Monday, September 16, 2019

Story Post: Let the Wild Hoggus Begin

I hereby indicate that I am going hunting.

Huh, and now I guess I’m dependent on the graciousness of the first hunter to include me in the set of those who get to eat.



17-09-2019 01:41:39 UTC

I assist in the hunt!


17-09-2019 01:52:35 UTC

So polite. Everyone wins!

Kevan: he/him

17-09-2019 09:17:29 UTC

Pokes didn’t decrease anyone’s hunger, so nobody wins here.


17-09-2019 11:20:38 UTC

Let’s pretend that when I increased everyone’s hunger by 2 as a weekly communal action, it was me acting as the cruel hand of time and not as the Castaway named pokes.

Kevan: he/him

17-09-2019 19:24:45 UTC

Oh, reading the GNDT log I retract that and confirm that we did all in fact win. I mistakenly thought we’d all started on 2.