Story Post: Trial: Danger Zone
Could not be enacted after 48 hours, with three votes for and two votes against. Josh
Adminned at 15 Feb 2015 15:06:04 UTC
I believe ais523 is an Android.
First, to review, here’s the last time we did this. None of the arguments therein have changed. ais is still acting in a manner that is explicitly set out to destabilise the humans, does not deny it, and admits that he will continue to do so. His defence is that he’s not interested in the human / Android aspect of the game, and that could potentially be true. It is, however, unlikely. Firstly, if that really was his intent, my suspicion is that he’d be less obvious about it, as playing overtly selfishly tends to make one a target (cf. the two trials he has now been the subject of). Secondly, if he is an Android, then promoting an atmosphere of every-human-for-themselves is an easy path to getting the humans tear each other to shreds.
Additional data: what happened while ais was idle, and what happened when he came back.
While ais was idle, only one proposal was sabotaged. No missions were sabotaged. No tickertape messages were received, nor Demands. No phaser rounds were fired.
Within hours of ais’ return, a proposal had been retroactively sabotaged, a key command role - and ais’ previous accuser - was gunned down, and ais himself had flagged up that the latter had taken place, helpfully including a handy interpretation guide as to how to read the events.
Long story short here, ais’ presence in the game is non-coincidentally synchronous with upticks in Android activity. Either the actual Androids invested a bizarre amount of energy into setting up a single innocent Human who they had no guarantee would even unidle in this dynasty, or ais’ has to be considered a likely fit for an Android. Given that ais himself freely admits that his actions are anti-human, it seems very likely to me that he’s attempting to hide in plain sight.
Darknight: he/him
have to add in that it looks like I too ended up getting shot at during bucky’s removal.