Friday, March 19, 2010

Proposal: A Clockwork Duck a l’Orange

Timed out and enacted, 5 for, 1 against and 4 unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 21 Mar 2010 08:30:39 UTC

Change all references in the ruleset to the wiki page [[Trade Routes]], so that they refer instead to the wiki page [[County Activity]]. Change the sidebar of the main page to reflect this. Move the content of the [[Trade Routes]] page to the [[County Activity]] page. If the content of the [[Trade Routes]] page changed between the enactment of this proposal and the transfer of data, then the enacting admin must revert that change before transfering the content to the [[County Activity]] page. Change the third set of parentheses in rule 2.7 to read as follows:

(a page which should only be updated in accordance with the ruleset).

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Invasion:

England has been invaded by the French, and each Commoner has an Allegiance, which is either Loyalist or Sympathiser. This choice is tracked in the GNDT and can be changed by the Commoner at any time.

At the time at which this rule was enacted, Invaders have only Occupied Kent (County #18). Every Monday after enactment, they are considered to have spread to every County that neighbours a County which Invaders previously Occupied. If ever it ceases to be Occupied, Kent is always reoccupied on Monday. The names of Counties which are Occupied are coloured red on the [[County Activity]] page of the wiki. Any Trade Route which passes through an Occupied County is considered to end at the last unoccupied County before it; unless the start County is an Occupied County, in which case the reverse is true.

As a weekly action, a Commoner may perform spend 2 Iron, 1 Cog and 1 Coal to build a mechanical army. If they are a Loyalist, this will remove any invader forces that may exist from the County in which the Commoner performs the action, plus all neighbouring counties. If they are a Sympathiser, then Invader forces will Occupy the County in which the action is performed.

Add a subrule to that rule, entitled Regalia Actions:

Any Commoner who possesses an Invention which includes either the Crest of the Mad Prince of the Mark of the Demented Baron may perform one of the actions listed in this rule, instead of the weekly action listed above in the rule entitled “Invasion”.

* Build a sentry tower. By paying 5 Iron and 2 Cogs, a Commoner may build a Sentry Tower. Any County containing a Sentry Tower may not change from Occupied to unoccupied or vice-versa. A County with a Sentry Tower is tracked in the GNDT by putting {ST} after its name.
* Remove a Sentry Tower. A Commoner my remove a Sentry Tower, allowing Occupation or liberation, and gains 2 Iron and 1 Cog for doing so.
* Use an Air Drone. A Commoner may double the cost of any other weekly action to perform it in a neighbouring County to the one that they currently occupy.

Add the following as a subrule to rule 2.2, entitled Crest of the Mad Prince:

Cost: 1 Iron, 1 Quicksilver     Power requirement: 0
Any invention consisting of just this Part has a Power Requirement of zero and does not count towards a Commoner’s total number of inventions. A Commoner who posesses an Invention that includes this Part must set their Allegiance to Loyalist and may not change it. That Commoner may perform Regalia Actions as defined under the rule entitled “Invasion”.

Add the following as a subrule to rule 2.2, entitled Mark of the Demented Baron:

Cost: 1 Iron, 1 Gem     Power requirement: 0
Any invention consisting of just this Part has a Power Requirement of zero and does not count towards a Commoner’s total number of inventions. A Commoner who posesses an Invention that includes this Part must set their Allegiance to Sympathiser and may not change it. That Commoner may perform Regalia Actions as defined under the rule entitled “Invasion”.

Set up a GNDT column for Allegiance and set all Commoners’ Allegiances to “Loyalist”.

I am Mad Baron Pierre and I have come for your lives!



19-03-2010 13:32:22 UTC


I like the idea of a French Invasion, but this would only affect the Trade Routes for the moment? Of course we chould simply change that by further proposals (a really big Proposal with even more ideas would not be enacted though…), eg. moving into or in an “Enemy County” should not be that easy and mabye this could interact with Liberated Counties, too.
But there are a few problems, I think:

I do not know whether the “Monday Action” is nice. Who does this? Is anyone able to do this? “As a Weekly Action, if possible every Monday, the Mad Prince may” would be better, I think.

“Any Trade Route which passes through an Occupied County is considered to end at the last unoccupied County before it” What happens, if the Trade Route is completely in the French Area? Also Trade Routes should work for the Sympathisers in the French Area…

“A County with a Sentry Tower is tracked in the GNDT by putting {ST}” Not every County is listed in the GNDT, only the Counties, which are currently occupied. Should this only work, if a Commoner is in a County, which has got a Sentry Tower build by them? This would be really strange. Also, currently the Counties in the GNDT are only choices, not text fields… Why don’t use the new wiki page for this?

Finally, I would like a Invasion from Liberated Counties. As a big civil war with some teams this would be even nice for a VC, I think… But it seems nobody likes Liberation…

Nice idea! But needs some fixes.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 13:51:17 UTC

@ Keba -

I do not know whether the “Monday Action” is nice. Who does this? Is anyone able to do this? “As a Weekly Action, if possible every Monday, the Mad Prince may” would be better, I think.
The way that the rule is set up, no-one has to “do” anything. The wiki is a way of tracking things, but regardless of whether or not it’s updated, the invasion progresses; the Counties are occupied; the gamestate is what it is. I imagine that the wiki will remain up-to-date, because gamestate tracking is usually well-observed here, but it’s not strictly speaking necessary for anyone to be forced to do it. The Mad Prince has enough on his plate as it is.

