Proposal: Lemma: As life approaches college; time apporaches zero
Reached Quorum and passed. Josh
Adminned at 28 Aug 2007 10:06:20 UTC
I am really sorry guys, but I have found that I just don’t have enough time to continue running this dynasty. I’d love to just be able to freeze it at this stage and continue it at a later point. I realize that that probably isn’t possible, but who knows what the future will hold. Regardless, I’m gonna need to pass the mantel here before inactivity kills everyone.
Roll a DICEN where N is the number of unique active monkeys who include the phrase “Make me the Banana” as a comment. Sort these players alphabetically and pick the Xth person in the list where X is the result of the dice roll. Make a post to the blog with these results. The named monkey may then either choose to declare victory or continue this dynasty with eimself as the Top Banana. If e does not do either within 48 hours, repeat the whole dice rolling process until a willing successor has been found.
Amnistar: he/him
Make me the Banana
I’ll come up with something