Saturday, September 16, 2017

Proposal: Exchanges

timed out unpopular 1-4 failed by card

Adminned at 18 Sep 2017 19:00:47 UTC

Delete the rules “Theft”, “Returning Nouns”, and “Removing Nouns”.

Add a new rule called “Exchanges” with the rule text:

Exchanges manipulate the noun content of the Katamari and/or the inventory. Actions that count as exchanges include:

  • Steal: If a Prince’s Inventory is not full, they may pay X (where X is less than 10) stamina to remove from the Katamari, the item at position (Katamari Size - X), and add it to their inventory. When they do this, they must also re-number all items.
  • Return: By spending one stamina, a prince can remove a noun from their inventory and add it to the end of the Katamari’s contents. This increases the irrollability of the Katamari by 1.
  • Remove: A prince may pay 1 Stamina to remove a noun from the Katamari that is not the name of a Prince. This also increases the irrollability of the Katamari by 1.

This makes the ruleset more concise.



16-09-2017 17:49:18 UTC

instability will soon not exist in the ruleset

Darknight: he/him

18-09-2017 01:46:56 UTC


derrick: he/him

18-09-2017 01:50:48 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-09-2017 13:22:59 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-09-2017 13:57:22 UTC

against CoV, this erases the amendement made by “What do you keep in your Pockets”. Always good to see some tidying up, though.


18-09-2017 14:32:23 UTC

Fair enough. This proposal was worded pretty short-sightedly. A better way I could have phrased this is, “Insert the rule text of each rule mentioned after the bullet point.”


18-09-2017 18:54:34 UTC


derrick: he/him

18-09-2017 18:59:16 UTC

against CoV as per kevan