Proposal: Splitting Hairs
Timed out 2 votes to 2. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 18:33:54 UTC
Replace the text in the rule “Atomic Actions” that reads
An Atomic Action is a series of steps, defined in the Ruleset as a numbered list,
with the following:
An Atomic Action is a series of steps, defined in the Ruleset as a numbered list or as a series of clauses in a single sentence,
Kevan’s use of the term in “Survey Says” seems reasonable too.
Kevan: he/him
Good idea, but I’m a bit nervous about widening this to something as broad as “clauses in a sentence” when the penalty for starting a set of clauses you can’t finish is to be locked out of the game entirely.
If we have some mundane sentence of actions which are affected by another rule (“a player who does X must also do Y” and later in the ruleset “a player with no Z may not do Y”), this could lock out a player who took the action and but failed to “complete all its steps”.