Thursday, August 07, 2014

New Player

I would like to become a new player.  However, I should note that I will be unavailable for the next week.  I should be able to participate until around 1:00 tomorrow.


Kevan: City he/him

07-08-2014 08:56:31 UTC

Welcome to BlogNomic, you’re now a player, and quorum remains six. Your GNDT password has been sent to you.

Note that the game automatically idles out any players who are inactive for seven days, to stop them from slowing the game down (since we can’t enact a proposal until half the players have approved it). If your unavailiblity for “the next week” means that you’re not going to be playing BlogNomic for seven solid days, you might like to formally ask to be idled, on your way out - if you don’t, don’t be too surprised if somebody makes a proposal to idle you in your absence.


07-08-2014 16:28:49 UTC

I would like to become idle then.  Is this the right place to ask?

Kevan: City he/him

07-08-2014 17:27:38 UTC

Sure, you just need to have “asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past four days”. I’ve now idled you, and quorum remains 6.

See you next week.


14-08-2014 19:34:33 UTC

I’m back and I would like to be unidled please.

Kevan: City he/him

15-08-2014 09:26:03 UTC

Welcome back! Quorum remains six.


17-08-2014 06:12:29 UTC

When I try to Search my Attic, the GNDT doesn’t accept my password even though I know it is correct.  When I try to backspace to clear the box so I can retype it, it freezes on trying to backspace the last (or first) dot.  Any idea what’s going on?  If it helps, I am using an iPad.