Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Story Post: Wizard Duel 1

Wizard Ring for this Duel is

1. Raven1207
2. Josh
3. Snisbo
4. Vovix
5. lendunistus
6. Zack
7. Kevan
8. JonathanDark

Spell List: https://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=Wizard_Duel_Spell_List_1


Clucky: he/him

18-10-2023 04:24:11 UTC

The battle is about to commence! This duel is now pending

Clucky: he/him

18-10-2023 04:30:56 UTC

- A Gather spell was cast by Raven1207. Raven gains 1 star
- A Burn spell was cast by Josh targeting position 4. Vovix loses 3 stars. Snisbo and Lendun lose 1 star.
- A Siphon Spell was cast by Snisbo. More on that later
- A Greed spell was cast by Vovix. Vovix earns 5 stars
- A Gather spell was cast by lendunistus. lendunistus Earns 3 stars
- A Doom Cloud spell was cast by Zack. Zack spends 1 star. Everyone else loses 2 stars
- A Gift spell was cast by Kevan targeting position 8. JonathanDark earns 3 stars.
- A Gift spell was cast by JonathanDark targeting position 7. Kevan earns 3 stars.

Raven, Vovix, Lendun, Kevan and Jonathan all earned Stars. Snisbo succesfully Siphons Kevan for 1 star

Total Net Star Gains:

Raven: -1
Josh: -2
Snisbo: -2
Vovix: 0
Lendun: 0
Zack: -1
Kevan: 0
JonathanDark: +1