Proposal: Save the General! ... Or condemn him.
Self-killed, failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 25 Feb 2009 14:21:27 UTC
If a quorum of votes contain the words “Time Heals”, then add the following to rule 2.3 (Collateral Damage):
If the General does not veto any proposals for a week, then the collateral damage decreases by 25. If the Collateral damage had been 500 or greater and becomes lower than 500 as a result of this, then the general’s health is restored to 10.
If a quorum of votes contains the words “Dead Men Tell No Tales”, then add the following to rule 2.3 (Collateral Damage):
The General may not veto proposals if he has a health of 0 (or below). If he wishes, he may give the Veto power to any other Soldier by making a story post saying that he wishes to do so and to which soldier(s) he wishes to grant this power to.
If a quorum of votes contains the words “While We’re At It”, then amend the following sentence in rule 1.2 (Soldiers)
Soldiers who wish to become Admins shall sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins.
such that it reads:
Soldiers who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins.
One of the first proposals to offer acceptable, yet not contradicting, options to Soldiers of all levels of loyalty! It is a part of the new “enemy outreach” program initiated by our “slightly suicidal” High Command!