Call for Judgment: Quick fix to get things going
Failed directly by CfJ “I Just Need A Fix, Man” -Bucky
Adminned at 21 Oct 2011 11:18:26 UTC
In rule 1.7 “Calls for Judgment”, immediately after
by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgment†category.
Such posts are always Calls for Judgment regardless of any dynastic rule.
In rule 3.2 “Gamestate Tracking”, change
A proposal, call for judgment, or declaration of victory cannot simultaneously be any other type of official post unless otherwise specified by dynastic rules.
Posts in the “Proposal”, “Call for Judgment” or “Declaration of Victory” categories are always proposals, calls for judgment, or declarations of victory respectively (unless they were posted illegally), and not any other sort of official post, unless a dynastic rule specifically overrides this. Players may not cause posts to simultaneously be in two or more of these categories.
If a number of EVCs on this CFJ equal to or greater than a quorum of Artists contain the phrase “ais523 deserves a win”, the Artist known as ais523 achieves victory.
This fix is certainly not perfect, and we can improve it in the future. It’s more important to get the game going again, though. The fixes: protecting CFJs from dynastic rules no matter what (proposals and even DoVs we might want to mess with, but I doubt messing with CFJs is a sensible thing to do in a dynasty); and changing the two-official-posts restriction to special-case the core rules versions so that they always triumph over dynastic rules. (This still leaves the dynastic ruleset broken in the other direction, but it can then be fixed by proposal.)
I suggest that someone else should make an identical CFJ by posting it, unidling, and editing it into a proposal. The unidle timer makes it hard to do so myself. (Alternatively, an admin in collaboration with SouthPointingChariot could do it via registration, which may be faster.)
Some people were interested in giving me a win for this, whereas others weren’t, so I felt like putting it up for an EVC vote, in the least controversial phrasing of those. I won’t get a win from this unless I would with a separate proposal.
Soviet Brendon: Idle
Whoever doed end up doing this copy and unidling could you change it to read “Soviet Brendon achieves victory”...