Proposal: Loosening the Restraints
Self-killed. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 26 Jan 2010 12:36:28 UTC
In Rule 2.2, replace “Terrified, Asleep” with “Terrified, Arrested, Asleep” in both places where it appears.
To the first bulleted list in Rule 2.2, add:-
- If a Guest is Arrested, they cannot become anything other than Arrested.
To the list of actions in Rule 2.6, add:-
- Free a named Guest (known as the Target) that they share a room with. Upon taking this Action, if the Target is present in the same room as the Guest freeing them, and if there are fewer than two non-Dormant Guests in that room (not including the Guest taking the freeing action), the Target becomes Healthy.
Add a subrule to Rule 2.4, called “Arrest”:-
If a Guest becomes Arrested, they are removed from the house for police questioning. Their Location value becomes “Cell” (this is a valid Location, but does not count as a Room).
The police have only a limited amount of cells and patience. If four Guests have become Arrested during the course of the game, further Guests may not become Arrested.
If a rule “Deathly Quiet” exists, replace “if their Status is currently Dead” with “if their Status is currently Dead or Arrested”.
The current “Restrained” state doesn’t come at much cost, and is easily reversible if the guests apologetically decide they were wrong. This ramps things up so that if people think they’ve caught a Murderer, they have to choose between restraining them and going to the effort of maintaining a two-person guard on them (to stop a sympathiser or accomplice from untying them in the dark), and actually having them arrested and removed from the premises.
(You can, of course, also just hold a Crisis to kill your suspect, but I thought having them Arrested - with much the same effect - would be more appropriate.)
ais523: Custodian