Proposal: It’s Only Payroll (But I Like It)
Quorums 5-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 04 Dec 2015 23:54:43 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Money”:-
Each Clerk has an amount of Money, defaulting to 5 and tracked in the GNDT. Clerks may give any amount of their Money to other Clerks at any time.
Enact a new subrule of “Committees”, called “Finance”:-
The Finance Committee has five seats. Its Power is to Pay every Clerk who has not already been Paid in the current week: when a Clerk is Paid, they gain 1 Money per Committee that they are a member of.
If the Proposal “[ambiguous]” failed, then to the first paragraph of “Committees”, add:-
A Committee’s Letter is the first letter of its Name.
If the Proposal “[ambiguous]” passed, replace “a list of the first letters of the Names of those Committees” with “a list of the Tracking Codes of those Committees”, “This letter/s is known as it’s Tracking Code.” with “A Committee’s Tracking Code is the first letter of its Name.” and “where X is the Letter of a Committee” with “where X is the Tracking Code of a Committee”, throughout the ruleset.
Adding a resource to bribe each other with, and fixing either my bug (that Letters aren’t defined) or Tantusar’s bug (that Tracking Codes are defined but Motions don’t use them, and the GNDT is still tracking “first letters”).
Tantusar: he/they