Proposal: [Hint] We need MOAR speed, SRSLY. Its all about speed.
Quorumed -Darth
Adminned at 26 Jan 2009 19:52:31 UTC
Add a new sub-rule called “Turbo” under rule “Vehicles”:
As a daily action, a Member with a vehicle may start Turbo Mode by making a GNDT comment of “TURBO”. When a Member is in Turbo Mode, they may perform daily actions that require spending fuel as if they where not daily actions, and may instead perform them as long as they can pay their fuel cost. However, they cannot perform more than X such actions, where X is their Vehicle’s Speed, until Turbo Mode is deactivated. Turbo Mode lasts 2 hours, then deactivates itself.
On rule “Vehicles” change the sentence: “Vehicles may be added to the vehicles page by the writer, and the amount of fuel each vehicle can carry is described there.” to:
Vehicles may be added to the vehicles page by the writer, and the amount of fuel each vehicle can carry, and their Speed is described there.
On sub-rule fuel change the sentence “As a daily action, a Member of the Staff may purchase an amount of fuel by decreasing their credits by one per unit of fuel they wish to buy and adding that much fuel to their fuel in the GNDT” to:
As a daily action, a Staff Member may purchase an amount of fuel equal to their Vehicle’s fuel rating by paying 10 Credits, then setting their Fuel in the GNDT to the fuel rating of their Vehicle.
Remove sentence “As a daily action, a Staff Member may set their Station to any planet or moon that is located within the Solar System if they are currently Translocating or they may set their Station to Jump if they are not currently Translocating.” from rule Cosmology.