Proposal: Geronimo!
Enacted 7-6 by Ienpw III.
Adminned at 19 Jun 2012 19:13:05 UTC
Enact a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Time Machines’:
Each Time Buddha has a Time Machine, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to ‘Wellsian’. The available Time Machines are listed in the subrules to this rule.
Each Time Machine has a Precision Matrix, which is a grid, at most 10x10, of ‘X’, ‘O’, and ‘_’ characters. There shall be exactly one ‘X’ character in the Precision Matrix, and no outer row or column shall be entirely ‘_’ characters.
Enact a new subrule to that rule, entitled ‘TARDIS’, reading as follows:
Precision Matrix: X
Enact a new subrule to that rule, entitled ‘DeLorean’, reading as follows:
Precision Matrix: XOO\O_O\OOO
Enact a new subrule to that rule, entitled ‘Wellsian’, reading as follows:
Precision Matrix: _OO_\OXOO\OOOO\_OO_
Reformat the subrules of ‘Time Machines’ so that the backslashes in the Precision Matrices are newlines, and the Precision Matrices line up.
Set the Doctor’s Time Machine to TARDIS.
Enact a new dynastic rule, entitled ‘Fuel’, reading as follows:
Each Time Buddha has an amount of Dark Matter, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to 0. As a daily action, a Time Buddha may add 5 to their Dark Matter. If a Time Buddha fails to perform this action during a day, then they may perform it an extra time during any of the following three days.
Enact a new dynastic rule, entitled ‘Historical Dynasties’, reading as follows:
Each of the first 100 dynasties in BlogNomic’s history are the Historical Dynasties. The ‘Historical Dynasties’ wiki page tracks the information about each Historical Dynasty. Each Historical Dynasaty has one or more informal names of the form “The X Dynasty” or “The X Metadynasty”. Each Historical Dynasty is additionally Broken, Paradoxed, or Repaired, initially Broken. Except as otherwise specified, all references to Dynaties in the Dynastic Rules refer to Historical Dynasties.
Populate the Historical Dynasties wiki page with information about each Historical Dynasty, setting its informal names to the corresponding names in the ‘Dynastic History’ section of the main page of the wiki, as it existed when this proposal was submitted.
Add a subrule to the rule ‘Historical Dynasties’, entitled ‘Causal Links’, reading as follows:
A Historical Dynasty may have Causal Links to one or more other Historical Dynasties, but no more than one Causal Link to a given Dynsaty. These are tracked on the ‘Historical Dynasties’ wiki page. If there is ever a cycle of Causal Links, then any Time Buddha may select a Historical Dynasty in the cycle, set it to Paradoxed, and remove one of its Causal Links such that the cycle is broken.
A Time Buddha may, as a daily action costing 2 Dark Matter, navigate to two Historical Dynasties and establish a Causal Link from the first to the second.
Add a subrule to the rule ‘Historical Dynasties’, entitled ‘Timeline Repaired!’, reading as follows:
If every Historical Dynasty is Repaired, and no Time Buddha has achieved victory, then any Time Buddha may make a blog post noting this fact, even if BlogNomic is in Hiatus. This post is a Votable Matter and subject to the same rules as a Declaration of Victory, including as it relates to a Hiatus. It is considered a Declaration of Victory for the purposes of ending Hiatus. If this post is enacted, then the word ‘Doctor’ is replaced with ‘Emperor’ throughout the ruleset, the term ‘Time Buddha’ is replaced with ‘Player’ throughout the ruleset, all dynastic rules are repealed, and a new Metadynasty begins.
Enact a new dynastic rule, entitled ‘The Eternities Map’, reading as follows:
The wiki page ‘Eternities Map’ contains the Eternities Map. The Eternities Map is a 10x10 grid containing the numbers from 1 to 100, corresponding to each of the Historical Dynasties. The Eternities Map wraps at the edges. Unless otherwise specified, two Dynasties are adjacent if they are orthogonally or diagonally adjacent on the Eternities Map.
Any Time Buddha may edit the formatting of the Eternities Map so as to improve its usefulness, including by adding additional information inside or outside the grid. In case of disputes over the acceptability of any such edit, the Doctor has final say unless overruled by the Ruleset, Proposal or CFJ.
Populate the ‘Eternities Map’ wiki page with a random 10x10 grid of the numbers from 1 to 100 (the suggested method for doing this is rolling DICE100 and putting the number 1 in the corresponding cell, then rolling DICE99 and putting the number 2 in the corresponding cell, not counting the already-occupied cell, and so on).
Enact a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Navigation’, reading as follows:
When a Time Buddha is directed to navigate to a Dynasty, they shall select a Dynasty to be the Reference Point (unless one was already specified) and roll DICEX, where X is the number of ‘O’ and ‘X’ characters appearing in their Time Machine’s Precision Matrix. The Dynasty to which they navigate shall be the Dynasty corresponding to the Nth ‘X’ or ‘O’ character in their Time Machine’s Precision Matrix (going from left to right, then top to bottom) when the Precision Matrix is overlaid on the Eternities Map with the ‘X’ above the Reference Point.
When a Time Buddha is directed to navigate to more than one Dynasty at once, they shall navigate to the required number of Dynasties in succession. For each navigation except for the first, the Reference Point shall be the outcome of the previous navigation, or a Dynasty adjacent to it, at the option of the Time Buddha.
No, the gameplay isn’t complete. But this ought to be enough of a skeleton, I think.
I intend for the Eternities Map to potentially be mutable as well.
Apologies for the delay.