“Any Trade Route which passes through an Occupied County is considered to end at the last unoccupied County before it” What happens, if the Trade Route is completely in the French Area? Also Trade Routes should work for the Sympathisers in the French Area…
That’s covered by “unless the start County is an Occupied County, in which case the reverse is true.”

“A County with a Sentry Tower is tracked in the GNDT by putting {ST}” Not every County is listed in the GNDT, only the Counties, which are currently occupied. Should this only work, if a Commoner is in a County, which has got a Sentry Tower build by them? This would be really strange. Also, currently the Counties in the GNDT are only choices, not text fields… Why don’t use the new wiki page for this?
Remember that the County List is a transplant of the current Trade Routes page, which does currently contain a complete list of Counties.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 13:52:08 UTC

Ah, that’s a typo in the last one; should be wiki, not GNDT. Hopefully that can be corrected by the enacting admin.


19-03-2010 13:59:51 UTC

Hm, you‘re right at the first two points. :) Convinced - CoV to for

I don’t think “GNDT” is a typo really. Typos are things like “French”, so I don’t think an Admin can correct this… Proposing a fix (you have a free slot ;)) would be easier, I assume.


19-03-2010 14:19:00 UTC



19-03-2010 14:38:22 UTC



19-03-2010 14:45:59 UTC

for  after reading it.


19-03-2010 14:57:36 UTC

Note: If you use a “spelling check”, don’t correct mistakes, which are done voluntarily… “French” should be “Frenhc” in my last comment.


19-03-2010 15:29:02 UTC

You typo’d your typo into correctness? that’s messed up.


19-03-2010 16:14:46 UTC

Is this a typo?
Invasion: “...each Commoner has an Allegiance, which is either Loyalist or Sympathiser. This choice is tracked in the GNDT and can be changed by the Commoner at any time.”

Crest of the Mad Prince: “...must set their Allegiance to Loyalist and may not change it.”

Mark of the Demented Baron: “...must set their Allegiance to Sympathiser and may not change it.”

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 16:16:40 UTC


(The terms “can” and “may” are defined in the glossary).


19-03-2010 16:25:09 UTC

Well, mabye there is still a problem with “Monday”: Consider I would “(un)occupie” a County at twelve o’clock on a Monday. Would this County count as a occupied County for the purpose of “Every Monday after enactment, they are considered to have spread to every County that neighbours a County which Invaders previously Occupied.”

“On a Monday at 0:00” would be better, I think.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 16:29:26 UTC

The rule as written probably does what I want it to by default - i.e. if the County is occupied at any point on Monday then the invasion spreads, even if you liberate it at 12.01am. I accept that it would be contestable in the event but I don’t see that as an entirely troubling problem.

ais523: Custodian

19-03-2010 16:30:58 UTC

Not making my mind up yet here (are people interested in this subgame? I have no objection, but only if other people want to play it), but some comments. Allegiance really needs a default value (you could make it Neutral or something similar which has no game effects); and building/removing sentry towers almost certainly need a County restriction. “The names of Counties which are Occupied are coloured red on the [[County Activity]] page of the wiki” should be “The names of Counties which are Occupied should be coloured red on the [[County Activity]] page of the wiki”, the idea being that the Counties are automatically occupied and then the wiki changed to reflect that; as written, the rule contradicts itself, with the platonic actions on Monday being definitive and the wiki also being definitive, and unfortunately the rules can’t platonically edit the wiki. It’s also slightly unclear what happens to Trade Routes (although I think I know what the rule means). Other than that, there don’t seem to be major technical problems with the proposal.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 16:34:00 UTC

Good points all, ais - I’ll put a fix through if this passes.


19-03-2010 17:25:11 UTC

“May” means “is permitted to”
“May not” means “isn’t permitted to”
“Can” means “is able to”

If someone isn’t permitted to change it, he isn’t able to change it. So if he has one of those Parts he isn’t able to change it
But you said that it can be changed at any time. Contradiction.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2010 17:28:17 UTC

At any time refers to time parameters - in other words, this is an action that is not time-limited, as opposed to weekly or daily actions.


19-03-2010 17:36:38 UTC

OK. for


19-03-2010 19:32:53 UTC

So a French invasion… only prevents us from trading? Anyway, I don’t really mind what happens here.


19-03-2010 20:13:59 UTC


Darknight: he/him

21-03-2010 04:14:28 UTC

imperial btw, is the DEF vote icon busted? all i see is the broken image x.

Darknight: he/him

21-03-2010 04:14:50 UTC

nevermind lol. aol bugged that


21-03-2010 08:10:41 UTC

against Would prefer this proposal split into parts, lol.


21-03-2010 09:36:54 UTC

@Anonyman: Well, yet… Josh might have lots of other ideas, but an even bigger Proposal would never be enacted (“I like the general idea, but subrule 2.x.x is not fine for me”). When there were Counties, there were nothing to do, but travelling. When there were Resources, there was nothing to do with them, but transferring them to each other. What’s the problem?


21-03-2010 12:39:55 UTC

Well, another bug (which should be fixed in a big fix proposal):

What happens, if I have Inventions with both a “Crest of the Mad Prince” and a “Mark of the Demented Baron” Part? Also, as dismantling them is cheap, they have no really effect…