Thursday, September 01, 2022

What are we working with here?

If did not pass, this proposal does nothing.

Add the following as a new rule known as “Resources”:

Only items defined as resources by this rule and its subrules may be considered resources. Likewise, a resource may only have a subtype if this rule or its subrules list that as an available subtype for that resource. The following is a list of the different types of resources, accompanied by the available subtypes for the resource:

- Wood



-Iron Ore


Move the first paragraph of the rule “Stockpiles” to the beginning of the rule “Resources”, as a separate paragraph.

If passed, change the rule “Migrants” to be a subrule of the rule “Resources”

Fleshing out exactly what resources can be. This is by no means intended to be *the* list of resources for the rest of the dynasty, but rather just a jumping off point with some basics.


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

01-09-2022 17:03:38 UTC

Somehow made a new post instead of editing this one, just ignore this