Proposal: Commune with the dead
Timed out (5-8)
Failed by Hix.
Adminned at 27 Oct 2007 19:54:37 UTC
Create a new rule called “Ghost” with the text:
Any village that is Dead is considered a Ghost. A Ghost may privately email the Mayor announcing their intention to haunt a named Villager, in an email with the subject “Haunting [Villager Name]†- upon reception of the email, this Villager becomes that Ghost’s target.
Whenever a Ghost’s target is killed by Werewolves as a result of Rule 2.2, the Mayor will email the Ghost (if there is one, and if they are still alive) with an alphabetised list of Villagers who the Ghost has seen on the streets that night. This list shall consist of a random Werewolf involved in the attack, plus a N other randomly selected villagers where N is half(rounded up) of all living Villagers, excluding the previously selected werewolf.
Create a sub-rule of the rule Ghost “Seance”
During the immediately following night time period after a werewolf has slain a villager, any living villager may make a Town Meeting Seance proposal by posting a proposal with the phrase ‘Town Meeting Seance’ in its title, so long as there isn’t already a pending Town Meeting Seance proposal. If that proposal passes, then Mayor will make a story post with the title “Seance Results” and a text which will include 1DICEX Ghost’s names, where X is either the number of people who voted FOR on the Town Meeting Seance, or the current number of Dead Villagers (whichever is smaller), determined randomly by the Mayor. Those Ghost may each post 1 name in the comments.
obviously in rough draft form, but it allows people to communicate beyond the grave…somewhat…I expect this proposal to fail, but with the idea out there, perhaps someone will be able to pick up on the concept and rephrase to suit our needs.
Darknight: he/him