Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Duel to Glorious Death: Fight for the Crown

Let the fight for the title of Patriarch begin!



12-11-2008 15:14:46 UTC

In honor of Purplebeard’s contribution, I shall take the Stone Hammer to the duel.

arthexis: he/him

12-11-2008 21:52:04 UTC

I shall fight bare handed.


12-11-2008 22:18:10 UTC

What? I thought you said you wanted items.

arthexis: he/him

13-11-2008 01:35:28 UTC

I changed my mind. :D It’s not like items matter, I’m winning anyways.


13-11-2008 02:26:53 UTC

Yoda / arthexis (result)
Punch / Counter (arthexis punched)
Kick   / Punch   (arthexis overpowered)
Punch=6/ Punch=6 (tie)
Punch / Grab   (arthexis intercepted)

Both combatants should now send in their second set of moves.

arthexis: he/him

13-11-2008 03:34:30 UTC

I’ve send mine. BTW, I’d like to point that if Yoda wins, he still doesn’t win this dynasty, as beating me would only make him go to 96 Honor.


13-11-2008 03:56:32 UTC

I would get 85 honor for beating you (67/2, rounded down plus 1 = 34 * 2.5 for glorious death duel = 85).  Adding 85 to my honor would put me at 130.


13-11-2008 04:05:57 UTC

“1.5 times the amount of honor he would normally receive, rounded up, in addition to any other… honor gains”, in other words, 2.5 * initial honor gain

arthexis: he/him

13-11-2008 05:48:37 UTC

Mmm, looks like my math was off then… Better do something to fix that…

arthexis: he/him

13-11-2008 05:50:21 UTC

Oh. And I never liked cheese to begin with :)


13-11-2008 06:07:47 UTC

Round 2 results:
Yoda / arthexis (results)
Use Hammer / Grab (Yoda disarmed)
Kick=1   / Kick=4 (Yoda kicked)
Punch     / Dodge (tie)
Grab     / Punch (Yoda intercepted)

Still inconclusive, need more moves.


13-11-2008 07:14:57 UTC

I don’t understand you, arthexis…

arthexis: he/him

13-11-2008 14:30:23 UTC

What is there to understand? I am simply getting into the mood for my next dynasty :D


13-11-2008 16:18:14 UTC

I think he means he doesn’t understand you well enough to figure out your next set of moves.


13-11-2008 16:21:08 UTC

Round 3 results are in.
Yoda / arthexis (result)
Punch / Grab (arthexis intercepted)
Punch / Dodge (tie)
Punch / Kick (Yoda overpowered)
Punch / Kick (Yoda overpowered)


13-11-2008 16:22:15 UTC

Need more moves.  You are each two hits away from death.


13-11-2008 18:27:16 UTC

No, I was talking about his attempts at trying to make this duel not be a victory duel.

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 00:20:49 UTC

Oh, I’ve liked this dynasty so far. It has cool rules, and lots of them where underused.

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 00:23:14 UTC

If it weren’t for the fact that nobody else seems to be playing it, I’d like to continue it.

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 00:26:54 UTC

Then again, my moves have always followed a pettern. It shouldn’t be hard to figure it out…


14-11-2008 02:19:36 UTC

Round 4 results.
Yoda / arthexis (result)
Grab / Dodge (tie)
Grab / Kick (arthexis thrown)
Grab / Dodge (tie)
Grab / Punch (Yoda intercepted)

Looks like we’ve gone to sudden death.  I need one more set of moves.

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 02:57:13 UTC

I’ll hold my moves until the no fleeing rule gets approved.


14-11-2008 04:43:13 UTC

arthexis, the only way to flee is to fail to submit moves in the allotted time.  I already have Yoda’s moves.  You have no reason to put off submitting your moves unless you intend to flee yourself.


14-11-2008 11:11:50 UTC

I should inform Yoda that I lost 5 consecutive duels employing the strategy of using the same move 4 times.
I’d also advise arthexis that dodging or countering would be phenomenally stupid at this point.


14-11-2008 14:17:11 UTC

Ok, the no fleeing rule is in.  You can send your moves in now, unless you WANT me to win, of course…

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 18:19:39 UTC

Well, now the only thing I need to do is to Dodge through a whole round of moves and win!


14-11-2008 20:04:29 UTC

How is it that dodging every move will cause you to win?


14-11-2008 20:04:59 UTC

If I counter even one of those dodges, you take damage and lose.

Hello Sailor:

14-11-2008 20:20:29 UTC

“a entry or comment”

arthexis: he/him

14-11-2008 21:16:41 UTC

But! If you counter and I didn’t dodge, you would die instead… So maybe I am just messing with your mind.


14-11-2008 23:13:51 UTC

I’ve already sent my moves in, so how could you be messing with me?  Maybe it is I that is messing with you…


14-11-2008 23:16:42 UTC

And also if you have not already, you have 3 hours to send in your moves or else I win by default.


15-11-2008 03:35:58 UTC

Bucky, please be sure to check the time stamp on the pm if you have one because the 24 hours has been exceeded.

arthexis: he/him

15-11-2008 04:45:28 UTC

Only Bucky can tell if the PM was on time or late, since that is the only way to make you qualified for winning. Better, Bucky could choose to simply not resolve this round, and neither you and I would be able to win at all, being stuck in Duel Limbo.

arthexis: he/him

15-11-2008 04:46:29 UTC

So basically, this is Bucky just hand picking his successor.


15-11-2008 05:40:15 UTC

Arthexis’ PM arrived 24 hours and 26 minutes after Yoda’s, which was on-time.  I therefore rule that he has fled.  Yoda wins the dynasty.

For what its worth, the final set of moves were:
Yoda / arthexis
Punch /Dodge
Grab /Dodge
Punch /Dodge
Grab /Punch

and I would have preferred a win by arthexis.

arthexis: he/him

15-11-2008 05:53:37 UTC

Thanks for your comment Bucky, I had originally intended to send this list of moves on time, but I had to travel to another city in the meanwhile, but oh well, its too late now. Anyways, well played Yoda :)