Story Post: A simple test:Building the Machine
At last, we have enough pieces to run a simple diagnostic test to see if the machine is working properly. The proposed test runs require the complex interactions between a stacked POW, WTS and HALT. This test has the side purpose of seeing if the Power Manifold is powerful enough to move objects. I’ll also need a CKP for support.
There is no part “KCP”. Did you mean “CKP”?
The initiator condition of WTS is: “There is a 1x1 piece on top of this piece, and the space to this piece’s left is empty.” Does “this piece” refer to the WTS, or to the 1x1 piece on top of the WTS?
We really need a link to the workbench from the main page. (I posted an alternate format for the workbench chart which I think is much more intuitive to edit than the one you posted.
I think we need to collapse all Positions and let anybody propose the addition of a Part to the Workbench, subject to vote. (I would suggest that a single Worker can make a proposal to add multiple pieces to the Workbench in a single Proposal.)