Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Proposal: Fatality!

Colder Readings has failed, this proposal is considered self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Mar 2015 12:57:18 UTC

Dependent on:
- The Weekly Prophet
- Colder Readings

In rule Prophecies, change “Once per Season, (but not on Sundays, not if the weather is Rain, and not if the Sky has not yet been examined in the current Season) each Townsperson may make a Prophecy.” to read:

Once per Season, (but not if the weather is Rain, not if their Fate isn’t positive and not if the Sky has not yet been examined in the current Season) each Townsperson may spend one Fate to make a Prophecy.

In its sub-rule Fulfillment, add to the end of the first paragraph:

They shall then increase all Townspeople’s Fate values by one.

Set the Astrologer’s Fate to 3.

The last clause originally read “Set Everybody’s Fate to 1”, but it’s more fun if the Astrologer is the one opening the tap of Fate.


Darknight: he/him

04-03-2015 22:07:22 UTC


Brendan: he/him

04-03-2015 23:57:11 UTC



05-03-2015 05:06:16 UTC



05-03-2015 08:14:33 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-03-2015 12:15:23 UTC
