Monday, June 09, 2014

Skirmish Goblins

As can be seen, I rolled DICE6 and got to skirmish goblins, and we are in a new week after skirmishing the spiders, but I only now realized that I need to make a post concerning this. Everyone should go get their three gold!! (This resolved before the proposal concerning the change in gold obtained)

Goblins swarmed the round table and clamored for chicken. Luckily we were well-armed.



09-06-2014 19:40:42 UTC

Guys, I did a haggle for the mace to bring down the price and said that that was what I was doing in the GNDT, but the price has not changed. Am I doing something wrong?


09-06-2014 19:40:55 UTC

Guys, I did a haggle for the mace to bring down the price and said that that was what I was doing in the GNDT, but the price has not changed. Am I doing something wrong?

Kevan: he/him

09-06-2014 20:28:50 UTC

The GNDT is just a bunch of variables, the ruleset a bunch of words. Nothing happens automatically, we’re just giving ourselves rules for how to manipulate those variables and words

You said “I am haggling the mace down as my daily action. I can do that right?” when you rolled the die. Being charitable, this has no effect - you can only haggle a price down if “no Knights are Wielding or Possess that Item”. Maces can currently only be haggled up.

Kevan: he/him

09-06-2014 20:33:49 UTC

Also “Everyone should go get their three gold!!” - although the ruleset carelessly didn’t specify who updates it, we’ve been assuming that whoever declares the Skirmish also makes sure that the GNDT is up to date afterwards. (Gaining the gold is automatic, so failing to update the GNDT just means that the GNDT is wrong, not that we don’t have the gold.)


09-06-2014 20:48:22 UTC

lol yeah….


09-06-2014 22:48:44 UTC

OK, I’ll update it now.