Fweep: Disregarding the food chain
Closed by Josh. Overturned 3-1.
Adminned at 17 Aug 2011 01:04:39 UTC
Josh claimed a Frag for Blacky’s death by StickyBomb. Rule 2.7 prevents this.
Closed by Josh. Overturned 3-1.
Adminned at 17 Aug 2011 01:04:39 UTC
Josh claimed a Frag for Blacky’s death by StickyBomb. Rule 2.7 prevents this.
His death caused you to gain a frag.
I don’t see why this is any different from, say, grabbing a stickybomb and then killing yourself. You can’t gain a frag from your own death.
(err, purportedly caused you to gain a frag. I maintain you actually didn’t gain one)
I don’t see why this is any different from, say, grabbing a stickybomb and then killing yourself
It’s not, really, and that should be fixed, but the syntax in the ruleset is what it is, and it’s clear that I get the frag for fobbing the bomb, not for the death itself.
Josh: he/they