Sunday, August 13, 2006

a meeting with bruno

i march in time 3 days (taking the subrule 3 times). and run into bruno. bruno recognize my face from the parchments,  tells me about a secret prophecy. and gives me the sack with the scraps of parchment.

changes in the time line:
in 1419/11/29, when bruno seeks for travellers, he finds me (hey, something is better than nothing).

i searched in the ruleset and in the blog, but couldn’t find the meaning of Heisenberg Loops. can someone please leave a comment on what it is?


Kevan: City he/him

13-08-2006 13:29:37 UTC

Illegal node event change, although I’m not concerned enough to revert it - the blog posting must include “the dates and the new descriptions (including keywords) of all affected Events.”

Heisenberg Loops don’t do anything yet.


13-08-2006 18:11:34 UTC

Technically marching 3 days is also not allowed, since “[When using Modus Ponens] a Traveller may pick up to three different subrules….”  I’m also not particularly going to insist on undoing these relatively harmless actions of a new Traveller, but if anyone does object to them, please do something about it right away rather than waiting a few days.

As Kevan said, Heisenberg Loops don’t do anything yet—it frequently happens that we add stuff into the game without knowing exactly what it will end up being used for.