Trade route time
Just a note: the Trade Routes for this week are now up on the wiki. I probably won’t change them every week; to avoid bias, it’s best to decide when to change such things in advance, so I’m adopting a policy of deciding at random (with a 50:50 chance) whether to change the routes or not in any particular week.
A summary of the routes for this week (see the wiki Trade Routes page for full info, and a rundown of what resources you’ll gain from which counties):
- Iron: Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire
- Wood: Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall
- Quicksilver: Kent, Surrey, Hampshire
- Caffeine: Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, County Durham, Cumberland
- Cogs: Warwickshire, Northamptonshire
- Gems: Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex
- Coal: Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire
Could an admin link the wiki page to the sidebar, incidentally?
No longer am I content to leave Resources lying around where they were created; I need to move them around to create the best creations and get our industrial might going again. I want a huge tower of iron in Staffordshire, towering over the countryside, collecting lightning; a wooden bridge from Cornwall all the way to America; a magical research lab in Hampshire; a foundation for maths and the sciences in Cumberland; a massive factory in Northamptonshire; a mountain of precious gems in Middlesex; and a power station in Cambridgeshire to power them all. Please, no pilfering from the trains as they go past!
Kevan: he/him
Linked. Let me know if you want to be given blog-admin (but not game-admin) duties for the duration of the dynasty, for this kind of thing.