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December 1969.'>

Friday, June 11, 2010

[Encounter] A soldier ant!

Floor 1

1 Soldier Ant (50 HP, 3d4)

And now, a singular, huge enemy.



11-06-2010 19:40:41 UTC

Not touching this one without a 10-foot pole.


11-06-2010 20:58:35 UTC

Hmm, 10-foot poles. A weapon YANI - can attack at a distance without needing to be thrown (assuming we’re taking the D&D notion of squares being 5x5 feet, they can be used to attack an enemy up to 2 squares away).


11-06-2010 21:17:09 UTC

Do we have to do anything special to dodge it, or can we all just stand around the dungeon whistling, with our hands in our pockets?


11-06-2010 21:44:05 UTC

Freezerbird: You can do that, but then you’ll stay in dungeon level 1 forever. And eventually I’ll get fed up and strike you with a wide-angle disintegration beam.


11-06-2010 22:38:58 UTC

You can’t intimidate me. I’m getting out my +2 deck chair and going for a kip.


11-06-2010 23:11:47 UTC

at this point the penalty for dying is mostly insignificant for people without kills, even for people with kills it isnt that big a deal. Yet I can’t attack for 24 hours….


12-06-2010 15:37:30 UTC

Erm… this monster isn’t in the Basic Monster Table.


12-06-2010 16:45:19 UTC

Hmm, interesting point. The RNG is allowed to create a monster, though the rules don’t specify that this has to be a monster in the basic monster table. As an aside point, DC hasn’t stated whether this ant’s 3d4 attack is ranged or melee. There is a monster in the basic table that has both ranged and melee attack, so I would infer that the attacks in the table are all melee?


12-06-2010 21:24:36 UTC

Freezerbird: Monsters don’t have a ranged or melee attack. Also, the original point of the monster table, according to Bucky, its creator, is for scrolls of create monster and the like - when @s can create monsters independently of the RNG.


12-06-2010 23:00:24 UTC

rolled and got 7+1 from enchantment, Solider Ant takes 8 dmg, yay for me…

Darknight: he/him

12-06-2010 23:04:24 UTC

Dealt 1 point of damage to Aunt the Ant. That 9 dmg overall


13-06-2010 00:12:48 UTC

The ant attacks Galdyn, doing 6 damage, minus 3 due to Galdyn’s shield.

The ant attacks Darknight, going 8 damage, minus 1 due to Darknight’s armor.

Darknight: he/him

13-06-2010 00:13:50 UTC



13-06-2010 00:26:07 UTC

Next time Darknight gets attacked I’ll FIAT the damage to the lowest possible value. (Though that’d still kill him if it’s the ant that does it.)

Darknight: he/him

13-06-2010 00:27:00 UTC



13-06-2010 00:42:52 UTC

See rule 2.1.1.


13-06-2010 03:21:23 UTC

I swing for 1 point of damage. (told you I used up all my good rolls in the last encounter.


13-06-2010 03:21:58 UTC

Soldier Ant is at 40 HP.


13-06-2010 04:41:23 UTC

second attack, rolled a 10 +1 for enchantment. Ant is down to 29 HP


13-06-2010 08:04:59 UTC

DC: one of the monsters in the table, a Kobold, specifically has a special rule about it’s 1d2 ranged attack. Therefore its 1d4 attack must surely be melee?


13-06-2010 15:04:43 UTC

Freezerbird: The basic monster table actually doesn’t, at the moment, define any monsters, since nowhere in the ruleset does it say that monsters can be created from the Table yet.


14-06-2010 02:28:54 UTC

rolled a 4 this time plus my enchantment and the solider ant is down to 24 HP. Time for me to die, YAY…


14-06-2010 02:44:20 UTC

  /  REST IN   \ 
  /  PEACE   \ 
/          \
|    Galdyn   |
|  killed by   |
|  a soldier ant |
|          |

Goodbye Galdyn the Valkyrie…

You died in the Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 1 with 1 kill, and 0 pieces of gold, after 100 moves.

You were level 1 with a maximum of 10 hit points when you died.


14-06-2010 02:47:57 UTC

Okay, EE broke the gravestone. Let’s see if this works:
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Galdyn     | 
 |   killed  by   | 
 |  a soldier ant | 
 |                | 


14-06-2010 02:48:09 UTC

Not quite, but close enough.


14-06-2010 02:48:39 UTC

I’ve got it!

   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Galdyn     | 
 |   killed  by   | 
 |  a soldier ant | 
 |                | 


14-06-2010 02:52:33 UTC

well i would have been happy with living a little longer so i could do more dmg to it, but oh well. I do not believe I had 1 kill but again i’ll take it if you want to give it to me.


14-06-2010 02:54:54 UTC

Testing something real quick.


(You know, it’s a real shame that in future dynasties without a fixed-width font, no-one will be able to appreciate my gravestones.)


14-06-2010 02:56:29 UTC

According to the GNDT you killed me illegally. Not counting the fact that you magically gave me full health. A role of 12 wouldn’t kill me because of my +3 shield. Therefore, I am not dead and have 1 HP. Missed this before


14-06-2010 02:58:09 UTC

Oh, you didn’t have any kills. Must have gotten you mixed up with lilomar; you both have that I-can’t-smell-you-because-you-are-on-the-Internet-but-if-I-could-you-would-still-have-that-new-player smell.


14-06-2010 02:59:07 UTC



14-06-2010 03:00:42 UTC

(The full health was because I thought you were dead, so I was resetting your HP to the default value.)


14-06-2010 03:03:34 UTC

so you reset my health in the same GNDT action that you “rolled” the dice. I shall accept the death, and thanks for the gravestone.


14-06-2010 03:04:37 UTC

No, no, no, you survived because of your shield, as you noticed.


18-06-2010 18:41:40 UTC

Pardon my ignorance (I’m still new to both this game and nomics in general) but do armors do anything apart from holding an enchantment bonus?

I don’t see anything in the rules about it, but it seems odd to me that the Barbarian’s +0 Ring Mail and the Wizard’s +0 Cloak of Magic Resistance are equally as good as the Tourist’s +0 Hawaiian Shirt, defensive-wise.


18-06-2010 19:59:15 UTC

Unfortunately, no, they don’t do anything when unenchanted, currently. They really ought to, but they don’t. (However, we are planning on making ways to change an item’s enchantment).


19-06-2010 04:16:20 UTC

Note that this has lost its sticky, presumably because we’ve been procrastinating on the fight for so long….

Kevan: he/him

19-06-2010 16:27:33 UTC

It’s still sticky, it’s just dropped off of the front page - in ExpressionEnginge, “sticky” just means “if this would show up on a page, put it at the top”. I’ll add this to the FAQ.


19-06-2010 17:03:18 UTC

I do 6 points of damage to the ant.

Remaining Monsters:
1 Soldier Ant (18 HP, 3d4)


19-06-2010 19:33:35 UTC

That’s what I meant. Is there any way to take it back to the top?


19-06-2010 21:32:08 UTC

The ant strikes lilomar for 8 damage; 1 is blocked by the armor.


20-06-2010 01:12:50 UTC

attacked again, rolled 8 for 9 damage

Remaining Monsters:
1 Soldier Ant (9 HP, 3d4)

redtara: they/them

20-06-2010 05:01:21 UTC

Qwaz: Change the date of the post.


20-06-2010 06:34:00 UTC

Soldier Ant struck for 10, killing it.


20-06-2010 16:30:52 UTC

The ant retroactively attacks Galdyn for 7 damage; 4 blocked by armor.


21-06-2010 14:13:49 UTC

hmm guys, how am i supposed to attack the soldier ant?