Monday, January 16, 2006

WildCard in da house!

I would like to become non-Idle.


Elias IX:

16-01-2006 00:29:45 UTC

Mmm, beautiful. When did you idle out of Blognomic, by the way?

Angry Grasshopper:

16-01-2006 03:41:41 UTC

Compliance. Check your blognomic account for your GNDT password.


16-01-2006 11:03:41 UTC

Elias IX: I appear to have gone idle on the 23rd November 2004 (in the middle of the First Dynasty Of Chronos.

Angry Grasshopper: I don’t see anything; maybe I’m looking in the wrong place?


16-01-2006 11:22:32 UTC

Angry Grasshopper: Oops, it had ended up in my spam folder…  Got it now!