Tuesday, February 12, 2019


This is an accusation.

Joshua was the killer. He did it with poison in the Billiard Room for the purpose of revenge.


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2019 14:17:51 UTC

All four qualities are correct.

The remainder of the Chamberlain family, who were beginning to wonder why you’d asked them all into the drawing room like this, turn to stare at Morgan’s wayward son. He rises suddenly from his chair as if to speak, exchanges a glance with the family lawyer, and falls silent. Three police officers step forward.


12-02-2019 15:49:41 UTC

(DoV will come later today when I have time to be more thoughtful about it.)


12-02-2019 15:52:29 UTC

I knew poison and Joshua, and that was about it.