Monday, January 09, 2012

Ascension Address: Let’s get this started

An anonymous note turns up just inside your secret hideout…

Too long have you all worked as a disorganised rabble, stealing for your own benefit and competing over scraps of unimportant drug deals. I am sending this note to each one of you, to let you know: I know about you, and I am upset with your performance.

From now on, you work for me. And you work with each other. Not too often, mind; no point in getting caught.

Further instructions will be provided when you have proved yourself trustworthy. For the time being, gather money and armaments to help with a future great operation, and vie for the respect of your peers; not all of you are cut out to be future leaders.

I will not ask you twice. Do not fail me.

—The Don

Replace Driver with Criminal. Replace Dispatcher with Don. Keep the rule “Central Office”, repealing all other dynastic rules.

Ground rules (as in, things that will be vetoed this dynasty): daily actions; weekly actions; randomness; attempts to make me an admin; proposals containing the word “fairy”. You think I’m joking about that last one, right? Do I look like the sort of person who ever jokes?

No, I don’t know what the future great operation is yet, or even if it’ll occur.


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