Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Proposal: I Just Lost EMAGEHT [Theft]

Fails 8-2-2 (can’t pass without a vote being changed), -2 points Darknight—arth

Adminned at 14 Oct 2009 08:46:10 UTC

Create a new rule called “A % of the Pot” with the following text.

All bonuses or penalties to Points, aside from standard scoring methods, shall be based on a percentage of the affected player’s total current Points, rather than a flat increment.

(BN crashed right as I was trying to post last time) Fun little rule if we want to award bonuses or penalize points down the line.



13-10-2009 13:44:32 UTC

Did i not vote on this already?  *confused* imperial

Kevan: he/him

13-10-2009 13:56:03 UTC

against Nice, but we already have bonuses and penalties, and they’re worded as non-percentile. Added verbatim this just contradicts existing scoring rules.


13-10-2009 14:19:41 UTC

“shall be based” could mean anything.


13-10-2009 14:52:17 UTC

against  I didn’t read the proposal, just the evil, evil, title.

Also, I can’t lose The Game this turn.

ais523: Custodian

13-10-2009 16:04:13 UTC

against This is one situation in which the queue hinders rather than helping, by preventing a fix proposal being enacted before this one.


13-10-2009 16:09:23 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-10-2009 16:19:09 UTC

The Theft mechanic could be altered to allow players to suggest fixes at the same time.


13-10-2009 19:18:58 UTC


arthexis: he/him

13-10-2009 19:20:49 UTC


Darknight: he/him

13-10-2009 21:58:38 UTC

Lol, at this rate I should stop trying to steal rules.

redtara: they/them

13-10-2009 23:43:45 UTC

for the already existing rules could be covered by “aside from standard scoring methods”.


14-10-2009 14:29:28 UTC



14-10-2009 14:50:15 UTC


arthexis: he/him

14-10-2009 15:44:50 UTC

Going 8-2-2 (bucky, the active leader, has not voted on it)