Saturday, November 06, 2010

Story Post: Nomich Challenge

Ichneumon challenges Gothmog to a game of Nomich.

I’m going to sticky the challenge till it ends so it doesn’t get lost if another big batch of proposals comes up


Josh: he/they

06-11-2010 07:55:12 UTC

You are on. It is on.

Roujo: he/him

06-11-2010 15:34:29 UTC

Gothmog > Ichneumon! =P

Darknight: he/him

06-11-2010 19:40:32 UTC

Ichneumon’s play is as follows: KC, JS, 7C, 6S, 4C, AC, 3S

Brendan: he/him

06-11-2010 19:57:47 UTC


Darknight: he/him

06-11-2010 20:00:47 UTC

Gotta be daring if you want to win.


07-11-2010 02:15:25 UTC

Gothmog’s play is “KS, QD, QH, 8H, 5S, 9H”

Darknight: he/him

07-11-2010 02:35:31 UTC

Cutting it close bucky under the current rules lol.

Brendan: he/him

07-11-2010 16:33:18 UTC

This is thorny.  On the one hand, by a strict interpretation of “day” in the Glossary, Gothmog had to play before midnight GMT, and failed to do so.  On the other, the Nomich rules specifically reference “Saturday” in several places, whose definition the Glossary definition explicitly does not cover; and they don’t actually cover what happens if one Dorm fails to make a play.

In the spirit of fair play—and because otherwise it would be too easy to challenge another Dorm at 23:59, play, and almost immediately win—I’m going to score Gothmog’s play as normal this time.  Members of Ichneumon are free to appeal this decision via CfJ.

Ichneumon scores 0 points, and Gothmog scores 5.  Gothmog wins this challenge.  First resident of Gothmog to PM me with their decision (kill a member of Ichneumon or add a rule) gets dibs on the outcome.

Josh: he/they

07-11-2010 17:22:33 UTC

I’ve sent.

Darknight: he/him

07-11-2010 21:50:22 UTC

I’m good with it lol. And given that Gothmog didn’t win by a huge point difference I’ll give it to them. Btw, my dorm needs new cards now lol.