Story Post: Trial: Now that we’re properly paranoid
It’s impossible to give ais523 the Disabled condition as required. Therefore, cannot be enacted. Also, it’s more than 48 hours old, therefore it fails. -Bucky
Adminned at 04 Feb 2015 19:46:22 UTC
I accuse ais523 of being an Android.
Here’s what Brendan had to say on the subject:
]I know I said I was too busy steering this thing to be bothered with some circuit court nonsense, but as Pilot, that spot on our perfect mission record rankles. I include myself in the blame for our fumbled “Training Drill,” but it would have gone fine if not for one player: ais523, who claims to be too busy to play in this Dynasty, but who managed to bring down one mission and nearly fail another anyway. Frankly, I don’t care even if they are Human. I just want to see them tossed in the coolant tank for failing to pull their weight.
I mostly agree with Brendan, but I have additional arguments.
One common tactic Androids-analogues use in other Werewolf variants is to feign inactivity to avoid accidentally doing suspicious things. And when I analyzed ais523’s voting record on recent* controversial** votable matters, a clear pattern emerged. Namely, ais523 did not vote on any of them. Not voting on some of them might be simple inactivity. But I find it implausible that he didn’t have an opinion on any of the hot topics. More likely, he is deliberately abstaining so that he won’t get caught voting in a suspicious manner.
*the last one I could find was “Blind man’s bot”.
**‘controversial’ meaning at least one person voted each way.
ais523: Mastermind
From my point of view, I’m still trying to work out how to best achieve the victory condition. In particular, it’s far from clear that Humans should be helping out Humans (and Androids helping out Androids). Likewise, I couldn’t actually see an advantage from completing missions.
At the time of the first mission, the Human/Android statuses hadn’t been rolled. I decided not to participate to see if I became an Android. Next time I checked BlogNomic, the deadline had passed. However, I also fail to see any benefit that individual humans gain from succeeding missions. It might help out the cause of Humanity as a whole, but the likely only effect of that is to prolong the dynasty.
From the point of view of someone who’s busy, a simpler dynasty gives me more chances to manoeuvre a victory; even as a Human, I benefit from a lack of subroutines, and thus from systems becoming Catastrophic faster.
Also, I note that the only currently rules-defined effect of Bucky’s votable matter (apart from blocking secret dynastic actions, none of which I have taken anyway) is to prevent me helping out with missions. Not to prevent me being selected for them; to prevent me doing anything to help out with them if I am. Thus, Trials seem to be entirely counterproductive in the current ruleset.
All that said, if you guys want to persist in playing Werewolf rather than in playing Nomic, I’m fine with that, and will just sit back and seek chances to win while you’re busy aiming towards the win condition of the wrong game. (I’d like to mention in passing the historical fact that almost every faction-based dynasty is won by a cross-factional alliance. If there are any Werewolves out there who want to form one with me, I’d be happy to.)