Story Post: Mad Prince’s Land Sale
I hear some of the Commoners have been clamouring for more Land! Well, I was never one to stand in the way of progress, but there isn’t enough to go round, so here’s the price I’m charging for a plot of Land:
- An amusing and flavourful limerick, plus
- having had a Coal ownership of exactly 9 at some point in time before you buy the plot (even if only for a few seconds).
All requests, limericks and purchases as comments to this post, please. This is a limited time offer, open for some arbitrary period of time between half a week and half a month!
It’s so hard to get good poetry these days…
Roujo: he/him
I have worked long and hard
Scraping through both my head and junkyard
To find a way to complete this offer
Without being reduced to a mere pauper
Through my own lines I saw the key
I could manage some trickery
As cheating here would mean no gain
And a good deal (I’m sure) of pain
I gave some rock to fellow Kevan
So that I wouldn’t be thought as craven
Bending law, without breaking it
Lest by the Mad Blade of Justice I be hit
I sent myself a gift of Coal
Thus managing to reach my goal
Some time back, I counted mine
And had no more no less than nine
Therefore by your royal decree
I hope, o Prince, that you agree
That some land should be awarded
To me who your challenge completed.