Raid results
The Commoners who raided this week were Anonyman, Darth Cliche, Josh, Keba (x2 due to Armour), Roujo, Purplebeard, and Tecslicer. That’s 8 Commoners; unfortunately, 9 were needed for the Raid to succeed. It looks like somebody betrayed your little group…
As a result, I feel confident in using the same number of guards to guard my shipment of rare teas in expensive mahogany cases, each encrusted with rare gems, that I need to feed my pet mechanical duck (she gets so depressed when she isn’t hopped up on top-quality caffeine)... The Royal Treasury is now set to 200 Wood, 200 Caffeine, 50 Gems, with the same Guard Level (8, meaning 9 Commoners are necessary for the raid to succeed) as before.
The revolutionaries met in an abandoned factory, scheming war, plotting to raid the Mad Prince’s trade caverns and steal their resources for themselves. They had enough forces; the plan was in place; and they set off at the dead of night to carry out the deed. However, one among them was an informant, seeking to curry favour with the Prince. At the last critical moment, lordcooper ran away to safety, leaving the other conspirators to fall to the flaming breath and spouting steam of the automata guarding the caravan. So I watched, and painted a picture of their burnt clothing, then sent them all off to hospital to recover (and test some new experimental magic on them while they were unconcious). I shall have to put them under closer guard from now on.
Josh: Mastermind he/they
*shakes fist at Kevan*