Saturday, July 01, 2006

Proposal: Reductio Imperato

Reaches Quorum (7-1)
There are 7 counted voting comments (Kevan’s vote does not come from a comment).
2>(1/4)*7 and 2>1, so Blessings are awarded.
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 02 Jul 2006 15:30:42 UTC

[ Looking at the Dynasty rule, I’m surprised how little of it we actually need - this is an attempt to cut it back to bare bones.

The most significant change here is changing the Veto so that it doesn’t take immediate effect, which has always seemed inelegant, both for breaking the flow of the proposal queue and for generously freeing up the miscreant’s proposal slots.

I’ve also removed the stuff about dynasty records, which players are already ignoring; this rule originated when the records were static web pages, it makes sense (and is much healthier) for them to be informally edited at whim, now that they’re on a wiki.

Finally, I’ve taken out all the stuff about updating the templates and veto icons, which I think is okay to leave to the Abbot and any passing admin. It’s certainly how we’ve played it in the past, the Emperor hasn’t always written their own HTML or drawn their own logo. It seems wrong for it to be illegal to tidy or recompress the images, or tweak the colours; any presumptuous admin abuse could just be undone. ]

Reword Rule 1.8 (Dynasties) to:-

BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty is headed by a single Abbot, and is named according to the number of Dynasties they have headed (eg. “The First Dynasty of Myke”).

The Abbot may vote to VETO any Proposal.

Add “or the Abbot has voted to VETO the proposal, ” to the list of reasons to fail a proposal in Rule 1.5 (Enactment).

Replace “chosen theme for the new round” with “chosen theme for the new Dynasty” in Rule 1.9 (Ascension).



01-07-2006 17:00:58 UTC


Elias IX:

01-07-2006 17:04:18 UTC


I approve.


01-07-2006 20:31:28 UTC

for Blessings
I’m liking this recent trend of cutting the core rules back to a minimum.


01-07-2006 21:56:53 UTC



01-07-2006 22:25:14 UTC

for Blessings


02-07-2006 14:35:01 UTC

against no Blessings.

It allows an unscrupulous admin to pass a proposal that has been vetoed but still has a majority after time out.

Kevan: he/him

02-07-2006 16:10:31 UTC

Good catch, I’ll propose a fix.


02-07-2006 22:11:26 UTC
