Thursday, January 23, 2020

What happens to The Attendant when they get contained?

When an artefact is contained, the effects become flavor text.  So what happens if The Attendant gets contained?  If they were holding an artefact/had something in their collection what happens to it?


Josh: he/they

23-01-2020 22:53:11 UTC

In terms of the former, I guess it becomes inert - just another contained artefact. The latter case doesn’t seem to have a use case defined right now.

Kevan: he/him

23-01-2020 22:57:00 UTC

“An Individual who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action’s effects are limited to changing values tracked in gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one or more of those values to an illegal value.” would kick in and make the Containing action illegal. Would be better if we had a clause that covered it properly - I think Josh proposed something but it was rejected for tangential reasons.