Proposal: I am a genius!
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Oct 2011 01:14:59 UTC
Add the following paragraph to the rule ‘Masterpieces’:
All Artists have a score, tracked in the GNDT, entitled Masterpieces. For each Masterpiece Work of Art an artist Exhibits, they add 1 Masterpiece to their score. An artist who has a Masterpiece score higher than every other Artist is declared a Genius. This is tracked in the GNDT with a ‘G’ by that Artist’s Masterpiece score. If the Genius has a higher Acclaim than every other Artist for 3 consecutive days, during which they continually remained the Genius, that Artist achieves victory.
I know it’s early, but I like victory clauses early on. It keeps the game interesting. I know this is a little complex, but this way means you have to go for Masterpieces AND Acclaim to get headway. I decided not to require the Masterpiece score to be too high, as that would lead to a foregone conclusion when someone goes 2 or more ahead. It may need tweaking, so if someone notices a major error, please feel free to repropose an amendment yourself.
Josh: he/they