Proposal: Landing a Jump
Adminned at 28 Jan 2009 09:53:57 UTC
Amend Cosmology by inserting the following three underlined rules, using the surrounding, non-underlined text as a guideline for placement in the Ruleset:
Not AWL STAF MEMBARS WER HARE have originated in our home planet. In fact, many of them have come from distant locations. There is a GNDT column that shall track the current “Station†in which a Member of the Staff is residing. Staff Members may not change their Station except in ways provided for in the Ruleset. Because interstellar travel is too costly, the values of Station are limited to any one planet or moon located within the Solar System only, and to the special value “Jumpâ€. If at any time, a Staff Member’s Station is set to an invalid value, that Staffer shall change it to “Jump†instead. A Member of the Staff currently in Jump is said to be Translocating.
Solar Map
There exists a wiki document known as “Solar Map†which lists the possible routes between two stations. Two Stations are considered Adjacent in the Solar Map if one of them appears right before the other one. As a weekly action, a Member of the Staff may add a Station to the Solar Maps. A Station may be added even if it already appears in the Solar Map, as long as this doesn’t cause a Station to be Adjacent to itself. No Station in the Solar Map shall be named “Jump”.
Landing a Jump
A Translocating Staff Member may change his Station to any Station on the Solar Map that is not under Maintenance without spending any fuel.
Any and all Stations named “Jump” at the time this proposal passes shall be changed to another legal name by a Member of Staff, the Writer, or an Admin.
Captain: Drop us out of Hyperspace, Ensign.
Helmsman: I can’t, sir.
Captain: What?!
Helmsman: Physically impossible, sir. We’re stuck.