Call for Judgment: CFJ: Attn: CotC
failed by CfJ “” -Bucky
unfailed by coppro - the enactment was illegal
FAILED BY Chronos Phaenon for reaching a quorum of votes against. Vote counting: 18
unadminned by coppro - lass’ vote was not valid.
Failed by Ienpw III with 26 votes and 17
Note: only the first 100 comments are displayed. Any admin can verify the vote count.
Adminned at 21 Oct 2011 11:28:43 UTC
A large number of people have recently joined/unidled in BlogNomic, whose opinions have not been recently respected. The ruleset and gamestate are uncertain due to rules issues and attempted scams, and many people think that the dynasty is flagging and unlikely to recover. Finally, Agora’s ruleset requires attempts to be made to cause it to become a player in BlogNomic. All this requires urgent attention. Therefore:
- Repeal all dynastic rules.
- Fail all other open CFJs.
- Change the core rules and glossary to the version shown at, except that
A Proposal, Call for Judgment, or Declaration of Victory cannot simultaneously be any other type of official post unless otherwise specified by dynastic rules.
is replaced withArtists may not create a post, nor edit a post, such that that post is in more than one of the following categories: {Call for Judgment, Proposal, Declaration of Victory, Ascension Address}.
- Change the name of the Artist currently known on BlogNomic as “Agora Nomic” to “Tiger”, to avoid confusion.
- Replace “Artist” with “Player” and “Critic” with “Speaker” in every rule.
- Create a new dynastic rule, “Foreign Relations”:
In addition to humans, nomics can also be Players, although a nomic cannot become an Players except via the enactment of a rule declaring them as one, and providing them with a method to act. Agora, the nomic that is most commonly referred to as Agora on the mailing lists described at, is a Player. It cannot be idled due to inactivity. If a proposal passes in Agora that specifies that Agora posts a blog post or comment to BlogNomic, or if Agora posts a blog post or comment to BlogNomic via any other mechanism specified by Agora’s ruleset, then any Player who is also a player of Agora may make such blog posts or comments to BlogNomic, marking them as posted by Agora, and they will count as being posted by Agora not by that player. (Players may not claim blog posts or comments to have been posted by Agora if they have not been.)
- Begin a new dynasty with Agora as the Speaker.
Next up after this: The Last Dynasty of Michael Walsh.