysiphus, TAE, Tagone, tecslicer, Tekneek, tem2, Tesla4D, teucer, Thelas, The Cube, The Doctor, The Lone Amigo, Thelonious, There, TheSmokingMan, Thorolf, Thane Q, Thrawn, Tiberias, TigerMoth, Token, Tommy, Travis, Tripwire, Truman Capote, tuxhedoh, Tuzgai, Ujalu, the unnecessary, Undef, Uvthenfuv, Vee, ViewtyJoe, Villainod, vostibackle, Wakukee, WhenInRome, WildCard, William, Wooden Squid, Woofy, Xaxyx, yabbaguy, Yoda, your mother, Zaratustra, zauper, Zebra, zebronic, Zephyr, Zeofar
Set the Unregistered Idle Artists to:
Axiallus, Ben, Bluebottle, Cafemusique, CaptTwinky, Cheater, CodexArcanum, Damanor, DarkElf, Doodle, Dunam, Dirk, E.lite, est, Euthydemos, Fjom, Garran, Glod, Hobbes, Inauspicious, Iron, Kahbn, Kamikaze, Keitalia, Kurt, Mal3, Mnemosyne, Mickey, Nephandus, Octave, Orkboi, Person, Satyr Eyes, sctfn, Shoji, Shade, Simon, Slipjig, Topher, Wittgenstein, Worthstream, Yagyu Jubei
This CfJ has been worked with the “Agoran players”, as an attempt on consensus. It’s the result of a bipartisan effort on IRC, and it’s intended to be acceptable all round. Please vote on its merit, not on its authoring.
Even if you think there’s no problem, this makes sure of it.