Proposal: Vote Hook
Reached quorum 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2012 12:15:29 UTC
Enact a new Rule, “[HTH] Helping Hands”:-
If a Student (the “Helper”) makes a Story Post that invokes this rule by name and has Citations to three different Proposals, and if:-
- All of those Proposals were made on or after the 1st of October 2012.
- The Helper voted FOR all of those Proposals.
- None of those Proposals were made by the Helper.
- The first cited Proposal was a Correction.
- The second cited Proposal had an arrow vote on more than half of its EVCs, including one on the Helper’s EVC.
- The third cited Proposal was made by a Student who, at the time of its proposal, not yet Scored under the rule “Proposal Homework”.
...then that Student Scores.
Although we are encouraging certain types of proposal by rewarding the proposer, this is also a mild disincentive for anyone to actually vote for them. (I’ve caught myself erring on the side of AGAINST for a couple of proposals that I’d have waved through in any other dynasty, simply because all else being equal I am voting on whether or not I’d like an opponent to gain a - possibly quite rare and valuable - point.)
So let’s try an overelaborate reward system to encourage people to vote for these proposals!
Josh: he/they